
problematic special training institutions: "special training camps" become "violent camps", which in turn deepen children's rebelliousness and resistance


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recently, henan zhongmu county kezhen development service co., ltd. has been trending on the internet due to two news reports. according to media reports, a parent previously posted that his 14-year-old daughter xiaoling (pseudonym) was physically punished by the instructor during training at henan zhongmu kezhen quality education school. shortly after this incident, another student's parent revealed to the media that his son ma was beaten during training at the same company and was even forcibly molested by the instructor, and said that he had reported the case.

on september 4, according to the official weibo of "zhongmu release", after investigation, jin from henan kezhen development service co., ltd. used his position as an instructor to molest students. at present, jin, who is suspected of molestation, and wu, the instructor who is suspected of corporal punishment of xiaoling, have been taken criminal compulsory measures in accordance with the law, and the case is being further handled. henan kezhen development service co., ltd. has been shut down and is being banned in accordance with the law. zhongmu county will severely deal with henan kezhen development service co., ltd. and relevant responsible persons in accordance with the law and regulations based on the investigation results.

upstream news reporters noticed that the exposed "kezhen quality education school" is similar to many problematic youth training institutions on the market. although they have different names, some are named "internet addiction treatment" and some are named "behavior correction", they have all been involved in abuses against underage students, and many instructors have been punished. why do special training institutions with the purpose of "correcting problems" frequently break out in such scandals?

the notice released by the official weibo account of "zhongmu release". screenshot from the internet

many students were abused in the "quality education school"

it is understood that henan kezhen expansion service co., ltd. involved in this case was established on august 21, 2021. the legal representative is wang donglei. the registered capital is 3 million yuan. its business scope includes experiential expansion activities and planning; sports event planning; sports competition organization; sports support organization; education consulting services (excluding education and training activities involving licensing and approval), etc.

on september 2, xiaoling's father, mr. wang, revealed that his 14-year-old daughter was somewhat rebellious. on june 27, they handed her over to the teachers of kezhen quality education school, hoping that she would learn chinese culture and receive psychological counseling. "there were some physical training in the school, and my daughter couldn't stand it. when she was exhausted, she was dragged out to the sun by the school instructor. in addition, they tied her hair to a pillar and hit her head. my daughter's classmates told me that the female instructor even made my daughter take off her clothes and crawl on the ground."

mr. wang said that he paid more than 29,000 yuan in tuition to the institution. during the training, his wife asked to go to the school to see their daughter, but was rejected. the school notified the family only after their daughter was sent to the hospital.

mr. wang's daughter xiaoling lies on the hospital bed. photo courtesy of jiupai news

shortly after the incident, another student's parent, mr. ma, broke the news to the media that his son was beaten during training at zhongmu county kezhen development service co., ltd. and was even molested by the instructor. "a total of six boys were molested. it was not until my son went to the police station to report the case that i learned what had happened to him."

according to jiupai news, the company involved, ke zhen, stated in an online advertisement that they have built the "hongzhi camp" with comprehensive content including psychological counseling, military experience, chinese culture painting, and labor experience, providing young people with an expansion base with a superior environment and strong faculty. they focus on educational management of experiential expansion and are committed to conducting intensive training in the form of team series courses, mental health courses, experiential expansion, and adventure education.

the receipt of the case provided by mr. ma. photo courtesy of xiaoxiang morning news

upstream news reporters noticed that the projects mentioned in the advertisement, such as "psychological counseling, military experience, chinese painting, and labor experience", are similar to the promotional content of many training institutions under the name of "youth special training". it is understood that the so-called "youth special training" refers to the centralized behavior correction for "problem teenagers" with serious internet addiction, aversion to learning, rebellion, and addiction to games.

a search on the internet using the keyword "special training for teenagers" shows that there are similar institutions in many places across the country. their slogans often mention "rebellious education", "school aversion education", "premature love education", "game addiction", etc. "militarization" and "closed management" are the main management methods of such institutions.

a reporter from upstream news randomly clicked on an advertising page of xx cultural education school with "special training camp for teenagers" as the advertising keyword, and saw that its business mainly targets problems such as rebelliousness, school aversion, depression, and internet addiction among teenagers aged 8-18.

the course system includes psychological counseling: psychological counselors provide one-on-one psychological combing and cognitive adjustment;

specialty learning: discover children's interests and talents, and focus on their personalized training;

gratitude education: improving personal moral character, life words and deeds;

study tour education: instructors lead children out of the campus for study tours;

military training: cultivate children's perseverance and improve their ability to take care of themselves;

labor education: outdoor labor experience, cherishing the present life, and cultivating the awareness of conservation;

legal education: legal education can improve children's legal awareness and deepen legal education;

chinese classics: reading classical culture can improve one’s self-cultivation and cultivate one’s temperament.

