
learning about national defense mobilization knowledge never stops. jinan's national defense mobilization legal education and publicity activities come to licheng district


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in order to vigorously promote the national spirit with patriotism as the core, warn the general public not to forget the national humiliation and keep the alarm bell ringing, jinan's national defense mobilization legal education and publicity activities entered the minghui haoting community in quanfu street, licheng district on september 3. at the event, staff explained to the public how to identify air defense alarms, wear protective clothing, and popularize legal knowledge.
strengthen the sense of home and country
enhanced fullrepublic of chinaanti-awareness
national defense mobilization publicity and education is an important part of national defense education for all the people and is an indispensable basic education. only when the general public actively learns and masters national defense mobilization knowledge and further enhances the concept of war preparedness and national defense awareness can we lay a solid social foundation for the development of national defense mobilization and enhance the strength of national defense mobilization.
"national defense mobilization is an important measure to transform national defense potential into national defense strength and an important part of strengthening national defense construction. supporting and participating in national defense mobilization construction is the responsibility and obligation of every citizen." sun shendong, member of the party leadership group of jinan national defense mobilization office and a director-level leading cadre, said that national defense mobilization is closely related to everyone's work and life, and it is around the citizens. he hopes that the general public will take positive actions, actively learn national defense mobilization knowledge, and enhance strategic concepts and national defense awareness.
national defense awareness is the spiritual great wall that a country and a nation stand firm on. the prosperity of a country and the rejuvenation of a nation cannot be separated from a strong national defense awareness of the whole people. national defense is the security guarantee for the survival and development of a country and the strong backing for the peaceful life of the masses. national defense mobilization is closely related to every citizen.
experience wearing chemical protective clothing
keep national defense knowledge in mind
in order to allow the general public to have a more intuitive understanding of national defense mobilization knowledge, the staff brought hand-cranked air defense sirens and chemical protective suits, and demonstrated their use on site.
there are three types of air defense alarms: advance alarm, air raid alarm, and clear alarm. how should these three alarms be distinguished? at the event site, staff gave a detailed explanation to the citizens and invited them to come on stage to experience it.
"if it sounds for 6 seconds, stops for 6 seconds, and repeats 15 times, it's an air raid alarm. i just experienced the hand-cranked air raid alarm myself, and i have firmly remembered all this national defense knowledge." said a resident at the scene.
"when wearing chemical protective clothing, everyone should remember a formula, which is 'remove, unfold, put on, and wear'." the staff explained that there are four steps to wearing chemical protective clothing, and each step is indispensable. the staff explained the wearing process and skills of chemical protective clothing to the citizens on the scene, and many residents watched and recorded videos.
"the first feeling after putting on protective clothing is safety. this is something that can save lives at critical moments." citizens who experienced it on the spot said that there are still many skills in wearing protective clothing. if you have not learned it, you may not wear it properly and fail to achieve the protective effect.
during the national defense mobilization legal education and publicity activities in the community, the legal adviser of the jinan national defense mobilization office also popularized the legal content of the "civil code of the people's republic of china" that is closely related to residents' lives. the staff distributed publicity materials such as the national defense mobilization knowledge manual to the residents and answered everyone's inquiries on the spot.
watch popular science videos and answer national defense questions
on-site gifts are constantly given away
in order to further strengthen the patriotism and create a strong atmosphere of caring about, loving, building and defending national defense, a quiz with prizes was held at the event site, and emergency rescue kits were distributed to citizens who answered the questions correctly. it is understood that the rescue kit contains a variety of emergency rescue equipment such as outdoor strong light flashlights, filter-type fire-fighting self-rescue respirators, emergency thermal insulation blankets, medical care kits, etc., which can meet the needs of self-rescue and mutual rescue in emergencies.
at the event, citizens watched the popular science videos "small classroom of civil air defense knowledge - air defense alarms and evacuation" and "small classroom of civil air defense knowledge - civil air defense projects". while learning about national defense, they also learned about the role of civil air defense projects in daily life.
"it turns out that civil air defense projects are right next to us. i didn't know about them before." many citizens said. after watching the popular science video, the exciting question-answering session officially began. citizens on the scene raised their hands enthusiastically to answer questions and learn about national defense knowledge together.
according to the timing of the air defense alarm, what are the three types of alarm signals? who is responsible for protecting military facilities? the national defense mobilization emblem is a symbol of the national defense mobilization cause. what are its main elements? citizens who answered the questions correctly received emergency rescue kits with happy smiles on their faces.
"i learned a lot today. i can tell my grandchildren about it when i get home. it's also important to learn about national defense knowledge as early as possible," said ms. zhou, a citizen.
don't forget history, and keep the alarm bell ringing. this national defense mobilization legal system and publicity and education activity in the community allows more citizens to understand, contact and experience national defense, laying a solid foundation for improving citizens' national defense mobilization capabilities.
(dazhong news·qilu one point liu guibin intern zheng zhaoyan)
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