
australia strengthens military interaction with india and japan, deploys growler fighter jets


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the picture shows japan and australia conducting joint maritime military exercises

the australian department of defense announced on the 3rd that australia has sent fighter jets to india for the first time to participate in a large-scale multinational exercise hosted by india. in addition, australia and japan will hold a "2+2" dialogue between foreign and defense ministers in melbourne on the 5th. experts interviewed by the global times believe that as the "deputy sheriff" of the united states in the indo-pacific region, australia is committed to strengthening cooperation with india and japan in the field of indo-pacific security.

the "tarang shakti-2024" exercise was held at the jodhpur air force base in india from august 30 to september 13, with the participation of 11 participating countries and 18 observer countries. the royal australian air force sent a total of 3 ea-18g "growler" fighters and 120 personnel to participate in the exercise. royal australian air force marshal chappell said that participating in the "tarang shakti" exercise shows australia's commitment to supporting regional partners and promoting international cooperation to meet common security challenges. chappell also said that india is australia's top security partner. through the comprehensive strategic partnership between australia and india, the australian government will continue to prioritize practical cooperation that directly contributes to the stability of the "indo-pacific region."

according to information released by the australian department of defense, australia-india air defense cooperation has been continuously strengthened in recent years, and the indian air force has participated in the "pitch black" military exercises held in australia in 2018, 2022 and 2024. the australian air force also conducted a series of training and exercise operations with the indian navy's p-8i "neptune" reconnaissance aircraft.

yu lei, chief researcher at the pacific island research center of liaocheng university, said in an interview with the global times on the 3rd that although india and australia are both members of the quadrilateral security dialogue (quad) of the united states, japan, india and australia, they have previously competed for hegemony in the indian ocean and were unwilling for australia to be overly involved in indian ocean affairs. however, in recent years, india has been more active in cooperating with the united states to contain china, and therefore india-australia security cooperation has increased.

another manifestation of australia's strengthening cooperation with its partners in the "indo-pacific region" is that on the 5th of this month, australia and japan will hold a "2+2" security dialogue between foreign ministers and defense ministers. australian deputy prime minister and defense minister mars and foreign minister penny wong will attend the meeting. it is expected that both sides will commit to deeper security cooperation, including expanding joint exercises. according to the australian financial review on the 3rd, penny wong called on countries in the indo-pacific region to establish a united front and play a collective role in defusing tensions in the pacific region and avoiding a devastating conflict between china and the united states at the forum held that day.

according to kyodo news, an important topic of the australia-japan "2+2" dialogue was the japanese government's decision to participate in the bidding for the australian navy's new warships. the report said that japan intends to jointly develop a new frigate with the australian navy based on the maritime self-defense force's latest "mogami" class frigate (ffm). if japan can obtain the order, it will be another major international joint development project after jointly developing a new generation of fighter jets with the united kingdom and italy.

"australia has always been an active promoter of quad and has continuously strengthened cooperation with india and japan in the field of indo-pacific security." yu lei further analyzed that australia is the "deputy sheriff" of the united states in the indo-pacific region. whether cooperating with india or japan, the core consideration of australian politicians is to obtain the support of the us government and military, which is their "foundation of existence." without the support of the united states, australian political and military figures would not be able to step into high positions. "therefore, the australian political and military top leaders are not completely consistent with the interests of australia's national interests and the interests of the general public. at present, australian prices have been soaring, and people's dissatisfaction with the labor party has grown rapidly. australia's policy toward china will take into account economic relations with china to a certain extent, but it will still be guided by the us policy toward china." yu lei said.