
chongqing news: chongqing is accelerating towards the goal of a 100 billion-level aerospace information industry cluster. the international ecological conference on aerospace information industry released a series of results.


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on september 3, the international space information industry ecological conference was held in chongqing, where a series of achievements were released. chongqing proposed to strive to build a 100 billion-level space information industry cluster by 2027.
release of the "initiative to promote the large-scale application of beidou and high-quality development of the industry"
on september 2, chongqing established the first aerospace information industry expert committee formed by a local government in china, and successfully held the inaugural meeting and first plenary meeting of the chongqing aerospace information industry expert committee, helping chongqing build a national beidou large-scale application pilot zone, a demonstration zone for high-quality development of the aerospace information industry, and a national space-time information service core hub.
the first batch of members of the expert committee consists of 22 scientists, entrepreneurs and investment experts in the field of aerospace information. academician li deren serves as the director of the expert committee, and academician of the chinese academy of engineering and director of the national satellite positioning system engineering and technology research center liu jingnan, academician of the chinese academy of engineering and deputy chief designer of the beidou satellite navigation system engineering tan shusen, and chairman of the national military-civilian integration industry investment fund co., ltd. long hongshan serve as members of the expert committee.
at the conference held on the 3rd, academician guo huadong, on behalf of the chongqing aerospace information industry expert committee, issued the "initiative to promote the large-scale application of beidou and high-quality development of the industry". the initiative calls on the industry to work together and innovate in five aspects, including jointly building infrastructure, multi-party collaborative research, jointly planning application scenarios, jointly building industrial chains, and jointly gathering industrial ecosystems, so as to promote the large-scale application of beidou and high-quality development of the industry.
we will carry out innovation and promote the pilot action of beidou large-scale application
at the conference, china satellite network group co., ltd. (hereinafter referred to as china star network) and chongqing jointly launched an innovative action to promote the pilot application of beidou large-scale applications. it will strengthen standard guidance and market-oriented promotion, form replicable and popularizable chongqing experience, create a demonstration model of large-scale application, and inject strong momentum into the development of chongqing's aerospace information industry.
china star network and chongqing will jointly establish a space-time information operation service platform company to coordinate the use of national space-time information operation service capabilities, and promote the "regional + industry" beidou large-scale application of space-time information comprehensive service platform through intensive supply of basic technology products, innovation of application scenarios, and practice of new business forms and models.
china star network will build a national space-time big data hub in chongqing, adopt a distributed cloud architecture model, establish a unified space-time information service framework and standards, and aggregate and connect the computing power, data, communications, navigation positioning, geographic information and remote sensing resources of relevant parties, so as to realize the transformation of beidou's large-scale application model from being mainly driven by vertical industries to a dual-driven model of "industry + region".
at the same time, china star network will also deploy the beidou large-scale application operating system in chongqing, summarize and integrate the experience of the construction of related domestic "communication, navigation and remote sensing" operation platforms, and develop a beidou large-scale application operating system that integrates resource access, capability reorganization, technological innovation, scenario innovation, product launch, service supply and other functions. it will promote the construction of an industrial ecology with close connection between "industry, academia, research, application and government", and provide one-stop supply and one-click service of spatiotemporal information resources to the government and society.
in addition, china star network will also carry out the construction of beidou scale application industry innovation capacity in chongqing. it will take multiple measures to strengthen and complete the core industrial chain of beidou scale application, enable the energy level of the modern industrial system to leap forward, improve the level of social governance, and optimize the core carrying capacity of the strategic hinterland.
plan and implement 16 large-scale comprehensive demonstration application scenarios of aerospace information
at the conference, gao jian, director of the chongqing development and reform commission, released 16 large-scale comprehensive demonstration application scenarios of aerospace information.
according to reports, chongqing, based on its characteristics of megacity scale, diverse geographical features, and a complete range of industries, promotes the deep integration of beidou with regional characteristics and industrial bases. it plans to implement 16 large-scale comprehensive application scenarios of aerospace information around four aspects: serving major national strategies, enabling the development of new quality productivity, serving the people's better life, and improving the level of modernization of social governance.
