
"local comments" chongqing forum | remembering history and cherishing peace square will not let down the future


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september 3 is the 79th anniversary of the victory of the chinese people's war of resistance against japanese aggression and the world anti-fascist war. 79 years ago, after 14 years of arduous and bloody battles, the chinese people won the great victory of the war of resistance against japanese aggression and made great contributions to the victory of the world anti-fascist war. this is the peace that was exchanged for countless blood and lives! although the smoke of gunpowder has returned to the ups and downs, history cannot be forgotten! today, we should remember history, cherish the memory of the martyrs, cherish peace, forge ahead, and revitalize china!

remember history and pay tribute to the martyrs.facing the brutal invasion of japanese fascism, the chinese people shared the same hatred for the enemy and went to the national crisis together. with the sacrifice of 35 million soldiers and civilians and the painful price of 600 billion us dollars, they finally won the great victory of the chinese people's war of resistance against japanese aggression. although 79 years have passed since then, and china has long stood tall in the east of the world, we cannot and dare not forget that great national war of resistance and that history full of gunpowder, because forgetting history means betrayal. we must always cherish the memory of our compatriots who died, pay tribute to the martyrs who sacrificed their lives bravely, bear in mind the hardships and humiliations of history, and constantly establish a strong sense of national consciousness, unity consciousness, and patriotism consciousness, and root the belief in patriotism in the depths of our souls!

remember history and cherish peace.remembering history is not to perpetuate hatred, nor to inspire nationalism or incite confrontation, but to learn lessons from this human catastrophe, to be more aware of the value of peace, and thus to unswervingly follow the path of peaceful development and unwaveringly safeguard world peace. we remember this history to urge japan to deeply reflect on its historical crimes, remember the lessons of history, avoid going further down the wrong path, and completely eliminate the legacy of militarism.

remember history and warn future generations.history is the best textbook and the best sobering agent. only by truly understanding and respecting history can we better draw wisdom and strength from history to forge ahead and prevent the historical tragedy from repeating itself. from this period of history full of gunpowder, we will always bear in mind the great truth that "backwardness will lead to beatings, and development can lead to self-reliance". we will deeply realize the mainstay role of the communist party of china in the war of resistance against japanese aggression, and the leadership of the party is the fundamental guarantee for overcoming all difficulties. we will deeply understand the purpose and feelings of "people first" and the power of the "three magic weapons" for the victory of the chinese revolution, so as to better work hard to govern and strive for strength, stride forward towards the second centenary goal, and write a new chapter in the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country.

only by constantly striving for self-improvement and making great efforts can we comfort the martyrs and live up to the times. we must remember and inherit history, inherit and carry forward the great spirit of the war of resistance, unswervingly listen to the party and follow the party, consciously devote ourselves to the great practice of chinese-style modernization, use our knowledge and abilities, and unswervingly fight for the cause of the party and the people, and fully help promote the great rejuvenation of the chinese nation.

author: lu manman (jiangbei district)

reviewer: yang jinxing

editor: yang yang liangjiangping submission email: [email protected]
