
bull market morning news | the inter-ministerial joint conference on preventing and combating illegal financial activities held its first plenary meeting


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【market data】
at the close of september 3, the shanghai composite index fell 0.29% to 2802.98 points; the science and technology innovation 50 index rose 0.74% to 674.96 points; the shenzhen component index rose 1.17% to 8268.05 points; and the chinext index rose 1.26% to 1556.32 points. the total transaction volume of the shanghai and shenzhen stock markets was 580.6 billion yuan.
in terms of u.s. stocks, the three major stock indexes all closed lower on tuesday. the dow jones industrial average fell 1.51% to 40,936.93 points, the s&p 500 fell 2.12% to 5,528.93 points, and the nasdaq fell 3.26% to 17,136.3 points. all three major indexes recorded their largest single-day declines since august 5.
international oil prices fell significantly on the 3rd. as of the close of the day, the price of light crude oil futures for october delivery on the new york mercantile exchange fell by $3.21 to close at $70.34 per barrel, a drop of 4.36%; the price of london brent crude oil futures for november delivery fell by $3.77 to close at $73.75 per barrel, a drop of 4.86%.
【financial news】
1. according to cctv news, the national standards committee issued a notice on the mandatory national standard formulation plan for "sanitary requirements for bulk transportation of edible vegetable oils". the national standard plan "sanitary requirements for bulk transportation of edible vegetable oils" was drafted by the state administration of grain and reserves and entrusted to the national technical committee for grain and oil standardization for implementation. the main drafting units are henan university of technology, nanjing university of finance and economics, and the scientific research institute of the state administration of grain and material reserves.
2. according to the website of the financial supervision administration, the first plenary (expanded) meeting of the inter-ministerial joint meeting on preventing and combating illegal financial activities was held in beijing on september 3. the meeting required that comprehensive measures should be taken to address both the symptoms and the root causes, and the whole chain of anti-illegal and anti-illegal work should be comprehensively promoted. it is necessary to move the risk prevention checkpoint forward, strictly control market access, promptly block the transmission path of illegal financial activities, and strengthen publicity and education. it is necessary to comprehensively strengthen risk monitoring, establish and improve the monitoring and early warning system, coordinate early warning research and judgment, and strengthen the outpost role of financial institutions. it is necessary to maintain a high-pressure crackdown, promptly carry out identification and disposal, strengthen key cases, and deepen the special action to combat illegal fundraising. all regions and departments should adhere to joint efforts, strengthen central and local coordination, and jointly build a solid wall of iron and steel to prevent and combat illegal activities, effectively protect the vital interests of the people, and ensure economic and financial security and social stability.
3. according to cctv news, on september 3, the state administration for market regulation issued the "key measures for market supervision departments to optimize the business environment (2024 edition)". the "key measures" aims to continuously build a market-oriented, law-based, and internationalized first-class business environment. focusing on the overall optimization goal, in accordance with the requirements of both "letting it live" and "keeping it under control", it proposes key policy measures for optimizing the business environment in the field of market supervision in the current and future period. in the next step, the state administration for market regulation will continue to improve the working mechanism for optimizing the business environment, open up channels for business entities to reflect their demands, and guide local market supervision departments to implement the "key measures".
4. according to the website of the ministry of commerce, the department of consumer promotion of the ministry of commerce issued a solemn statement on september 2: recently, we received reports from the public that some lawless elements forged and issued the "notice on the notarization of the subsidy for the old-for-new subsidy for the people" issued by the general office of the ministry of commerce, and organized "old-for-new subsidy - building the chinese dream" live broadcast and other activities in the name of the ministry of commerce and its subordinate institutions, and charged notarization fees. we hereby solemnly declare that the ministry of commerce and its subordinate institutions have never issued the "notice on the notarization of the subsidy for the old-for-new subsidy for the people", have not organized "old-for-new subsidy - building the chinese dream" live broadcast and other activities, and have not required the collection of notarization fees for applying for old-for-new subsidies. in response to this situation, the ministry of commerce has reported the case to the public security organs, and consumers are requested to avoid being deceived.
