
the subsidy standard for purchasing new energy passenger vehicles through trade-in has been increased to 15,000 yuan


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according to the "several measures of the national development and reform commission and the ministry of finance on further supporting large-scale equipment updates and consumer goods trade-in", shanghai issued the "implementation plan of shanghai on further increasing efforts to promote consumer goods trade-in" on september 3. the "implementation plan" follows the general idea of ​​"increasing scale, raising standards, expanding scope, and optimizing processes", focusing on supporting the scrapping and renewal of automobiles, replacement and renewal of individual consumer passenger cars, trade-in of household appliances and electric bicycles, partial renovation of old houses, kitchens and bathrooms, and purchase of items and materials used for home adaptation and renovation, and promoting smart home consumption; it also coordinates support for the scrapping and renewal of old operating trucks, the scrapping and renewal of agricultural machinery, and the renewal and upgrading of new energy buses and power batteries.
“increase scale”
shanghai has always had relevant subsidy policies for car renewal and consumers' purchase of green home appliances, which has laid a good foundation for work. this round of "implementation plan" combines the ultra-long-term special treasury bond funds directly allocated by the state to shanghai, as well as the supporting funds arranged by shanghai, and arranges more than 4 billion yuan in funds, which is significantly higher than the amount of consumption promotion subsidy funds arranged by shanghai in previous years, ensuring that more consumers can benefit.
“raising the standards”
we will increase support for automobile products. on the one hand, we will implement the national automobile scrapping subsidy policy, and increase the subsidy for individual consumers to purchase new energy passenger cars from 10,000 yuan to 20,000 yuan, and the subsidy for purchasing fuel passenger cars with a displacement of 2.0 liters or less from 7,000 yuan to 15,000 yuan. on the other hand, we will increase the subsidy standard for old-for-new automobile replacement in shanghai, and increase the subsidy standard for individual consumers to purchase new energy passenger cars and fuel passenger cars to 15,000 yuan and 12,000 yuan.
in addition, we will increase support for home appliances. for eight types of home appliances, such as refrigerators and washing machines, we will implement national policy requirements and provide subsidies of 20% of the sales price for purchases of class 1 energy-efficient products and 15% of the sales price for purchases of class 2 energy-efficient products.
"expanding the scope"
in light of shanghai's actual situation and in response to citizens' concerns, the scope of subsidized products will be appropriately expanded. a new subsidy policy for trading in old electric bicycles will be added, and individual consumers will be given a 500 yuan subsidy for trading in old electric bicycles. in addition to the eight types of home appliances covered by the national policy, the scope of subsidies for home appliances, home decoration, home furnishings and aging-friendly products will be expanded. for the purchase of home appliances, home decoration, home furnishings and aging-friendly products such as sofas, mattresses, cabinets, bathtubs, toilets, sweeping robots, vacuum cleaners, air purifiers and other home appliances, home decoration, home furnishings and aging-friendly products that meet the requirements, a subsidy of 15% of the sales price will be given. the specific product catalog will be released by the shanghai municipal commission of commerce in conjunction with relevant departments. at the same time, we will increase support for the renewal of road transport vehicles and old agricultural machinery, implement national requirements for the scrapping and renewal of old operating trucks, the renewal of new energy buses and power batteries, and the scrapping and renewal of agricultural machinery, and support the early scrapping and renewal of national iv diesel vehicles in light of shanghai's actual situation.
"excellent process"
we will further optimize the organization and work processes, make full use of digital and intelligent means, and continuously improve the convenience and experience of consumers in enjoying the policies. we will implement one-step and direct reduction for home appliances and other products purchased directly from stores; for products such as cars that are purchased first and then reimbursed, we will speed up the review process, so that all kinds of discounts can be delivered to consumers conveniently and quickly.
(cctv reporter liu xiaofan and yang dunhuang)