
63-year-old song dandan: i have let go of the grudge with yingda, but i do not allow my son to divorce. why?


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once upon a time, song dandan's name was associated with laughter. with her unique sense of humor and superb performance skills, she became the "queen of sketches" in the hearts of countless audiences.

however, time flies and the former screen star has now quietly retired. the 63-year-old song dandan has chosen a completely different lifestyle, devoting all her energy to taking care of her two lovely grandchildren.

what kind of story is hidden behind such a huge change? what is even more puzzling is why this woman who has experienced marriage turmoil would be so determined to prevent her son yingbatu from getting a divorce? let us unveil the mystery of song dandan's life and explore her mental journey from the spotlight to ordinary life.

song dandan's emotional journey is like a dramatic drama. her three marriages witnessed her growth and transformation from pursuing appearance to cherishing inner self.

when she was young and frivolous, song dandan had a dream of handsome men. in 1986, she met a handsome civil servant, which seemed like a dream come true. the flame of love was ignited quickly, and the two entered the marriage palace hand in hand just three months later.

however, this flash marriage was short-lived and broke up after only one year. this short marriage experience made song dandan realize that the glamorous appearance could not withstand the test of real life.

time flies. during the rehearsal of the drama "the arsonist", song dandan met the assistant director yingda. yingda had just returned from studying in the united states and was attracted by song dandan's cheerful personality.

the two were of similar age and had both experienced setbacks in marriage, so they soon fell in love. in 1989, they got married in beijing and started a new chapter in their lives.

however, life after marriage was not as perfect as imagined. song dandan shouldered the burden of the family alone, while yingda was like a "young master" who didn't care about housework. even when song dandan was pregnant, she still had to balance her busy acting career and family affairs, and even ran around on the set with a big belly.

the 1993 tv series "i love my family" co-starred by the two made them a celebrity couple that everyone paid attention to, but behind the camera was song dandan's silent dedication and hardship.

in the end, yingda's betrayal brought the marriage to an end. when writing the sequel to "i love my family", yingda secretly fell in love with the young and beautiful screenwriter liang huan. when the truth came to light, song dandan was heartbroken and resolutely signed the divorce agreement.

after the divorce, yingda quickly formed a new family with liang huan and ignored their son yingbatu. song dandan took on the responsibility of raising her son alone, and every quiet night was a moment for her to burst into tears.

after two failed marriages, song dandan's friends introduced her to her current husband, zhao yuji, who is a master's student at fudan university and also experienced a failed marriage.

the two fell in love at first sight and quickly formed a new family. this reconstituted family consisting of a single mother with a son and a single father with a daughter, although full of challenges, brought song dandan the long-lost warmth and peace.

zhao yuji cared for ying batu and treated him as her own son. even zhao ting, who became his elder sister, treated ying batu as her own brother. the harmony of this reconstituted family brought new hope to song dandan.

song dandan's three marriages, from pursuing appearance to cherishing inner qualities, from passionate to plain, witnessed her deepening understanding of love. this ups and downs of the emotional journey not only shaped the song dandan of today, but also laid the groundwork for her attitude towards her son's marriage in the future.

in 1993, the tv series "i love my family" swept the country like a whirlwind, pushing the screen couple yingda and song dandan to the peak of their careers. however, the real life behind the camera was a different story, full of sad details.

after marriage, yingda seemed to have turned into a young master who was naive and avoided household chores. song dandan not only had to take care of her newborn son yingbatu, but also had to endure yingda's various complaints.

whenever yingda couldn't find the car keys, he would angrily question song dandan, and song dandan could only endure it silently and quickly find the keys and hand them to him. this unequal family relationship made song dandan feel stressed.

in 1994, an unexpected accident added to song dandan's burden. her father-in-law was seriously ill and hospitalized, so song dandan had to take on multiple duties. she looked after the children during the day and rushed to the hospital to take care of her father-in-law at night, so as not to distract yingda from family matters.

however, yingda not only did not understand his wife's hard work, but also complained because song dandan failed to come home on time to prepare breakfast for him. these behaviors made song dandan feel deeply disappointed and helpless.

the turning point of fate occurred when yingda was working on the sequel to "i love my family". he met the talented young screenwriter liang huan, and the two frequently came into contact due to work. liang huan, 25, was in her prime, while song dandan, who was already a mother, gradually lost her appeal in yingda's eyes.

yingda began to have a secret relationship with liang huan, and the affair soon spread.

at first, song dandan didn't believe the rumors. however, as the situation intensified, she had to face the cruel reality. when she questioned yingda, he frankly admitted his infidelity and even took the initiative to file for divorce.

years of grievances and pain burst out at this moment, and song dandan signed the divorce agreement in tears.

after the divorce, yingda quickly formed a new family with liang huan and ignored his son yingbatu. song dandan took on the responsibility of raising her son alone, and every quiet night was a moment for her to burst into tears.

despite her friends' best efforts to comfort her, song dandan was still unable to shake off the trauma in her heart.

the breakdown of this marriage not only brought great psychological trauma to song dandan, but also deeply affected the young ying batu. after yingda formed a new family, he poured all his love and care into his son ying rudi, who was born to liang huan.

he invested a huge amount of money to train ying rudi, enrolled him in expensive skating and ice hockey courses, and even sent him to a prestigious overseas university for further studies. in contrast, ying batu was even refused his father's phone number, and this obvious favoritism made ying batu feel very painful.

the failure of this marriage not only destroyed a family, but also left two generations with psychological trauma that is difficult to heal.

