
fuquan city: building an "internet critical and severe emergency rescue" system to accelerate life-saving


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mr. he, a 42-year-old patient, was injured in the left lower limb by a large truck in an accident, accompanied by multiple body pains and multiple open active bleeding in both lower limbs. his colleagues rescued him from under the wheel and immediately called 120. after receiving the call, the fuquan city 120 emergency center activated the "internet + critical and severe emergency rescue" system with one click, and successfully dispatched a car in 30 seconds. the 120 emergency vehicle set off immediately and pushed the vehicle and estimated arrival time to the mobile phone that called 120.
at this time, doctors from the emergency department, orthopedics, urology, general surgery, and icu of fuquan first people's hospital rushed to the "5g conference room" of the emergency department. after the 120 ambulance arrived at the scene, the on-site situation was simultaneously transmitted to the "5g conference room" to understand the patient's condition at the first time. the visiting doctor took emergency measures such as wound bandaging to stop bleeding, fracture fixation, establishment of intravenous access, oxygen supply, and transportation to the vehicle. during the return journey of the 120 ambulance, the patient's complexion, breathing, limb movement, blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen saturation, body temperature and other information were displayed in real time on the 5g conference room screen, and the consulting experts made treatment plans while observing.
when the ambulance arrived at the hospital, all disciplines worked in harmony to rush the patient to the operating room, where they performed emergency rescue and ultimately saved the patient's life.
this is a typical case of successful treatment of patients by the pre-hospital emergency work of fuquan first people's hospital with the support of the "internet +" platform and the joint efforts of a multidisciplinary team.
in recent years, fuquan first people's hospital has taken the construction of "five major centers" including stroke center, chest pain center, trauma center, critical maternal and child rescue center, critical pediatric and neonatal rescue center as the starting point, and the 120 emergency center as the hub to optimize the construction of pre-hospital and in-hospital emergency rescue systems, and strive to build a county-level "internet + critical and severe emergency rescue" system, realize the integrated management of pre-hospital and in-hospital emergency rescue, and promote the hospital's clinical practice and medical management to move towards standardization, systematization, process-based and standardization.
the emergency department of fuquan first people's hospital organized in-hospital experts to conduct remote consultation for 120 emergency patients
fuquan first people's hospital has deployed a 5g emergency medical rescue system to realize pre-hospital emergency electronic medical records, gis maps to accurately locate the patient's location, dispatch tasks "one-click", "one-click to receive" tasks, and receive "5g messages" on emergency phones to know the time of dispatch, driving, and arrival. the dispatch time has been reduced from 3.1 minutes to 30 seconds, and the average dispatch time has been reduced from 4.1 minutes to 2.1 minutes, greatly shortening the emergency rescue time. it also uses audio and video to realize visual "face-to-face" guidance for alarm personnel (or people around the patient) to take necessary measures for rescue or self-rescue until the ambulance personnel arrive at the scene, realizing "alarm is first aid", "getting on the car is admission", and "zero waiting for first aid". at the same time, it can effectively identify wrong alarm calls and reduce the "empty run rate" and "wrong run rate" of first aid.
fuquan first people's hospital optimized the personnel structure of the emergency center, implemented fixed posts and responsibilities, established an emergency team consisting of "chief physician + attending physician + resident physician + specialist nurse", optimized the scheduling of medical staff in the emergency rescue area, and the medical staff in each area are relatively fixed. the medical staff are trained and drilled in first aid professional theoretical knowledge and operational skills to ensure that all members of the emergency team are qualified in emergency response, operational skills, first aid equipment performance, patient handling procedures and other aspects.
fuquan first people's hospital has established a treatment plan for critically ill patients in five major centers, and formulated a detailed "internet +" pre-hospital and in-hospital emergency treatment linkage plan. in case of emergency treatment of sudden emergencies, emergencies, and major public events, the rescue network is immediately activated, and the mdt team in the hospital responds quickly, achieving a "centralized, unified, and efficient" emergency treatment model. strengthen professional practical training for critical and severe treatment, shorten the emergency radius, regularly organize medical staff under the age of 45 in the hospital to rotate to the emergency center for more than half a year, and carry out emergency specialist nursing training for all nursing staff in the hospital. at the same time, carry out skill training for everyone to be a "first aid worker", and carry out routine first aid knowledge training such as manual cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emergency calls for logistics personnel in the hospital, so that everyone understands and knows first aid.
through the establishment of the "internet + critical and severe emergency rescue" system, fuquan first people's hospital has achieved rapid upload and centralized integration of 5g network data. quality control personnel at the hospital level can analyze case data through the work platform, find weak links in the emergency rescue process, and conduct emergency rescue quality control management, thereby integrating effective resources, filling in the gaps, promoting the monitoring and management of key periods and major diseases, continuously improving the emergency rescue process, and continuously improving the emergency rescue capabilities, so that the "lifeline of treatment" and "green channel" will be further unblocked, efficient, and safe.
source: guizhou provincial patriotic health campaign committee office
editor: zhou zhige
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