
chinese bachelors who want to marry foreign wives have long been targeted


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author: tang monk cowboy

if i marry a foreign girl, can i not ask for a dowry, a house or a car?

recently, on short video websites, we can see more and more content about "foreign wives" marrying in china. especially those short videos of life in the countryside, regardless of whether their skin color is white, black or yellow, they are either wearing simple clothes and doing housework, or chatting with people in fluent dialects, and the views and likes are quite high.

this has given many people the illusion that marrying a foreign wife is something that should be very easy to achieve nowadays. in addition, people often see people saying on the internet that "foreign girls don't want dowry, don't require a house or a car", which makes people feel that the "cost-effectiveness" of cross-border marriage is simply good news for chinese men.

some people have taken a fancy to this and are treating it as a "business".

in the past few years, "vietnamese brides" made a lot of noise, and in the past two years, "eastern european beauties favor chinese men" has become popular. there are even "professional agencies" that specialize in matchmaking with brides from laos and pakistan.

these so-called "cross-border matchmaking agencies" are both domestic and foreign, and all use gimmicks like "bringing home ×× million foreign brides."

but if you really believe it, the probability of being cheated and losing both your money and your life is extremely high.

has marrying a foreign wife become a “growth point against the trend”?

once upon a time, marrying a foreigner was simply a matter of destiny. because china's economy was relatively poor at that time, being able to marry a foreigner, especially a developed country in europe and america, was a sure winner in life.

however, in recent years, the situation of chinese women marrying abroad and foreign women married by chinese men has completely changed.

● statistics on foreign marriages in 2020

in the past, most girls from china married overseas, but in recent years, especially after 2018, the situation has reversed. the number of girls from overseas marrying in china has exceeded the number of girls marrying abroad.

in 2019, the number of chinese men marrying foreign wives was 29,329, and the number of chinese girls marrying foreign wives was 19,095; in 2020, 10,054 foreign wives married in china, and only 7,137 chinese women married foreign wives; according to the statistics of foreign marriages in 2021, chinese men married 26,526 foreign wives, and the number of chinese women married foreign wives was 20,472.

this would have been unimaginable 20 years ago.

you should know that in 2001, the number of chinese girls marrying overseas was about 70,000, while the number of domestic men marrying overseas wives was less than 10,000.

● in the 1995 movie "little fisherman", rene liu played xiaoyu who married a foreign man in order to obtain a us green card.

after all, at that time, overseas, especially developed western countries, were more attractive to chinese people than ever before. therefore, there were so many chinese women who wanted to marry abroad from thousands of miles away to find a more materially rich life.

you can see it from watching tv dramas and movies, such as the popular tv series "beijing natives in new york" and its sister series "shanghai natives in tokyo", as well as "big slap" starring ge you, etc. although these film and television works are not solely about transnational marriage and love, they do reflect the reality of that era when marrying a foreigner allowed you to go abroad, complete your identity transformation, and enjoy a richer material life.

thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west.

● in may this year, a british beauty born in the 2000s married a chinese man

in today's online world, you can hardly see any content showing off the superiority of married foreign women. instead, content about rustic chinese men marrying foreign girls has become the "mainstream".

those grassroots transnational couples active on short video platforms have made many rural men who have nothing to lose consider marrying foreign wives.

after all, foreign wives who are "advertised" as not requiring a dowry or a car or house are the "only" chance for these men who have no advantages in terms of financial strength or age to get out of being single.

● fraudulent information from online cross-border dating agencies

those who hope to "buy" a wife by spending money are almost all fat meat in the eyes of the so-called "cross-border marriage and love" agencies.

the scams targeting them have become a stage for scammers who pretend to be transnational marriage brokers to perform. these scammers include chinese and foreigners.

cross-border matchmaking becomes a hot business

"cross-border marriage agency" has become an attractive "business", and almost all of them are under the guise of introducing foreign women to marry chinese people.

according to a rough statistics, the "high-end" ones include those who specialize in introducing eastern european women such as ukraine, while the "economical" ones include southeast asian brides such as vietnam, myanmar, laos, thailand, pakistan, etc.

● short video platforms are full of intermediary advertisements

moreover, almost all of them offer "one-stop" services, that is to say, marrying a foreign girl, including the matchmaking fee, the gift to the girl's family, and all other expenses such as the wedding, only costs a few hundred thousand yuan, and there will be someone to take care of the whole process. those who want to marry a foreign wife only need to pay the money, and the rest will be arranged, without having to worry about anything at all.

these "transnational marriage agencies" hiding in various short video app software often post some live videos of "weddings", coupled with tempting introductions, as if finding an exotic wife through them is easy.

compared with the dowry of hundreds of thousands of yuan in some provinces in china, this "price-performance ratio" is simply too tempting.

for example, on a certain short video website, there was once such information: "160,000 yuan can marry a laotian girl in a 'one-stop' way, including all expenses such as betrothal gifts and weddings." the 160,000 yuan includes the "one-stop" expenses, from introducing girls to round-trip "blind dates" abroad, including weddings and so on.

