
cctv gu yongfei: she committed suicide by swallowing 300 sleeping pills, was rescued for 7 days and 7 nights, was divorced twice and no one dared to marry her


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do you still remember the elegant and radiant hostess on the cctv stage? she is gu yongfei, the "most beautiful cctv host" in our hearts, and also the unforgettable fanyi in thunderstorm on the screen.

before she became famous, she chose to swallow 300 sleeping pills to end her life because of the pressure of life and inner despair. what a shocking and heartbreaking thing! fortunately, after a long and tense 7 days and 7 nights of rescue, she finally snatched her life back from the hands of death.

so, what unknown sad things did gu yongfei experience? what made her have such desperate thoughts when she was young? and after experiencing life and death, how did she stand up again and reach the pinnacle of her life?

gu yongfei behind the scenes: a darling of a scholarly family and a staunch supporter of the art path

gu yongfei was born like a bright pearl in a family in jiangsu province that was steeped in the fragrance of books. the expectations of her family were like warm sunshine, and their love was like dense rain and dew that nourished her growth. her childhood was spent in full of love and expectation.

the seeds of art quietly took root and sprouted in this family full of cultural atmosphere. in gu yongfei's heart, the yearning for art is like a blazing flame, and the support of her parents is like the wind that fuels the fire, making the fire of her dream more vigorous.

as time went by, gu yongfei went further and further in the world of music, chess, calligraphy and painting. her talent and skills were praised by her neighbors. the label of "other people's child" followed her everywhere, witnessing her growth and transformation.

confidence is a shining light in gu yongfei. with the nourishment of love, she blossoms like a flower, and her confident smile becomes her most moving symbol. this confidence is like a foreshadowing, indicating that she will surely blossom with even more dazzling light in the future.

when the curtain of youth was raised, gu yongfei's beauty and temperament attracted many admiring eyes. however, she did not indulge in the restlessness of youth, but pursued her dream more firmly. in her opinion, love is beautiful, but dreams are an indispensable part of her life.

in middle school, gu yongfei was fortunate to join a local drama class and began her artistic journey. she was like a sponge, greedily absorbing professional knowledge and devoting herself to study and creation without sleep or food. this persistence and hard work laid a solid foundation for her future fame.

the opportunity to study at the shanghai theatre academy came as expected, and gu yongfei won this precious place with her excellent grades. however, just as she was looking forward to the future with great anticipation, reality poured cold water on her.

from the threshold of death to the stage of life, the flower of life blooms in adversity

in those days, gu yongfei's hands no longer danced only for art, but also shouldered the heavy burden of life. farming, carrying manure, these low-level jobs that she had never imagined, became her torment day after day. her heart was like a candle extinguished by the cold wind, leaving only endless darkness and confusion.

in the corner of her mind, pain and unwillingness were entangled like poisonous snakes, and she even thought about death to get rid of it. she saved up 300 sleeping pills and swallowed them one by one.

but fate did not seem to be in a hurry to take back this future star. thanks to her colleagues' timely discovery and the doctors' all-out rescue efforts, she was able to escape the brink of death.

the seven days and seven nights of coma seemed like a test of her life. when she opened her eyes again, she saw her colleagues, friends and family who cared about her. at that moment, she suddenly understood the preciousness of life and found the courage to stand up again.

gu yongfei vowed to live a wonderful life and make all the pain and frustration a thing of the past. fate seemed to be moved by her tenacity and began to extend an olive branch to her. the change in her mentality brought opportunities, and she finally got her own stage.

peak and loneliness: glory and unfinished love

when she was still a young dreamer, the invitation letter from the xinjiang art troupe was like a destined call, which made her embark on the road of pursuing her dreams without hesitation. as a professional, it was not easy for her to walk on this road, but she always persisted because she knew that every effort would not be in vain.

for many people, the age of 30 is a turning point in life. gu yongfei met her first mentor at this age and filmed her first tv series, "wind and waves". as the show aired, her name became known to more and more people. her acting skills were recognized, and her efforts began to pay off.

among all the roles she has played, the role of fanyi in thunderstorm is undoubtedly the pinnacle of her acting career. she performed the complex emotions of this character vividly and moved the audience. this role also became an important milestone in her career.

just when her career was at its peak, gu yongfei met the second noble person in her life, actor wang jingyu. with his recommendation, she successfully entered the field of hosting and partnered with zhao zhongxiang to present an unforgettable spring festival gala stage. at this moment, she stood at the pinnacle of her life and enjoyed the glory of being the center of attention.

however, just when her career reached its peak, her love life suffered a heavy blow. to this day, gu yongfei is still alone, which makes countless fans who love her feel regretful. what kind of emotional ups and downs did she go through? what made her feel lonely in the glory of her career?

the bumpy road of love and the deep love between mother and daughter

in that era, marriages were often decided by parents and matchmakers. gu yongfei was no exception. after graduating from university, she obeyed her parents' wishes and married a soldier.

however, the sweetness of the newlyweds was soon broken by the cruel reality. her husband was unable to accompany her due to his work, and gu yongfei was at the lowest point in her life.

the pressure of life and the loneliness of her soul made her despair and she even chose to commit suicide. fortunately, fate did not give up on her and she was rescued in time. this struggle on the edge of life and death made her re-examine her life. she decided not to be bound by fate anymore and bravely filed for a divorce.

after the divorce, gu yongfei faced all the challenges of life alone. she had lost faith in love, but fate inadvertently arranged an encounter for her.

while pursuing her dream in xinjiang, she met the man who moved her heart - the head of the song and dance troupe. their love was like a spark that quickly ignited. not long after, the two walked into the palace of marriage hand in hand and welcomed the fruit of their love - a lovely daughter.

however, the happy days did not last long. her husband's betrayal made gu yongfei face the breakdown of her marriage again. but this time, she did not choose to sink, but stood up bravely.

she started a new life with her daughter. after many years, gu yongfei has walked out of the shadow of marriage and become a strong and independent mother.

the sunshine after the storm, the stage of life and the persistence of maternal love

in a quiet corner abroad, gu yongfei is enjoying her old age. whenever the sun sets, she always recalls the ups and downs of those years, and her heart is filled with ripples. but at this moment, her face is always filled with satisfaction and happiness, because she knows that all her efforts are worth it.

back then, gu yongfei was a shining star in the entertainment industry, and her name was known to everyone. however, at the peak of her career, she chose to fade out of the public eye. all this was for the most important person in her life - her daughter.

for the sake of her daughter's growth, gu yongfei gave up her career. this decision was undoubtedly difficult for her. but she knew that the power of maternal love was infinite, and she was willing to give everything she had in exchange for her daughter's happiness. so, she took her daughter abroad and started a new life.

during her time abroad, gu yongfei became a strict educator, teaching her daughter carefully, hoping that she could become an independent and talented woman. under her training, her daughter not only achieved academic success, but also established her own career and family, which made gu yongfei feel very gratified.

however, gu yongfei's life was not smooth sailing. while she achieved brilliant success in her career, her love life was full of ups and downs. but fortunately, no matter how big the difficulties were, she never gave up her love for life and her love for her daughter. she infected the people around her with her strength and optimism, and won the respect and admiration of countless people.

today, gu yongfei has entered her old age, but she still maintains her passion for life and her vision for the future. she knows that sunshine always comes after the storm, and she has finally ushered in her own peace and happiness.

looking back on gu yongfei's life, we can't help but be moved by her strength and maternal love. she tells us through her own experience that no matter how big the difficulties are, as long as there is love and faith in your heart, you will be able to overcome everything. the deep affection between her and her daughter has also become the most precious wealth in her life.