in terms of serving major national strategies, we plan and implement comprehensive application scenarios such as prevention and control of dangerous rock disasters in the three gorges reservoir area, smart shipping on the yangtze river, and cross-border logistics supervision at international logistics hubs, to serve national strategies such as the development of the yangtze river economic belt and the construction of the new western land-sea corridor.
in terms of enabling the development of new quality productivity, we plan and implement comprehensive application scenarios such as changan's new factory scheduling management, yongchuan autonomous driving test base, refined management of low-altitude airspace, fuling shale gas field safety production, and changshou chemical park safety production, organically integrating spatiotemporal information into the modern industrial system and achieving a leap in industrial capacity.
in terms of serving the people's better life, we plan and implement comprehensive application scenarios such as seamless navigation of the jiefangbei underground ring road, safety management of jiangbei airport, indoor navigation of chongqing east station, and supervision of urban shared electric motorcycles to solve the problems of positioning, navigation, and communication in the complex environment of megacities and ensure smooth and safe travel for the people.
in terms of improving the level of modernization of social governance, we plan and implement comprehensive application scenarios such as smart supervision of jinyun mountain, security of large-scale events at important locations, emergency rescue command and dispatch, and safety monitoring of water conservancy reservoirs and dams, to enable digital governance of ecological protection, public safety, and other aspects of megacities.
a new batch of major scientific and technological projects on aerospace information were announced
at the conference, wang zhijie, director of the chongqing municipal economic and information commission, unveiled a new batch of major scientific and technological research projects in aerospace information.
specifically include: development of key technologies and prototypes for baseband chips for space-ground fusion terminals, development of an integrated security management platform for space-air integrated satellite communication encryption fusion perception, development of space-air electromagnetic spectrum perception and anti-interference communication systems, key technology research and industrialization of independent beidou devices, development of wearable smart work terminals for the field based on low-orbit satellite communications, research on integrated command technology for police drones in complex scenarios based on satellite internet and beidou short message communications, and research and application of key technologies for beidou precise space-time perception + drone intelligent bridge monitoring.
the above 7 projects are closely centered around the development needs of the aerospace information industry and, based on chongqing's actual situation, carry out research in basic common technologies, key core components, application terminals, system applications, etc., aiming to break through a number of key technologies and form a number of iconic products with "chongqing identity."
it is understood that this batch of projects will be promoted through the method of unveiling a list and appointing a leader, and chongqing will provide policy support based on the promotion and application of the projects. for example, special funds of up to 5 million yuan and 1 million yuan will be provided for the first purchase and first use of the first set of major technical equipment and the first version of software products that meet the conditions.
china space-time's first holding subsidiary was established in chongqing
at the conference, china space-time information group space-time data co., ltd. (under preparation) was officially established in chongqing, marking that the construction and operation of the national space-time big data center-chongqing hub will enter the fast lane of development.
in addition, china space-time released two achievements at the meeting: the beidou large-scale application operating system and the public beidou 1-meter precise positioning service based on the operating system, marking the start of chongqing's beidou large-scale application pilot action and achieving significant phased progress.
the beidou large-scale application operating system consists of 1 resource base + 3 service engines + 1 intelligent interaction center. as a hub for the aggregation, management, and dispatching of spatiotemporal information resources and an industrial innovation platform, it will promote industrial technological innovation, organizational model innovation, and application scenario innovation, lower application thresholds and costs, reduce duplicate construction and investment, and effectively promote the marketization, industrialization, and internationalization of beidou applications.
at the same time, the beidou 1-meter precise positioning service launched by china time and space can effectively solve the pain points of people's daily travel, such as frequent drifting of positioning when taking a taxi, difficulty in quickly determining the direction when walking navigation, difficulty in automatic identification of main and auxiliary roads, and untimely reminders of highway exits, without adding additional equipment and costs. according to the plan, china time and space will launch the public beidou 1-meter precise positioning service in chongqing before the end of the year and promote it nationwide in 2025.
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