yingbatu's childhood was spent in a mixture of longing for fatherly love and disappointment. the departure of his father yingda left an incurable scar on his young heart.

young ying batu often pestered his mother song dandan, asking about his father's whereabouts in an innocent tone, hoping to reunite with his father one day. facing her son's expectant eyes, song dandan could only answer with silence. over time, ying batu also learned to bury this longing deep in his heart.

as he grew older, yingbatu looked more and more like yingda. this unintentional resemblance became an invisible barrier between him and his mother. song dandan, perhaps to prevent her son from becoming as fat as yingda, or because she did not want to see the shadow of her ex-husband in her son, began to strictly control yingbatu's diet.

throughout his childhood, yingbatu hardly tasted desserts, and even eating one more bite of steamed bun would cause his mother to object. this harsh way of discipline invisibly deepened the gap between mother and son.

in 2001, an accidental temptation of desserts triggered a fierce conflict between mother and son. when song dandan found ying batu stealing the cake, she was so angry that she lost control of her emotions and hit her son.

this action deeply hurt yingbatu's young heart. he carried his schoolbag with tears in his eyes and cried to find his father. this scene not only hurt song dandan's heart, but also made her realize that there might be something wrong with her education method.

after searching everywhere, song dandan finally found her lost son in the subway station. the mother and son hugged and cried. this experience also made song dandan begin to reflect on her own education methods.

when he grew up, yingbatu was sent to study in the united states. although his half brother ying rudi also studied ice hockey in the united states, yingda never visited yingbatu.

this long-term neglect and indifference made yingbatu more and more emotionally alienated from his biological father. the lack of fatherly love became an eternal pain in yingbatu's heart and also profoundly affected the formation of his character.

after returning to china, yingbatu successfully entered the entertainment industry with the artistic talent inherited from his parents. in 2017, he married actor wang bogu, whom he met in "the happy life of jin tailang".

now yingbatu has given birth to two lively and lovely grandchildren for song dandan, bringing new hope and joy to this once broken family.

yingbatu's growth process is a story of constantly searching for himself in the absence of fatherly love. despite many difficulties and psychological trauma, he finally found his own happiness and healed his childhood regrets in his own way.

however, the little boy who once longed for his father's love may always exist deep in his heart.

time has washed away many past grievances. now 63 years old, song dandan seems to have found inner peace, choosing to let go of the dispute with her ex-husband yingda and adopt a more open-minded attitude towards life.

after retirement, song dandan has transformed into a full-time grandmother, devoting all her energy to taking care of her two lovely grandchildren. once upon a time, she was an active "sketch queen" on the screen, but now she enjoys ordinary family life.

amid the laughter of her grandchildren, song dandan seemed to have found the meaning and happiness of life again.

however, letting go does not mean forgetting. when conflicts arose between ying batu and wang bogu, song dandan always stood firmly on the side of her daughter-in-law. she repeatedly warned ying batu not to talk about divorce lightly, otherwise he would face the consequence of breaking up with his mother.

behind this attitude is song dandan's cherishment of the integrity of the family and her deep hope that she does not want her son to repeat her mistakes. having experienced the failure of marriage, song dandan knows the harm caused by family breakdown to children, so she does her best to maintain her son's marriage.

on the other hand, ying batu's half-brother ying rudi is also trying to repair family relations. he publicly stated that he had tried to contact ying batu many times but failed to get a response.

ying rudi admitted: "i was afraid that too much contact would affect my brother's daily life, so i didn't dare to disturb him easily." this cautious attitude reflects that although there is a gap between the brothers, there is still mutual understanding and respect.

ying ruodi's action also implies that this once broken family may still have the possibility of reconnecting.

although yingda was never able to play the role of a good father in yingbatu's life, song dandan showed the children the power of family affection through her actions.

she taught them by example to let go of hatred, to move forward bravely and to always maintain an optimistic attitude. this positive attitude towards life has undoubtedly injected positive energy into the whole family.

although the family still has unhealed wounds, they have found a way to get along. song dandan, ying batu and wang bogu have formed a mutually supportive relationship, and ying rudi is also trying to integrate into this big family.

this family, which has experienced many ups and downs, is moving towards reconciliation and rebirth in its own way.

song dandan's experience tells us that even if we have experienced pain, as long as we keep kindness and an open mind, family relationships can eventually find a new balance.

her story also provides valuable inspiration for many families facing similar difficulties.

the story of song dandan and yingda is far more than just the private history of a family. it deeply reveals the profound impact of family conflicts on the next generation.

yingbatu's growth experience vividly illustrates the negative impact of the lack of fatherly love on a child's psychological development. he longed for his father's love since he was a child but received no response. this long-term lack of emotion left a scar in his heart that is difficult to heal.

on the other hand, although ying rudi was favored by his father, he found it difficult to establish a normal brotherly relationship with his half brother due to the division of the family. these two innocent children suffered from the troubles brought about by their parents' emotional disputes to varying degrees.

however, song dandan demonstrated the wisdom of "letting go" with her own actions. not only did she raise yingbatu well on her own, she also accepted the reconstituted family with an open mind and demonstrated the power of family affection to the children with her practical actions.

her experience tells us that even after experiencing pain, we must learn to let go of hatred and maintain an optimistic attitude towards life.

the story of this family tells us that every decision made by parents may have a profound impact on their children. for every family, reconciliation and tolerance may be the best way to heal wounds and rebuild happiness.

only by dealing with emotional issues in a mature and responsible manner can we create a healthy and harmonious growth environment for the next generation.