
nato's eastern wing allies increase their defense budgets, with poland taking the lead


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reference news reported on september 4last october's parliamentary elections brought a change of government in poland, but did not dampen warsaw's interest in new weapons. as the russian-ukrainian conflict continues to drive poland's military modernization efforts, global defense companies are preparing to promote their products at the upcoming kielce international defense industry exhibition in poland.
the event, which will be held from september 3 to 6, has become a major defense trade show in the region in recent years. since the outbreak of the russian-ukrainian conflict in february 2022, nato's eastern flank allies have increased their defense budgets in response. poland has taken the lead, planning to spend about 160 billion zlotys ($41.5 billion) on its armed forces this year, about 4.2% of the country's gross domestic product.
if warsaw uses the earmarked funds this year, the country could spend more on defense as a percentage of gdp than any other nato member this year. poland could further increase its defense budget in 2025.
tomasz smura, project director of the warsaw-based kazimierz pulaski foundation, said the tusk government, which took office in december 2023, is continuing some projects started by the previous government, buying equipment from american and south korean companies. he said there has also been a noticeable increase in activity by european companies, who hope the change in government will pave the way for them to win more contracts.
"since the change of government, poland's relations with germany and france have significantly improved, so naturally, defense companies from these countries are showing increasing interest in cooperating with the polish defense industry," smura said. "warsaw is planning to buy new submarines, fighter jets, and various vehicles for the polish army. this brings many opportunities for foreign manufacturers."
the ministry of defense is preparing a series of procurements for the polish air force, navy and army. most of the major contracts this year were awarded to american manufacturers. these include a $10 billion contract signed in august to purchase 96 boeing ah-64e apache attack helicopters, a $2.5 billion contract signed in february to purchase northrop grumman's integrated battle command system, and a $1 billion contract signed in may to purchase four early warning radar systems from the united states on aerostats.
the ministry of defense also signed an agreement in april to purchase 72 k239 sky dance multiple rocket launcher systems from south korea's hanwha aerospace for approximately $1.6 billion. the deal was widely seen as a sign that the tusk government will continue to purchase weapons under the framework contract of the previous government, including fa-50 light attack aircraft, k9 howitzers, k2 "black panther" tanks and sky dance rocket launcher systems. (compiled by li sha)