
shandong bus company responsible for 11 deaths: school bus operation business added in march this year


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according to xinhua news agency, at 7:27 on september 3, 2024, a road traffic accident occurred in dongping county, shandong province. when a bus company's vehicle that was picking up students reached the t-junction of xuchang road in dongping county, it lost control and injured 24 parents and students on the roadside. dongping county immediately carried out personnel treatment and on-site disposal. so far, a total of 11 people have died (including 6 parents and 5 students), 1 person is in critical condition, and 12 people have stable vital signs. the driver of the accident has been controlled by the public security organs, and the cause of the accident is under investigation.

from the photos circulated from the scene of the accident, it can be seen that the vehicle involved in the accident has the words "dongping county dongyuan public transport co., ltd." (hereinafter referred to as dongping dongyuan) spray-printed on the body of the vehicle, and has a maximum capacity of 52 people.

information in the "enterprise and institution information disclosure column" on the dongping county government's official website shows that "dongping county dongyuan public transport co., ltd. was established in march 2012. it is a bus company specially established to establish a bus network operation system that is connected with the urban and rural passenger transport network, with a reasonable layout, convenient and fast, smooth and orderly. it is located on xingye street, dongping county economic development zone, with a registered capital of 500,000 yuan. it has 6 departments including office, passenger transport department, maintenance department, finance department, safety department, and security department, with more than 50 july 2014, with the approval of the county party committee and county government, it took over the operation of public transportation in the county.

the above public information also mentioned that "in order to actively respond to the call for energy conservation and emission reduction, closely follow the national planning and deployment of 'demonstration, promotion and application of energy-saving and new energy vehicles', improve the level of public services, and protect the ecological environment of our county, since 2015, the company has successively purchased 143 new energy vehicles and put them into operation in our county's bus lines, taking on the operation of 4 urban lines and 22 urban and rural lines in the county."

tianyancha shows that dongping dongyuan was established in march 2012 and is 100% controlled by shandong tai'an world expo agricultural technology co., ltd. (hereinafter referred to as tai'an world expo agriculture). the actual controller of tai'an world expo agriculture is zhao fangzhong, who holds 95% of the shares. its business scope includes: road passenger transport station operation; urban public transportation; school bus operation services; road passenger transport operation, etc. from 2016 to the present, the company has been sued five times for motor vehicle traffic accident liability disputes.

it is worth noting thatin march 2024, dongping dongyuan just added school bus operation service business to its business scope.

tai'an world expo agriculture was formerly known as shandong dongping transportation and tourism development co., ltd., and was established in september 2009. from the equity relationship diagram, we can see that although the company is called an agricultural company, its related companies are all related to transportation, including two driver training institutions.

the paper also noted that this is the second year that zhao fangzhong's company has been operating school bus services. tianyancha shows that zhao fangzhong first established another transportation company, shandong dongping transportation co., ltd. (formerly known as dongping county transportation company) in 2006. its business scope includes: road freight transportation (excluding dangerous goods); road passenger transportation operations; cruising taxi operations; online taxi reservation operations; school bus operation services, etc., among which school bus operation is a new business project added in 2023.

tianyancha information shows that shandong dongping transportation co., ltd. was established in 2006 with capital contributed by zhao fangzhong and several natural persons. its registered capital was 1.89 million yuan. zhao fangzhong held 82.71% of the shares at the time, which was later transferred to tai'an world horticultural exposition agriculture. currently, tai'an world horticultural exposition agriculture holds 99.5% of the shares.

between 2012 and 2022, shandong dongping transportation co., ltd. was sued 25 times for motor vehicle traffic accident liability disputes.

public information shows that many senior executives of dongping dongyuan came from shandong dongping transportation co., ltd.

regarding zhao fangzhong, the actual controller of the three companies, a "dongping county 2021 fourth quarter special occupation early retirement list" announced by the government in 2021 shows that zhao fangzhong was born in september 1966, started working in august 1988, and his unit before retirement was "shandong dongping transportation co., ltd." and his job before retirement was "car driver."

the public leadership information of dongping dongyuan shows that "zhao fangzhong started working in august 1988, worked in dongping county transportation company from august 1988 to september 1992; worked in haikou office from september 1992 to march 2001; worked in dongping county transportation company from march 2001 to august 2006; worked in shandong dongping transportation co., ltd. from august 2006 to date, serving as the company's general manager. dongping county dongyuan public transport co., ltd. was established in march 2012, and he served as the general manager of dongyuan public transport."

the reporter did not find any information about the two bus companies entering the government bidding on the government's official website. there was only one sentence in the introduction of dongping dongyuan, "in july 2014, it was approved by the county party committee and county government to undertake the public transportation operations in our county."

how did dongping dongyuan get the school bus service business?

the reporter called zhao fangzhong's personal mobile phone many times, but no one answered the call.

the paper also contacted the dongping county transportation bureau, where a staff member said they were not aware of the company's operations and that the accident was still under investigation, and all information was subject to the investigation's conclusions.