
african media: a summit to determine the future of china-africa relations


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reference news reported on september 3on september 1, the capital fm website of kenya published an article titled "2024 forum on china-africa cooperation summit: a summit to determine the future of china-africa relations", written by kenyan scholar elijah mwangi. the article is excerpted as follows:
at the 2024 forum on china-africa cooperation (focac) summit, held in beijing from september 4 to 6, the world will witness a new commitment between china and african countries – a growing partnership that will significantly influence the future of the continent.
this summit will not only be a routine diplomatic event, but will also bring important moments that will affect africa's participation in global affairs.
china's policy towards africa is unique in the world. unlike western powers that often impose political conditions and interfere in internal affairs, china adheres to the "five nos" principle when dealing with african affairs: not interfering in african countries' exploration of development paths that suit their national conditions, not interfering in african internal affairs, not imposing its will on others, not attaching any political conditions to aid to africa, and not seeking political self-interest in investment and financing in africa. this resonates with african countries that are eager for independent development, and the two sides have established a bond of trust based on similar historical experiences and mutual respect.
for 15 years, china has remained africa's largest trading partner, with china-africa trade reaching a record high of $282.1 billion in 2023. chinese companies have contributed to africa's industrial development by building industrial parks, transferring technology, and helping to cultivate talent in areas such as agriculture and the digital economy.
china's investment in africa's energy sector, especially in renewable energy, is changing the continent's energy landscape. projects that harness solar, wind and hydropower resources are addressing africa's severe energy shortages and opening up new paths for economic growth and industrialization.
the 2024 focac summit will focus on green energy and sustainable industrialization, aiming to develop a development blueprint that is consistent with africa’s long-term goals. this cooperation reflects the commitment of both sides to address the global climate crisis while ensuring africa’s economic stability and growth.
kenyan president ruto will attend the summit and stressed that kenya has benefited greatly from china-africa relations. kenya has received support from china in major infrastructure construction, including the standard gauge railway and the nairobi expressway.
the 2024 focac summit is an important opportunity for africa to exert its influence and shape the direction of the partnership. by doing so, africa can reap long-term benefits that are consistent with its development vision.
the summit is a decisive moment in determining the trajectory of the africa-china partnership. it provides an opportunity for both sides to strengthen strategic, economic and diplomatic relations in a rapidly changing global landscape. the outcomes of the summit will not only affect africa-china relations, but also the global balance of power and the role of the global south in setting international rules.
the summit provides africa with an opportunity to leverage its partnership with china to advance its development goals and enhance its global influence. as the world turns its attention to beijing, the outcomes of the 2024 forum on china-africa cooperation summit will be closely watched.
the logo of the 2024 forum on china-africa cooperation summit was photographed near beitucheng, chaoyang district, beijing on september 1. the 2024 forum on china-africa cooperation summit will be held in beijing from september 4 to 6. (xinhua)