
do you miss a dose and take it up at any time? do you take antibiotics for a cold? chongqing food and drug administration points out 8 common misunderstandings about medication


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forget to take medicine when you are busy, and quickly take an extra pill to make up for it? don't do this again! on the morning of september 2, the launching ceremony of the 2024 "national drug safety promotion week" jointly organized by the chongqing municipal drug administration and the jiangbei district people's government was held in the guanyinqiao business district urban tourism area in jiangbei district. the chongqing municipal drug administration released 8 major misunderstandings about drug use on the spot to teach citizens how to use drugs scientifically.

it is reported that this year marks the 40th anniversary of the promulgation of the drug administration law. the theme of this "publicity week" activity is "good laws to safeguard drug safety", which aims to publicize the results of key drug regulatory work, the concepts and knowledge of safe use of drugs, medical devices and cosmetics through various forms, and to build a social consensus on building drug safety.

the eight major medication misunderstandings released by the chongqing food and drug administration are mainly divided into four sections, including common misunderstandings in medication methods, misunderstandings in antibiotic use, misunderstandings in the use of traditional chinese medicine, and misunderstandings in the use of eye drops.

medication misunderstanding 1: take the missed medication at any fact, this practice is not advisable. the efficacy of each drug is based on its pharmacological effects and is achieved through a certain dosage and frequency of administration. there is also a certain scientific basis for the interval between taking a drug, and it cannot be extended or shortened at will. taking a supplementary dose at will or doubling the dose the next time you take it may cause adverse consequences.

medication misunderstanding 2: all medicines can be broken up and taken.if the instructions contain instructions such as "swallow the whole tablet" and "do not break or crush", it is not advisable to break it apart and take it. enteric-coated tablets and multi-layer tablets of immediate-release preparations should not be broken apart and taken, and sustained-release tablets and controlled-release tablets should not be broken apart or chewed. do not break immediate-release tablets (or capsules) apart and take them without special reasons. some oral sustained-release tablets and controlled-release tablets have a notch on them. such tablets can be broken apart and taken along the notch, and the dosage can be flexibly adjusted according to the condition under the guidance of a doctor.

medication misunderstanding three: taking antibiotics as soon as you catch a cold.colds are caused by a variety of viral infections. antibiotics are only applicable to inflammation caused by bacteria and some other microorganisms, but are ineffective against colds caused by viruses.

medication misunderstanding 4: stop taking the medicine as soon as symptoms improve.some patients do not take their medications on time and in the prescribed dosage as directed by the doctor. this can actually make it easier for drug-resistant bacteria to develop, which can eventually lead to a lack of antibiotics. the use of antibiotics has its own rules and generally requires 3 to 5 days of use. therefore, antibiotics should be discontinued according to the course of treatment prescribed by the doctor, otherwise it may cause a recurrence of the disease or more serious adverse consequences.

medication misunderstanding 5: chinese medicine can be used for a long time.traditional chinese medicine believes that "stop using chinese medicine when the disease is cured". if chinese medicine is used excessively for a long time, it will cause unnecessary harm to the body.

medication misunderstanding six: the dosage of chinese medicine can be increased or decreased at will.the dosage of the drug is determined according to the patient's age, weight, and condition, and cannot be increased or decreased at will. randomly increasing or decreasing the dosage of the drug may cause other harm due to excessive or insufficient dosage.

medication misunderstanding seven: the more eye drops you apply each time, the better.usually, 1 to 2 drops of eye drops are enough each time. more drops will not increase the efficacy because the volume and storage of the conjunctival sac itself are limited. especially for hormone eye drops, excessive use is prone to adverse reactions.

medication misunderstanding eight: eye drops can continue to be used as long as they have not expired.usually, the expiration date on the eye drops package refers to the date of use under light-proof conditions and unopened. most eye drops contain preservatives and should be used up within 4 weeks after opening, otherwise they should be thrown away. some eye drops without preservatives have special packaging or disposable packaging and should be used up on the same day after opening. in addition, family members should not use eye drops on each other to prevent cross infection.

upstream news reporter chen yu

original title:

do you miss a dose and take it up at any time? do you take antibiotics for a cold? chongqing food and drug administration points out 8 common misunderstandings about medication