
guest opinion | yu xiancheng, president of china satellite navigation and positioning association: beidou application and industrial development face four major challenges


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"with the vigorous development of my country's digital economy, the large-scale application of beidou has entered a new stage of marketization, industrialization and internationalization. the application and industrialization development of beidou are ushering in unprecedented new opportunities, but at the same time it is also facing some challenges." on september 3, yu xiancheng, president of the china satellite navigation and positioning association, put forward this view at the international ecological conference of the aerospace information industry.
▲yu xiancheng. photo by reporter zhang jinhui/visual chongqing
in yu xiancheng's view, the challenges facing beidou's application and industrialization development mainly come from four aspects: beidou's priority has not been further implemented, industrial competition is relatively fierce, the development environment is not sound enough, and the effect of industry empowerment is not significant enough.
for example, although my country has always advocated beidou priority, in many fields, especially in key industries such as finance, energy, electricity, and communications that are related to national economy and people's livelihood, the beidou priority policy has not been fully implemented. as a result, beidou's dominant position has not yet been formed, and the independent development of my country's beidou industry and even national security are potentially threatened.
for example, due to the lack of support and guarantee from national laws and regulations, the current large-scale application of beidou in my country lacks coordination, and interactive coordination among various regions and industries is difficult to achieve. there is an urgent need to improve the unified coordination mechanism.
how should my country respond to the above challenges? "the space-time information service provided by the beidou system is an important part of the digital economy. my country must first encourage beidou-first products to occupy the market through various policy support." yu xiancheng suggested that at the same time, we should accelerate infrastructure construction and promote integration and innovation in beidou application fields; create conditions for enterprises to "hitch a ride" on major overseas engineering projects to achieve beidou's going global; strengthen popular science propaganda and increase the popularity of beidou applications.