the teenager who was sent to "special training" by his parents

by combing through multiple media reports, the stories of those "problem teenagers" who received "special training" gradually emerged.

li wen (pseudonym), a young man from guangzhou who had just graduated from primary school and entered junior high school, became addicted to mobile games. in addition to completing all the levels in the game, he also became a game blogger with millions of fans. gradually, li wen lost control of his time, became tired of studying, and his academic performance plummeted. later, he simply stopped going to school and hid in his room playing games all day.

in order to stop their son from playing games, li wen's parents tried every possible means: cutting off the internet cable, hiding the mobile phone, and watching him closely. the family that was originally full of laughter and joy is now filled with games and quarrels between parents and children. on the evening of december 16, 2020, li wen was "escorted" from his home to a white van, saying that he was sent to a "disciplinary school for training." it takes more than four hours to drive from his home in guangzhou to nanning, guangxi. li wen's hands were tied with a thick hemp rope. if he resisted a little, someone would pinch his arms until he lost consciousness due to the pain.

another person who had a similar experience was sun xiaoxue (pseudonym). march 7, 2021, sunday, was sun xiaoxue's 16th birthday. after having a birthday lunch with her family, she was "tricked" into the car by her parents. sun xiaoxue, who was just beginning to fall in love, is a fan of japanese comics. because she and a boy in the class had a common hobby, the two got closer, which made their parents even more nervous. "they followed me, and as long as i came back half an hour late from school, they would scold me for not knowing how to be ashamed." sun xiaoxue felt that her parents were suspicious and sensitive, and often secretly unlocked her mobile phone password and checked the chat content while she was taking a shower or sleeping. staying out all night, clubbing, and learning to smoke became sun xiaoxue's way of revenge, so her parents quarreled with her, and the relationship between the family fell to the freezing point.

according to reports, li wen and sun xiaoxue were sent to the qunbo inspirational education school in nanning, guangxi (hereinafter referred to as qunbo inspirational school), along with 45 other teenagers. in the eyes of their parents, they are "derailed" teenagers who are difficult to discipline: some are addicted to the internet, some fight and skip school, and some have already dropped out of school. according to the school's official website, as of that year, nearly 2,000 students had registered, of which more than 95% were minors, with a male-to-female ratio of 2:1, and the youngest was only 8 years old.

students at qunbo inspirational school are undergoing "training". photo courtesy of beijing news

the head of the special training institution is suspected of rape and still owes foreign debts

after the "problem teenagers" were sent to special training institutions, accidents frequently occurred.

on august 14 this year, jiangxi anyuan police issued a notice stating that the police received a report from the public at about 14:00 on august 2 that their daughter du had been raped. on august 4, the suspect wang was arrested and detained in accordance with the law. according to previous reports, du was suspected of being sexually assaulted by the person in charge when she participated in a so-called training camp, and fell to her death from the 6th floor on the second day after the police filed a case. according to modern express, the institution where du participated in training before his death was the wubing special training camp in anyuan county, jiangxi.

tianyancha data shows that the actual operator of anyuan wubing special training camp is "ganzhou wubing consulting service co., ltd.". the company was established in september 2018. its business scope includes outdoor expansion activities and planning, parent-child activity education consulting and services, eco-tourism project development, and agricultural and sideline product development and sales.

the introduction of the douyin account of this special training camp shows that the company "is specially designed for the quality education of teenagers, to improve children's bad habits such as procrastination, laziness, lack of time concept, addiction to mobile phones, lack of concentration, timidity, lack of confidence, and lack of gratitude". according to the relevant videos posted under the account, the special training camp is mainly aimed at teenagers aged 7 to 16, and the training time for one phase is more than 20 days. during the training activities, the participating young trainees will eat and live in the training base. the training content includes basic physical training, gratitude education, and contact and experience of some so-called "military equipment". the instructors will also let the trainees "recognize their past mistakes" through reprimands and reproaches, and then "be grateful to their parents" and "correct bad habits". in the comment area of ​​the video, trainees who have participated in the training camp left a message saying that in addition to daily training behaviors, personal routines and meals are strictly controlled by the instructors.

