
us media: strip away the appearance of made in india and you will find that the chinese content is getting higher and higher


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cailianshe news, september 3 (editor: shi zhengcheng)in recent years, as more and more american companies have begun to pursue the so-called "supply chain diversification", india has become a popular "manufacturing hedge base".

but according to an analysis of trade data by the us media washington post,as india has expanded production of smartphones, solar panels and medicines in recent years, the country's dependence on chinese imports has further increased.according to statistics from the indian think tank global trade research initiative (gtri),india's imports from china are growing at twice the rate of its overall imports and currently account for almost one-third of india's imports.

among them, the faster the growth rate of an industry, the faster its dependence on china.

for example, the confederation of indian industry stated thatnearly two-thirds of india’s electronic component imports come from china, covering circuit boards, batteries, etc. gtri also said that such imports from china have tripled in the past five years.

as a major exporter of generic drugs,india is also more dependent on china's pharmaceutical raw materialsstatistics show that in the past five years, india's imports of pharmaceutical raw materials and intermediates from china have increased by more than 50%.

similar situations also occur in various industries:india's textile industry is increasing its imports of chinese yarn and fabrics, and india's automobile manufacturing industry is also accelerating the import of chinese parts; for well-known reasons, india's photovoltaic module exports to the united states have surged since 2022, which has also driven positive demand for chinese raw materials.

in addition to raw materials, india, which is in the early stages of industrial transformation, is also eager to gain valuable experience in china's manufacturing transformation. faced with the various restrictions imposed by the indian government, the indian industrial sector has begun to pressure the modi government to relax visa restrictions on chinese technicians to help indian workers use chinese machinery to produce mobile phones, textiles and shoes.

princeton university economist ashoka mody commented:china can help india gain a foothold at the lowest rung of the global skills ladder.especially now that those rungs are moving up, india needs to act now. the staggering irony is that indian officials are advocating self-reliance at a time when india’s economic growth is increasingly dependent on foreign expertise, especially from china.”

since 2020, investment from china (and other neighboring countries) has long been in the process of "case-by-case review", which is slow and cumbersome. but with the "general trend", the indian government's attitude has softened significantly this year.

according to an anonymous indian government official,since april this year, at least 11 electronic industry investment cases involving china have been approvedin addition, there are joint ventures with companies in the fast fashion and automotive industries, all of which are ultimately aimed at the export market.

in a recent economic survey, v. anantha nageswaran, chief economic adviser to the indian government, pointed out thatin order to promote the development of india's manufacturing industry and integrate into the global supply chain, india will inevitably integrate into the chinese supply chain. whether it is completely dependent on imports or partially through chinese investment, this is a choice india must make.