
chongqing united exchange group and fengdu county signed an agreement to jointly build the fengdu branch of the chongqing public resources trading center


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in order to further implement the national decision-making and deployment on deepening the integration and sharing of public resource trading platforms and build a unified, standardized and efficient public resource trading platform system in the city, on september 3, chongqing united exchange group and fengdu county people's government signed a cooperation agreement. in accordance with the principle of "co-construction, co-governance and sharing", they jointly established the fengdu branch of chongqing public resource trading center to assume the operation and service functions of fengdu county public resource trading platform.
▲signing ceremony. photo provided by chongqing stock exchange group
according to the agreement, the sub-center will fully undertake the construction projects that must be tendered in fengdu county according to law, construction projects below the limit of 1 million to 4 million yuan, all government procurement projects, goods and service procurement projects with a single use of funds of 500,000 yuan or more by state-owned enterprises, transfer of state-owned construction land, transfer of operating rights (franchise rights) and other types of public resource trading services suitable for market-oriented allocation. at the same time, it will share the "full license" qualifications of state-owned assets trading of central enterprises, central financial enterprises, and central administrative institutions owned by chongqing exchange group, enhance the level of resource aggregation and optimization of allocation, and build a regional comprehensive factor trading market.
after the cooperative construction, chongqing united exchange group will fully replicate the city trading center's intelligent and standardized trading venues, full-process electronic trading systems, and service standardization construction results to the branch center, comprehensively improve the quality and efficiency of trading services, and strive to build a fengdu branch center that is honest and upright, value-creating, innovative and developing, with regional influence and good economic benefits, promote further optimization of fengdu county's public resource trading business environment, and help the efficient activation and utilization of state-owned stock assets and the high-quality development of the local economy.
since april this year, chongqing exchange group has innovatively proposed a cooperation model of "co-construction, co-governance and sharing" for the public resource trading platform in the urban area. with market-oriented thinking and reform and innovation methods, it has promoted the implementation of platform integration and sharing tasks. it has successively cooperated with the governments of qijiang, wulong, jiulongpo, dadukou, fengdu county and other places to establish sub-centers. currently, there are 8 sub-centers jointly built by the city and the county.
in the next step, chongqing exchange group will continue to deepen the co-construction cooperation between cities and counties in accordance with the principle of "co-construction, co-governance and sharing", strive to reach cooperation with more district and county governments, and work together to promote the construction of a unified public resource transaction market in the city, give full play to the platform's resource aggregation and radiation effects, and further improve the overall allocation efficiency and benefits of resource factors, and contribute positive forces to the high-quality economic and social development of our city and the reform breakthroughs of "three tough battles and one revitalization".