
in september, lecheng park kindergarten opened in tongzhou, beijing


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on september 2, 2024, with the arrival of the first batch of students and parents, the opening ceremony of lecheng park kindergarten under lecheng education was grandly launched, officially introducing lecheng education's high-quality education and teaching to tongzhou, beijing. the first batch of students, founding families, lecheng education guests, community members, etc. witnessed this milestone moment of extraordinary significance together.
enjoy: the heart of an educator and a craftsman, 20 years of accumulation and development
the opening ceremony of lecheng park kindergarten is themed "enjoyment, nature, growth", which aims to express: get close to nature and live in harmony.
embed education into life and let education infiltrate growth. coco, the principal of lecheng park kindergarten, said in her opening speech: "children in the park kindergarten can have different voices and express themselves freely; they can have different emotions, happy or sad; they can make mistakes and boldly try new things; they can have their own growth rhythm, not chasing time, not following the footsteps of others... i hope that children can become the masters of the park kindergarten and even more the masters of themselves, make their own choices in daily life and study, understand the meaning of learning, and find inner motivation."
the successful opening of lecheng park kindergarten relies on the sharing and support of lecheng's educational philosophy and resources. as a long-established international education brand in beijing, lecheng has entered its 20th year of operation. beijing lecheng school (bcis), founded in 2005, is an international baccalaureate organization (ibo) certified school. so far, lecheng has trained more than 550 graduates in 16 classes, including harvard university, columbia university, cornell university, massachusetts institute of technology, stanford university, cambridge university, oxford university, etc., and its alumni network is spread all over the world. lecheng education includes beijing lecheng school, shuangjing kindergarten, siheyuan kindergarten, park kindergarten, beijing lecheng education research institute, frontier education, etc., and provides support to members of various educational institutions so that every child can enjoy a positive and beautiful life.
nature: learn in a boundless world and grow in the embrace of nature
lecheng park kindergarten is not only the accumulation of lecheng's schooling, but also its fusion innovation of "reggio emilia + lecheng education". building a kindergarten next to the park so that children can play in nature anytime and anywhere is a gift from lecheng to preschool families - reducing the cost of getting close to nature for families living in big cities, avoiding the harm caused by children's excessive use of electronic products, providing families with professional natural education guidance and support, breaking down the barriers between children and nature, and refusing to be children who are "deficient in nature".
nature is undoubtedly an excellent real learning scene. with the park as a classroom, children can use their five senses to strengthen their ability to understand and perceive things, develop gross motor skills and fine motor skills, and have a strong physique; the natural environment and plants and animals can stimulate children's curiosity and creativity, cultivate a spirit of adventure and cognition of natural laws. at the same time, exploring and learning in nature is also a perfect entry point for interdisciplinary learning. the park is equipped with a parent activity room, an echo wall, a meditation area, a running track and a children's perception area. the children's perception area includes: planting area, perception path, scientific interaction area, mini classroom, etc. children can mobilize their five senses, perceive nature, experience the four seasons, and respect life in the aesthetic park "within ten steps".
growth: find the roots of growth for each "little ginkgo"
at the opening ceremony, parents and children jointly signed a "green agreement": embrace the wind, feed animals, watch the sunrise, pick strawberries... do 50 small things for nature; look for wish trees in the park together, and feel the growth and harvest inspired by nature. learning in the park and growing up in nature are also embedded in the daily learning of the park kindergarten.
every month, teachers will design generative thematic learning content based on the children's perspectives and interests. the first theme project after the start of school is the four seasons of autumn. teachers will systematically explore autumn with children, observe natural changes in the park, record the leaves from green to yellow, watch the birds migrating in the sky, taste the delicious fruits, grab sand and stones to feel different temperatures, and understand the relationship and rules between seasons, all things, and the environment. in the process of exploration, learn concepts such as quantity correspondence, shape, and classification in the field of mathematics, cultivate the ability to ask questions, the habit of independent thinking, and the ability to solve problems; in the natural environment, stimulate children's desire to explore and learning motivation, cultivate curiosity and patience, and learn to use different ways to express themselves in a diverse and personalized way. every day, children will also conduct free exploration and group learning. according to the questions raised by the children, teachers will extend the learning to different theme learning areas such as construction, nature, mathematical science, art, music, reading, and emotional expression, and provide systematic learning support for english language, chinese language, and mathematics.
beijing has entered the most beautiful golden autumn. lecheng park kindergarten is like an educational dialogue between family, community and the world. we look forward to appreciating the autumn scenery and discussing childhood growth with more preschool families.