5. according to the news on the website of the financial market institutional investors association on september 3, recently, some criminals forged the official documents and official seals of the association to commit fraud, which seriously affected the image and reputation of the association, disrupted the order of the inter-bank market, and caused adverse social impact. in response to the suspected fraudulent and illegal acts, the association has taken legal action and will report the case to the public security and judicial authorities in accordance with the law to investigate their legal responsibilities. this time, we solemnly remind the general public to be vigilant against fraud-related documents, raise awareness of prevention, and beware of being deceived. if you encounter fraud or find relevant clues, please report the case to the public security organs immediately or provide case clues.
6. according to china securities taurus, the china securities association plans to launch an investment banking business self-regulatory platform, and recently solicited industry opinions on the "investment banking business self-regulatory platform conventional data submission interface (draft for comments)". it is reported that the china securities association has integrated the investment banking business self-regulatory platform on the basis of the manuscript supervision system and the quality evaluation system. the platform system cleverly integrates five core functions, including the management of the electronic manuscript catalog of the investment banking business of the china securities association, the spot check of the electronic manuscript of the investment banking business, the management of the development of the investment banking business, the information management of the professional behavior of the sponsor representative, and the quality evaluation of the investment banking business, forming a one-stop comprehensive management system. this integrated design ensures all-round and efficient supervision and support for the investment banking business. securities companies need to submit relevant information to the investment banking business self-regulatory platform through the securities union chain.
7. according to the official website of the national health commission, the national health commission issued a reply to the 358th, 3582nd and 5702nd suggestions of the second session of the 14th national people's congress. it is proposed that at present, hpv vaccination has not been included in the national immunization plan. whether to set up a special fund for hpv vaccination subsidy at the provincial level shall be determined by the relevant provinces in combination with vaccination needs and their own financial conditions. whether to include hpv vaccine in the national immunization plan in the future will be determined by combining demand and the safety, effectiveness and accessibility of the vaccine itself, based on rigorous demonstration.
8. according to the securities times, recently, the office of the people's government of hengyang city, hunan province, issued a notice on "several measures (trial) to further promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market". the new policy includes ten measures, including optimizing the calculation method of commodity housing capacity and sales area, optimizing the supply of real estate land, and revitalizing real estate land resources. it is mentioned that real estate insurance claims business is supported. insurance companies are supported to research and develop new types of real estate delivery insurance and price stabilization insurance, developers are encouraged to purchase insurance, and home buyers enjoy insurance dividends. the responsible units for this measure are the hengyang supervision branch of the state financial supervision and administration bureau and the hengyang housing and urban-rural development bureau.
9. according to the paper, the shanghai development and reform commission and the municipal finance bureau jointly issued the "shanghai implementation plan on further intensifying efforts to promote the replacement of old consumer goods for new consumer goods". the "implementation plan" is based on shanghai's actual situation and follows the general idea of ​​"increasing scale, raising standards, expanding scope, and optimizing processes". it focuses on supporting the scrapping and renewal of automobiles, replacement and renewal of individual consumer passenger cars, replacement of household appliances and electric bicycles, purchase of items and materials for renovation of old houses, partial renovation of kitchens and bathrooms, and renovation of homes for the elderly, and promotes smart home consumption; it also coordinates support for the scrapping and renewal of old operating trucks, the scrapping and renewal of agricultural machinery, and the renewal and upgrading of new energy buses and power batteries.
10. according to the paper, the news that shanghai kangcheng, the largest residential community in shanghai, plans to "fire the property management" has attracted attention. on august 26, the fifth owner's committee of shanghai kangcheng issued the "announcement on the results of the second owners' meeting of shanghai kangcheng community in minhang district, shanghai in 2024", and did not renew the contract with the shanghai branch of shenzhen country garden shengfu property services co., ltd., a property service company under management. regarding the "fire" of its property management company, country garden services stated that the property service contract between shengfu property management and shanghai kangcheng began in 2013 and was in a state of providing actual services after it expired in june last year. due to the expiration of the old contract, the owner's committee intends to restart the selection of the next stage of the property management company. country garden services stated that shengfu property management failed to obtain the approval of the owners and the owner's committee of shanghai kangcheng in the previous stage. the company deeply apologized, and the company conducted in-depth reflection at the group level and took relevant rectification measures. country garden services told the paper that in mid-august, country garden services had made rectifications, including replacing the president of the shanghai region and upgrading the jurisdiction of the kangcheng project to the direct management of the group.
li xiaoxiao, reporter from the paper
(this article is from the paper. for more original information, please download the "the paper" app)