
21 years ago, her wealthy husband had a myocardial infarction. mao amin personally attended to the funeral. when he died, her two children were still minors.


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in april 2021, a luxury hotel in beijing was brightly lit, and well-known figures in the entertainment industry gathered together in a warm atmosphere. this grand gathering attracted the attention of many media. mao amin, the queen of the singing world who once swept the country, and her husband xie zhikun also appeared at the scene.

at the beginning of the party, mao amin and xie zhikun did not deliberately avoid the media, but generously communicated with friends in the circle. mao amin wore an elegant evening dress, while xie zhikun wore a simple red t-shirt, looking particularly approachable.

while du jiang and huo siyan were singing affectionately on the stage, mao amin and her husband were drinking and chatting with their friends at the same table, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

in the photo, xie zhikun looks like an ordinary middle-aged man, no different from others. this low-key style is in sharp contrast to mao amin's halo in the entertainment industry.

a few months later, china forestry corporation released an obituary through its official weibo account, announcing that the group's founder xie zhikun died in beijing at 9:40 a.m. that day due to a sudden heart attack and failed rescue efforts. he was 61 years old.

after the obituary was released, the media focused their attention on mao amin. mao amin's name was prominently listed in the list of xie zhikun's funeral committee. she participated in the funeral affairs throughout the whole process. when xie zhikun died, their two children were still minors.

business empire

in the early 1980s, xie zhikun was still a worker at an ordinary printing factory in heilongjiang. at that time, the factory was poorly managed and faced the crisis of bankruptcy. the young xie zhikun was appointed as the factory director and began to take on the responsibility of saving the factory. he lived up to everyone's expectations and successfully reversed the factory's decline and brought it back to life by improving management and introducing new technologies.

in the late 1980s, xie zhikun decided to step out of the printing circle and try new business areas. he first got involved in traditional industries such as noodle factories, clothing factories and farms, and accumulated rich management experience and capital through diversified operations. in 1995, xie zhikun established heilongjiang zhongzhi enterprise group with a registered capital of 50 million yuan, starting his real entrepreneurial career. in its early days, zhongzhi group was mainly engaged in papermaking materials business, but xie zhikun was not satisfied with this, and his eyes were set on a broader market.

in 1997, zhongzhi enterprise group ushered in a new stage of development. xie zhikun led the company to enter the fields of real estate development, highway construction, water conservancy projects and other infrastructure, and continuously expanded the business scope of the company. zhongzhi group's market gradually expanded from the northeast region to beijing, shanghai and other parts of the country. in 2001, zhongzhi group officially entered the financial industry. the following year, xie zhikun invested 120 million yuan to participate in the reorganization of harbin international trust, becoming its largest shareholder and changing its name to zhongrong trust.

the success in the financial field has further expanded xie zhikun's business territory. his "zhongzhi group" enterprises operate in a low-key and efficient manner, and through complex equity structure design, they are involved in multiple industries without attracting too much attention from the outside world. zhongzhi group has gradually accumulated huge capital and influence by participating in the issuance and restructuring of listed companies, but it does not intervene in the dispute over control and maintains a relatively low-key style.

under the leadership of xie zhikun, zhongzhi group continued to grow and formed a large enterprise group covering finance, real estate, infrastructure, manufacturing and other fields. zhongzhi group's low-key style and huge capital strength have earned it the title of "financial tycoon" in the industry.

in addition to his business success, xie zhikun has also spared no effort in charity. over the years, he has actively participated in various public welfare activities and donation projects, committed to helping the disadvantaged groups in society and promoting social progress.

under the leadership of xie zhikun, zhongzhi group has not only achieved great success in the domestic market, but also actively explored the international market. through cooperation with internationally renowned companies, xie zhikun has expanded zhongzhi group's business overseas and continuously improved the company's international competitiveness.

xie zhikun's business empire continued to grow, and zhongzhi group became one of the most influential private enterprises in china. however, xie zhikun did not relax. he always maintained his passion for his career and keen insight into the market, constantly looking for new business opportunities and development directions.


in 2001, xie zhikun met mao amin for the first time as a sponsor of a performance in yichun, heilongjiang. mao amin was already a well-known singer in china, while xie zhikun had just made his mark in the business world. although their first encounter was brief, mao amin was deeply impressed by xie zhikun.

although mao amin was already a household name, she fell in love with jie zhikun at first sight and took the initiative to pursue him. she once recalled in public: "i am the type who falls in love at first sight. people ignored me at first, and i finally won them over after half a year of pursuit." jie zhikun was busy with his career at the time and did not respond to mao amin's pursuit immediately. in addition, he had been married before, and his ex-wife left him with their daughter after the divorce, which made jie zhikun keep a certain distance from the new relationship.

