
feeling beijing's new productivity, more than 50 chinese and foreign media entered the world of robots


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a robotic arm descended from the sky. a reporter from africa stepped forward and gently touched the index finger of the robotic arm. in an instant, the naked-eye 3d screen lit up, and various robots appeared on the screen. a science fiction journey began.

on september 3, the "technology innovation highland" themed interview event hosted by the 2024 china-africa cooperation forum summit news center and the beijing municipal people's government information office was held, and more than 70 reporters from more than 50 chinese and foreign media visited beijing yizhuang. it is reported that the robot supporting ecological system in beijing yizhuang is accelerating its construction. by 2023, it will form a strategic support area, technology source, application demonstration area and industrial main base for china's embodied intelligent robots.

as beijing's first full-category robot exhibition center, the "robot world" exhibition hall located in building 47 of beijing robot industrial park was just opened to the public at the end of last month.this time, a large number of chinese and foreign journalists visited the exhibition hall, and the robots in the exhibition hall once again showed their magical powers. appreciating the humanoid robot performing peking opera, watching the medical robot perform surgery, chatting with the bionic man "xiao qi"... every robot was surrounded by spectators. especially in front of the bionic man "xiao qi", many foreign journalists stopped and communicated with "xiao qi" in english. this robot not only answered the english questions thrown by everyone fluently, but also had very coordinated and natural expressions and gestures. "this bionic robot is an integrated work that breaks through multiple bottleneck technologies in the robotics industry." the on-site staff introduced that key technologies such as robot flexible joints, operating systems, intelligent expressions, and bionic dexterous hands are all applied to "xiao qi".

the "robot world" exhibition hall, which covers an area of ​​2,000 square meters and showcases nine "robot+" application scenarios, left a deep impression on foreign journalists. "i am very interested in industrial robots and medical robots, and i look forward to seeing these technologies enter my country and help economic development," said mohamed atigo, a journalist from mauritania, africa.

afterwards, the media group went to the beijing embodied intelligent robot innovation center. at the scene, the universal humanoid robot mother platform "tiangong" robot independently developed by the innovation center appeared and greeted the guests warmly. as the treadmill tracks slowly moved, its pace also began to speed up, and finally it ran steadily, even on lawns, slopes, stairs and other complex terrains. in april this year, the innovation center released the universal humanoid robot mother platform "tiangong", which also became the world's first pure electric drive full-size humanoid robot that can run anthropomorphically.

according to reports, the innovation center is the first innovation platform in china that focuses on the core technologies, product development, and application ecosystem construction of embodied intelligent robots. it has five major r&d sections, including the prototype, operation and control system, embodied intelligent large model, open source tool chain, and os operating system.

according to the relevant person in charge of beijing yizhuang robotics and intelligent manufacturing industry bureau, as of now, beijing yizhuang has more than 100 robot ecological enterprises, more than half of which are specialized and innovative enterprises, with an output value of nearly 10 billion yuan, accounting for 50% of the city's robot industry. the supporting ecological system of the robot industry is being accelerated. in addition, according to the "beijing economic and technological development zone construction of a world-class embodied intelligent robot industry new city action plan (2024-2026)",by the end of 2026, beijing yizhuang will have the capacity to mass-produce tens of thousands of embodied intelligent robots; by 2030, an innovative ecological cluster of embodied intelligent robots with "full-chain layout, full-stack autonomy, and panoramic empowerment" will be formed.

source: beijing daily client

reporter: lu yang

process editor: u070