according to an insider, mr. gong, the suspect wang had a bad character and was in debt. mr. gong recalled that about seven or eight years ago, wang had approached him to seek cooperation, "in the area of ​​summer youth military activities. because of this, i spent ten days with him." however, this short contact of more than ten days made mr. gong no longer willing to cooperate with him. he leaked my phone number, so many people who asked for loans called me, and i only then realized that he owed a lot of debts outside. "mr. gong revealed that most of the instructors in the wubing special training camp were put together temporarily. "this business is seasonal, and it is mainly concentrated in the summer vacation when students are on vacation, so many instructors are temporarily recruited from the society, and the personnel quality and related training are not very strict. "

problematic training institutions that have been repeatedly exposed

upstream news reporters noticed that in recent years, some youth special training institutions have been repeatedly exposed by the media for incidents of abuse of minors in training.

at the beginning of 2023, multiple platforms exposed that the henan province "yashengsi quality education base" located in zhongmu, zhengzhou, beat and physically punished students who were trying to quit internet addiction under the banner of quality education and influencing children. it was reported online that the institution had problems with corporal punishment such as slapping, spraying pepper spray, and running with tires on the back. on january 28, 2023, zhongmu county responded to the incident and launched a joint investigation into the online reports about yashengsi company.

in june 2024, a video of an instructor at a training institution in nanning, guangxi, repeatedly pushing a child's head into the water and then lifting it up went viral online. in response, the institution's staff said the video was taken during last year's training, which was broadcast live and watched by parents. the training was to help children achieve psychological breakthroughs, and the water in the venue was very shallow, so it would be conducted under safe conditions.

trainees at the sichuan xinbashu special training camp said the scars were caused by corporal punishment by the instructors. upstream news file photo

in august this year, the staff of sichuan xinbashu special training camp school pretended to be police officers and beat students, which aroused heated discussions among netizens. the related topic "a special training school in chengdu was exposed to beat students pretending to be police officers" became a hot search on social platforms. according to media reports, many trainees told media reporters about their experiences, saying that being bullied and beaten is normal in this institution. there are situations such as being forced to eat slop buns, one person making a mistake and the whole class being punished, running around the playground with an "iron schoolbag", and older trainees bullying new trainees and primary school students. in november 2023, xiaojia (pseudonym) was sent here by his parents because of autism and aversion to school. "i was taken in by the instructor, first my mobile phone and hard objects on my body were confiscated, and then i was taken to the psychological counseling room on the second floor, and a video was taken to let me say that i was wrong, and then sent to my parents." xiaojia recalled that he wanted to grab the mobile phone at that time but was beaten by the instructor.

"zero tolerance" attitude to severely punish illegal acts

when parents face their children's rebelliousness or aversion to school during adolescence, they often feel powerless and anxious, and therefore place their hopes on external intervention; some parents are superstitious about "beating makes a good son", ignoring the fact that the essence of education is understanding, care and guidance; some parents do not realize or refuse to admit that their children's problems are often causally related to their educational methods. parents who attribute all their children's problems to "disobedience" coincide with special training camps that claim to make their children "obedient" quickly.

some media commented that some institutions, under the banner of correcting bad behavior habits, let children suffer inhuman torture such as insults, beatings, and abuse. the so-called "special training camps" for teenagers have become "violence camps", which not only cause serious harm to children's body and mind, but also have a strong impact on social stability. some experts pointed out that this kind of "behavioral correction" not only fails to help children change their bad habits, but is likely to cause them to rebel and resist. on the one hand, they claim to be "regularized counseling", but on the other hand, they use violence against students to achieve the effect of "education". the illegal nature of such practices is self-evident.

obviously, the relevant departments urgently need to strengthen supervision and regulation of institutions similar to "special training camps" for young people. education is not a commercial project, but a responsibility related to the future of young people. it is necessary to promptly and seriously investigate and punish illegal acts of "implementing violent correction in the name of education", strengthen review and daily inspections, and ensure that young people receive education in a safe and respectful environment. once it is found that an institution has problems such as insults, beatings, and abuse, it must be resolutely punished with a "zero tolerance" attitude to serve as a warning to others, and the so-called "special training camp" must not become a "violence camp."

to change this phenomenon, in addition to strict supervision by government departments, resolute crackdown on illegal institutions, strict entry barriers, and fully transparent process supervision, the whole society needs to correct wrong educational concepts and help parents learn correct educational methods. however, this will inevitably require long-term and continuous efforts. there is no shortcut to education. from this perspective, it is precisely the parents who really need training.

upstream news reporter xu yuanzhe compiled some information from china news service, guangming online, xiaoxiang morning news, huasheng online, chao news, jiupai news, beijing news, modern express, etc.