however, mao amin's persistence and sincerity eventually moved li zhikun. the two began a low-key relationship and quickly got married in 2003. the wedding was not extravagant, and there was no media coverage. everything was done in a low-key manner.

in 2004, mao amin gave birth to their first child, a daughter. at this time, mao amin chose to temporarily fade out of the entertainment industry and put more time and energy on her family. in 2008, the 45-year-old mao amin gave birth to a boy again.

in 2005, mao amin participated in the recording of the program "kefan listens". the host cao kefan asked her in the program: "everyone is also very curious, who is the father of the child?" mao amin hurriedly interrupted the question and responded with a smile: "don't ask this question... i got married and had children like a normal person. do i have to tell others who my husband is? i think this is unnecessary." she emphasized that everyone has their own career and work, and there is no need for her celebrity status to affect the normal life of her partner.

with the support of jie zhikun, mao amin's career has gradually returned to normal. although she has reduced her public appearances and performances, she is still active in music creation and charity. jie zhikun and mao amin have participated in some charity activities together, giving back to the society with practical actions.

xie zhikun's low-key style has led to various speculations and rumors about his identity. even so, he never cared about these rumors, but always focused on his career and family. his attitude also influenced mao amin, allowing her to remain calm and calm under the attention of the outside world.


after the news of xie zhikun's death came out, it aroused widespread attention and discussion throughout the society. as the soul of zhongzhi group, xie zhikun's death undoubtedly brought huge challenges to the company. although he had resigned as the chairman of the board of directors of zhongzhi group in 2015 and retired behind the scenes, he had to come out again and return to the helm of the company in 2019 due to the crisis faced by the company. the heavy workload and huge pressure eventually led to his sudden myocardial infarction.

after xie zhikun passed away, zhongzhi group quickly took a series of countermeasures to stabilize the company's operations. an emergency management team was set up within the company, chaired by xie zhikun's nephew liu yang, chairman of zhongrong trust. as a relative of xie zhikun, liu yang is well aware of zhongzhi group's operating model and corporate culture. his succession has alleviated the outside world's concerns about the company's future development to a certain extent.

at the same time, the company began to adjust its internal structure and optimize its management team and business processes. the company's top management held several meetings to discuss how to find new growth points and development directions while maintaining the steady development of the original business.

despite the various measures taken by the company, the death of jie zhikun still had a profound impact on zhongzhi group. some of the company's investment projects progressed slowly or even stagnated due to the lack of leadership and decision-making. especially in some complex financial transactions and project cooperation, without jie zhikun as the core decision-maker, many things became more difficult and difficult to advance.

after xie zhikun's death, several wealth management companies of zhongzhi group, such as hengtian wealth, datang wealth, xinhu wealth and gaosheng wealth, have experienced overdue financial management. these wealth management companies had been important assets and profit sources of zhongzhi group during xie zhikun's lifetime, but his death has brought huge challenges to the management and operation of these companies. investor confidence has been hit, causing some customers to withdraw their funds and complain, which has put considerable pressure on the company's reputation and financial situation.

in response to these problems, zhongzhi group frequently communicated with major investment institutions and partners in the months after xie zhikun's death, trying to solve the problems of financial overdue and business stagnation in various ways. the company also strengthened cooperation with the government and regulatory agencies, actively seeking policy support and legal protection to maintain the normal operation of the company and the legitimate rights and interests of investors.

faced with various speculations and doubts from the outside world, china forestry group has adopted a more transparent and open attitude, regularly releasing company updates and financial reports to enhance external trust and support.

mao amin has always kept a low profile and been cautious in handling her husband's funeral. she participated in the funeral arrangements throughout the process and delivered a speech at xie zhikun's funeral, expressing her deep remembrance and respect for her husband.

in the year after xie zhikun's death, the management of zhongzhi group continued to work hard to restore the company's stability and development. through a series of reforms and adjustments, the company gradually got out of its predicament and regained its vitality.

although china citic group experienced a brief downturn after xie zhikun's death, under the leadership of the new leadership, the company gradually found a new direction for development.

by continuously optimizing its business structure and innovating its management model, china forestry group has regained market recognition and the trust of investors.

xie zhikun's death has made people deeply realize the power and influence of entrepreneurship. although he has passed away, the zhongzhi group he founded continues to move forward under his spiritual guidance. mao amin and her children are also gradually getting out of the shadow of losing their loved ones and starting a new life.