
who are the people buying male chastity belts on taobao?


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the sales of male chastity belts on taobao are astonishing.

wives buy them for their husbands to prevent them from cheating, and men buy them for themselves to stop committing adultery.

the steel birdcage isolates the temptation from the outside world, locks the yearning for freedom, and faithfully defends a man's chastity.

there is a saying in official language: nine out of ten men are prostitutes, and the other one is wavering.

as the saying goes: nine out of ten men will go away. the net return is a long thought.

from a global historical perspective, the demand and use of male chastity belts are far higher than female chastity belts.

sexual desire has been part of male nature since ancient times, and the return of male chastity is a product of modern online shopping.

during the crusades, chastity belts were used as a weapon against temptation.

before the knights left the holy land, their wives would put chastity belts on them to force them to remain faithful.

today, the locked-up saints are more likely to be nine-to-five workers.

professional men may use chastity belts for self-protection reasons, to prevent being sexually assaulted by their superiors or co-workers.

chastity belts have also been used to prevent infidelity and to avoid a sport involving self-love.

according to wikipedia, up to 85% of chastity belt users are men.

this conclusion can also be confirmed from the categories of taobao.

in the 21st century, the ethics of moderation, along with the requirements for male virtue, and the idea of ​​calling for male chastity are on the rise.

people's daily online reported that at the changchun world sculpture park in jilin, a man in his 50s was naked, wearing a homemade chastity belt and holding a banner looking for his wife.

he said he wore the chastity belt as a symbol of his fidelity to his future wife.

at this point, everything has become art.

abstinence becomes a mature lifestyle for men.

manufacturers have keenly sensed the trend and rushed to create terrifying devices like torture chambers for men to use at home.

the rise of male chastity belts as a practical tool for enforcing abstinence caters to a unique niche market that struggles with desire.

the flourishing male lock equipment offers a wide variety of styles and specifications.

from a simple steel ring to custom lockable bird cages, the intricate creations of these artisans appeal to those seeking to explore new dimensions in their lives.

the holder of the key holds power and control.

by locking and unlocking the cell, granting the husband the ability to be incarcerated or released, it significantly changes the dynamic balance between the partners.

the relationship between husband and wife becomes a song of ice and fire intertwined with trust, desire and submission.

for women, chastity belts are bailiffs of male morality—men are so horny that only locking them up can stop them from causing trouble.

for men, chastity belts are a manifestation of women’s cruel desire for control and a form of atonement for being forced to do hard labor in kunkun prison.

in modern times, infidelity means sin and often ends with the person being kicked out of the house.

however, although the law is unforgiving, sometimes there will be leniency.

there is only one condition - the unfaithful man must be punished.

wearing a chastity belt was part of this punishment.

the wearer's conscience cannot escape the questioning of their treachery, as the heavy shackles imprison the tools of their crime.

the shackles cannot be removed unless one has the key.

anticipation, accumulation, despair... until you lose control completely, and the key is flaunted in the hands of the prison guard, who enjoys witnessing you collapse and disintegrate in her hands.

now, this is power!

the shame is unbearable, especially when you simply can’t ignore the stainless steel fence that imprisons you.

you carry this heaviness with you with every step you move.

unable to run with the wind or swing freely, you can only feel guilty for your lewdness as tears drip behind the iron bars.

as long as you get in, you will actively transform yourself instead of fighting like a snake in a cage.

the reason is obvious. resistance will only result in a more severe sentence, and escaping from prison will result in an additional five years in prison.

you have worn it for 3 years just to wait for an opportunity. you must get back what you lost - your freedom.

you have to follow the rules set by your wife to achieve this goal.

failure to meet her high standards will result in the loss of the joy of being out of prison forever, so you have considerable motivation to comply.

chastity belts saved marriages, so why would a bachelor spend that kind of money on jail time?

while i won’t publicly admit to having any extensive experience in this area, after limited research i have discovered that not every man wears a chastity belt out of atonement.

moral arguments aside, chinese medicine believes that every act of self-love drains a man's energy.

“if you do not store your essence in winter, you will surely suffer from a fever in spring” is a quote from huangdi neijing: jinkui zhenlun yan chapter.

many men wear chastity belts simply for the peace of mind and body they bring, which comes from the teachings of our ancestors.

the wearer no longer has to worry about indulging in the bad habit of loneliness, and the loss of nutrition is no longer a concern for them.

i have also noticed that men who are chaste become more motivated.

they are freed to devote their time and energy to more productive endeavors.

since he started shopping on taobao, xiaowei's productivity has increased exponentially.

in the past he wrote 3 to 5 articles a month, but now he can write up to 8 articles a week.

“i’ve benefited greatly from eliminating the unnecessary distractions of love and being able to focus on my career,” he said.

what we wear affects how we behave.

ill-fitting clothing, whether too tight or too loose, can reinforce a negative self-image.

the same goes for the things we wear. if we wear a band that doesn’t fit us, we tend to psychologically avoid it socially.

fortunately, taobao has a large collection of chastity belts of different styles and genres from all over the world.

in this digital treasure trove, there are male chastity belts for every need and aesthetic.

from traditional bird cages perfect for beginners to smartphone-controlled cyber prisons, there's something for everyone.

if someone in the cage has inappropriate thoughts, the physical barriers will make him feel restrained and suppressed.

but a good chastity belt is like a wrc car that is more powerful than you. you can't control it, but you just don't want to get off.

in the long run, chastity belts bring a great change to the mentality of frustration, pain and anger.

after getting used to life in the roll cage, they began to become peaceful and calm.

sometimes you really want to get out and about, but life gets in the way.

but you know, some birds are destined to be caged, and every feather of theirs shines with the light of freedom.

this is the redemption of the birdcage owner.
