
improper installation of home appliances can easily cause safety hazards. please pay attention to the "minefields" when installing third-party appliances


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recently, the city has increased subsidies for replacing old electrical appliances with new ones, and many citizens have chosen to buy their favorite electrical appliances for "replacement". after purchasing electrical appliances, some citizens will choose third-party installation services to save costs, but third-party installation also has many minefields. the judge reminded consumers that when installing electrical equipment, they should choose installation masters with legal qualifications through formal platforms to avoid losses.
during the interview, the reporter learned that many citizens believe that the price of official electrical appliance installation services is high, so they choose installation services through online third-party platforms, or look for individual installers on social platforms to install electrical appliances, but the final experience is not good.
ms. chen, a citizen, once selected a technician with a 99% favorable review rate through a third-party platform to come to her home to install a tv, but after the technician arrived, ms. chen discovered that the technician was not the same person as the one shown on the platform. mr. he, a citizen, also told reporters that he had used a mini program to ask a technician to come to his home to install a gas water heater, but the installation technician was not only unskilled, but also charged almost the same as the official installation service after adding the cost of various accessories.
improper installation may even cause accidents. in a case concluded by the beijing no. 3 intermediate people's court, mr. wang, a citizen, purchased an air-energy product. because he thought the installation fee of the official authorized service provider was high, mr. wang found cong from a certain installation company after being introduced by the salesperson. afterwards, cong installed the air-energy equipment for mr. wang and charged him an installation fee of 2,650 yuan. after that, a fire broke out in the house where the air-energy equipment was installed, causing the decoration of the two-story house in mr. wang's courtyard and the electrical appliances and furniture in the house to be smoked to varying degrees. after mr. wang sued cong and related companies, the court found that cong did not have an electrician's certificate and installation qualification certificate. combining various evidences, it was determined that the cause of the fire was that cong used aluminum wire instead of copper wire to connect the power cord. the beijing no. 3 intermediate people's court held that cong should bear the liability for compensation for the losses caused to mr. wang by the fire.
relevant laws and regulations such as the construction law of the people's republic of china, the regulations on construction and quality management of power engineering projects, and the measures for the administration of power safety production permits clearly stipulate that units and individuals engaged in the installation of electrical equipment must obtain qualification certificates of the corresponding level and undertake projects within the scope permitted by their qualification level. for ordinary household appliances such as refrigerators and televisions, although specific qualifications are not required, installers should still have the necessary professional knowledge and skills; for the installation of special equipment or equipment involving high safety risks, corresponding professional qualifications and licenses are required.
han xiao, assistant judge of the beijing no. 3 intermediate people's court, said that when installing electrical equipment such as air conditioners, one should choose a qualified installer through a formal platform. on the one hand, one should inquire about the installation fee standards in advance and keep evidence; on the other hand, one should strictly examine the other party's legal status and actual performance capabilities to avoid leaving safety hazards in order to save costs or trouble.
han xiao also reminded the relevant entities engaged in installation services to strictly abide by relevant legal provisions and perform their contract obligations in accordance with operating procedures. if they cause damage to the life and property of others, they will be liable for compensation and may even be held criminally liable.