
yan xuejing's life is so arrogant: after becoming a grandmother at the age of 48, she got pregnant again, and her son's answer was amazing


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most people in middle age are already planning for retirement, but for yan xuejing, life has ushered in an unexpected change at this time.

an unexpected turning point.

at the age of 48, she not only became a grandmother, but also unexpectedly became pregnant with her third child.

this comedian, who frequently appears on the cctv spring festival gala stage, has demonstrated what "arrogance" means through his own life.

how did a grassroots girl from the countryside become a comedian loved by the audience?

how can he welcome a new life at the age of 48?

speaking of yan xuejing, who would have thought that this "laughing girl" on the spring festival gala stage actually came from the fields?

if you ask me, this "rural sister" is simply the "white, rich and beautiful" in the comedy world. she grew up in the soil but bloomed on the stage.

yan xuejing's early life can be said to be an example of "finding joy in suffering".

she suffered a lot during her time in the countryside, but this girl managed to make her life sweet.

look at her face that is always smiling, how could you imagine how many bitter tears are hidden behind it?

but it was this tenacity in digging for food in the soil that made her later comedic life a success.

speaking of yan xuejing's "road to the spring festival gala", it has been full of twists and turns.

at the beginning, she was like a "little transparent" and played a role on the edge of the stage in obscurity.

who would have thought that this inconspicuous supporting role would later become feng gong's "golden partner"?

speaking of the combination of feng gong and yan xuejing, it is simply a "fight of gods" in the comedy world.

when the two of them stood on the stage, they had such a perfect understanding with each other that the audience never stopped laughing.

the skit they collaborated on, "we're not short of money", is simply the "song of the year" of the spring festival gala.

i bet that there was no one in the whole country who was not amused by this pair of funny people.

yan xuejing's performance on stage is simply like "possessed by the spirit of drama".

her exaggerated expressions, mixed with the lines that have a strong rural flavor, make people laugh.

sometimes i wonder if she has incorporated all the ups and downs of rural life into her performance?

but yan xuejing is not just good at making people laugh with just one trick.

in the family ethics drama, the characters she portrayed made the audience cry and laugh.

take "my mother tian xiaocao" for example, yan xuejing is simply a "jack of all trades" in the play.

she played the three-in-one roles of wife, mother and aunt to perfection.

watching her teaching the children how to face difficulties in the play, her stubbornness is exactly the same as her own.

yan xuejing's calmness in the face of exclusion, her filial piety to her mother-in-law, and her attentiveness in taking care of her sick husband are all very moving.

i think the secret of yan xuejing's success is: treat life as a play, and treat the play as life.

she is like a mirror, reflecting the ups and downs of ordinary people's lives.

this is probably why so many viewers like her.

speaking of yan xuejing's life turning point, it was truly a "miracle turning point"!

this 48-year-old "veteran" mother welcomed her third child not long after becoming a grandmother.

my god, this is such a life hack!

when yan xuejing became a grandmother, she must have been very happy, thinking that she could finally enjoy the happiness of family.

who would have thought that god would play such a huge joke on her.

during a routine physical examination, the doctor told her: "congratulations, you are going to be a mother again!"

i bet yan xuejing's expression at that time must have been even more exciting than her performance in the spring festival gala skit.

this news was like a bombshell, shattering her originally peaceful life.

if you tell others that i'm going to be a mother again at the age of 48, i'm afraid it will scare a lot of people to death.

yan xuejing was probably confused for quite a while, and there must have been a struggle between heaven and man going on in her mind.

on the one hand, i am looking forward to a new life, but on the other hand, i am worried about whether i can take good care of the child when i am old.

i'm afraid only those who have experienced it can understand this kind of entanglement.

but i have to say that the way yan xuejing handled this matter is really admirable.

she did not bear it alone, but chose to be honest with her family and discuss it together.

this courage and wisdom is truly a role model for the "mom world"!

i guess she must have been nervous when she confessed to her family.

after all, not all families can accept having another child at such an old age.

but the answer from yan xuejing's son was simply a "god-like reply"!

"you don't need to discuss this with us, you should discuss it with uncle ma!"

this answer is simply the "representative of a warm-hearted man" among sons!

not only did he not blame them, but he also took the parents' feelings into consideration.

this kind of understanding and support probably gave yan xuejing great courage.

i think it is really amazing that yan xuejing can welcome a new life again at the age of 48.

this requires not only courage, but also a strong heart and physical fitness.

imagine that while others are enjoying the fun of playing with their grandchildren, she has to start changing diapers and staying up late to take care of her baby again.

this contrast is simply the "ups and downs" of life!

but i think yan xuejing can definitely turn this "accident" into a "surprise".

after all, she is yan xuejing who always brings joy on stage!

to be honest, yan xuejing's enthusiasm for "second business" as a mother at the age of 48 is simply a model of a life full of luck!

but if you think about it carefully, this courage and optimism do not come out of thin air.

yan xuejing's philosophy of life, to put it simply, is: face life with a smile and move forward courageously.

take her friendship with sun li for example, the relationship between these two people is even more exciting than the script.

one time, yan xuejing’s health suddenly started to deteriorate due to too much work pressure.

after the doctor examined her, he directly diagnosed her with cancer.

if it were me, i would probably faint from fright on the spot.

but what about yan xuejing? she remained calm and did not lose her composure.

after sun li learned about this, she and her husband rushed to the hospital overnight.

this friendship is even more touching than what is shown in tv dramas!

in order to pray for yan xuejing, sun li even traveled thousands of miles to get a talisman.

this operation is simply the highest level of "sisterly love"!

later it was discovered that it was a misdiagnosis, and yan xuejing and sun li probably laughed to tears.

this kind of friendship of sharing weal and woe is truly a great blessing in life.

yan xuejing's attitude towards life is truly admirable.

if someone else were misdiagnosed with cancer, they would probably be left with lingering fear and worry all day long.

but what about yan xuejing? she took this incident as a life lesson.

i think it is this optimistic attitude that gives her the courage to become a mother again at the age of 48.

looking back on yan xuejing's life, it is simply an "inspirational blockbuster"!

a girl from the countryside became a comedian on the spring festival gala stage.

in their 20s, they got married, had children, and formed a happy family.

in middle age, he achieved success in both career and love, and also gained precious friendships.

becoming a mother again at the age of 48 has turned her life into a cheating one.

to be honest, yan xuejing's life experience is simply a textbook-level "winner in life"!

but i think the most valuable thing is the optimism and courage she always maintains.

whether facing challenges in her career or unexpected events in life, she can always face life with a smile.

this attitude is more worthy of learning from her than her performance on stage.

yan xuejing uses her own experience to tell us: there is no such thing as an invincible general in life, but you can always smile.

optimism in the face of difficulties and courage in the face of opportunities are the true wisdom of life.

look at yan xuejing's story and then think about your own life. don't you feel empowered?

she used her own experience to explain what "a life of grandeur" means: it is not the accumulation of wealth, but the attitude towards life.

yan xuejing's story shows us that ordinary people can also live a wonderful life.

perhaps this is the secret to her ability to bring happiness to the audience on stage.

because she herself is a walking "source of happiness"!