
wudang district, guiyang city: excellent retired soldiers realize their dream of being on the podium


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"students, now let's play the game of "one, two, three, statue". everyone, stand at attention and get ready..." at the xintian nine-year school in wudang district, "soldier teacher" jian yi brought the basic military training content of the troops into the physical education class. this new form of teaching combining games with basic military knowledge has greatly enhanced students' enthusiasm for learning.
"it is actually not difficult to integrate basic military training subjects and national defense education into physical education, but primary school students in lower grades are generally active and their attention is easily distracted. only more vivid teaching methods can make the seeds of national defense take root more deeply in students' hearts..." said jian yi.
according to jian yi, most students are already familiar with basic training such as military posture and marching in step. in order to explore newer teaching methods, he consulted a large number of professional books, participated in various trainings, and consulted many experienced old teachers. he started from many aspects to more scientifically cultivate students' physical coordination, sensitivity and endurance. more importantly, it greatly improves children's self-control, resistance to frustration and resistance to blows, and lays a stronger foundation for mental health. nowadays, various methods such as spiritual rendering, video teaching, and game activities have brought more laughter to campus physical education classes.
the entry of "soldier teachers" into campus is an effective measure to cultivate patriotism, patriotism and masculine martial spirit among primary and secondary school students, and is also a vivid demonstration of the work of national defense education in campus. the transition from "position" to "podium" has benefited from the introduction of relevant national policies and the bold exploration and innovative practice of guiyang city, which has opened up a path for "soldier teachers" to "enter schools with a formal position".
"i have been paying attention to the relevant policies for retired soldiers. in 2022, the guiyang veterans affairs bureau released a notice on the selection and training of 'soldier teachers' on its official website. i saw that the application requirements were exactly in line with my conditions. i was very excited to have the opportunity to return to my hometown to teach and educate people." jian yi said. in april 2023, jian yi officially passed the selection and became a prospective "soldier teacher" as he wished. now, as a regular physical education teacher, due to his excellent military style and outstanding performance, he has assumed multiple positions. in addition to teaching physical education classes, he has also been designated by the school as the head of the logistics department.
over the past year, jian yi has witnessed more and more "comrades-in-arms" with firm political beliefs, strong sense of mission and responsibility, excellent work style and potential to teach joining the "soldier teachers" team in guiyang and gui'an. they brought the fine work style of the army into primary and secondary school campuses, taught ideological and political classes and national defense education classes to children, told them stories about military camps, and took them to practice military postures, subtly inspiring them to overcome difficulties in their growth and constantly climb new heights. they have become "stars" in the hearts of children and have won unanimous praise from parents and colleagues.
soldiers carry steel guns and watch the moon at the border above their heads; teachers teach with a pen and are dedicated to educating students. jian yi said that as a "soldier teacher", in his future work, he will continue to explore and innovate, immerse the fine traditions and rigorous style of the army into interesting classes, and deeply plant the seeds of loving the party, the country and the army in the hearts of primary and secondary school students.
correspondent luo nan
guizhou daily tianyan news reporter li zhongdi
edited by luo chang
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