the price of a "bride" in bangladesh is 160,000 yuan, and the price of a "bride" in vietnam is also 160,000 yuan. it seems that this 160,000 yuan has become a unified "market price". almost all southeast asian "cross-border marriage agencies" offer this price to domestic people who want to find a foreign wife. it is difficult to explain this as a coincidence. in the final analysis, whether it is for "love" or for business, everyone can judge for themselves.

of course, this kind of "cross-border matchmaking" also has high-end bureaus.

brides from southeast asian countries are no longer rare, and now the biggest gimmick has turned to blonde beauties from central and eastern european countries.

for a while, the internet was flooded with articles such as "eastern european beauties all prefer chinese men", "foreign girls" impacting the chinese marriage market with zero bride price", "ukraine (or russia) has an imbalanced gender ratio, and the government encourages cross-border marriages", etc. it seemed as if the girls in these eastern european countries were all waiting for chinese men to marry them.

apart from the fantasy of foreign girls wanting to marry chinese men, i'm afraid that the main reason fueling the trend is for business.

for example, the case of a chinese guy named mei aisi who married a ukrainian wife is a typical marketing template: a "loser" who only scored over 300 points in the college entrance examination not only married a ukrainian beauty with fair skin, beautiful face and long legs, lived in a 3,000 square meter mansion, but also had a mixed-race baby. this case is simply a model of a loser's counterattack, which makes single men envious and jealous, but also makes them eager to try.

however, the reality is not so beautiful. in the transnational marriage and love club he set up specifically for chinese men, the entrance fee for participating in a blind date ranges from 65,000 yuan to 300,000 yuan.

● in the photo on the website of mei aisi's international dating club, he is wearing a suit and sitting among a bunch of ukrainian beauties

if charging "membership fees" to arrange cross-border blind dates can be considered a "business", then paying money to marry a southeast asian bride is simply a scam.

according to media reports, a search on the judicial documents network using the keyword "foreign marriage" found a total of 700 documents. if the keyword "fraud" was added, there were 62 documents in total, most of which were scams launched by transnational marriage agencies or matchmakers under the pretext of introducing foreign brides.

in recent years, police in various places and even consulates abroad have issued warnings about the "foreign matchmaking" scam.

the most recent one was an article published in july by the dali public security bureau in yunnan, which said that in recent years dali city has uncovered many cases of "foreign brides" from myanmar, vietnam and other countries who entered the country illegally, pointing out that these marriages were mostly frauds in the name of marriage.

where can i marry a blonde beauty? in my dreams!

in fact, none of these so-called transnational marriage agencies, which are disguised as introducing "foreign brides", are legal in china.

why do you say none of them are legal?

because as early as 1994, the state council issued a document strictly prohibiting the establishment of foreign-related matchmaking agencies. in other words, foreign-related matchmaking is not allowed in china.

so what should those who are determined to marry a foreign wife who doesn’t ask for a dowry do?

the most important thing is to give up fantasy.

in fact, this is what people who are tempted by online information and want to find a foreign wife with the best "value for money" through matchmaking should do most.

those so-called intermediary agencies that claim to introduce "foreign wives" from southeast asian countries are either colluding to defraud money, or are even more hesitant, luring local girls and even suspected of crimes such as trafficking in women and smuggling.

● in 2019, jiangxi police cracked down on a criminal gang that organized "foreign brides" to cross the border illegally, and arrested a total of 12 suspects (including 6 laotian women).

of course, the so-called high-end "eastern european and american beauties" agents seem reliable, but in fact, we can use data to explain the problem.

don't think that girls from ukraine, russia or other eastern european countries regard chinese men as their golden sons-in-law because of war or poverty. in fact, there are no eastern european beauties waiting for chinese people to marry them in large quantities as the legend says.

compared with their own people, eastern european girls are not very interested in chinese men.

taking ukraine, which is the most popular country on the domestic internet, as an example, the countries where the most women from this country marry are germany, france and italy (according to 2020 data).

according to statistics, the number of ukrainian women marrying to china in recent years is only a few dozen each year, less than 1,000 in total.

this confirms a previous set of data: in 2010, the international marriage rate in norway was 1.3%, while in the czech republic it was less than 0.2%. according to a survey conducted by the online dating website okcupid, all women prefer men of their own race, so in eastern european countries, girls will definitely give priority to europeans when looking for spouses.

facebook's dating app also shows that black and asian men are least likely to be accepted by women. in the eyes of white women, asian men are actually less attractive than white, african american and latino men.

● image source: photo network

it is precisely for this reason that domestic online media always like to use mei aisi’s story as an example. ultimately, it is because there are not many other successful cases.

of course, in addition to the "sexual fantasies" on the internet, there are also "experts" who give advice.

there was a rumor on the internet before that shanxi province launched a "foreign girl introduction plan" to encourage shanxi youth to marry foreign brides. many netizens who did not know the truth said that this was possible.

we did not find any reliable official information, but we did find a possible source of the "plan to introduce foreign girls" from some clues.

this year, media reported that a certain university's rural research institute released a research report on the difficulties faced by older rural men in finding marriages. the report showed that the difficulties faced by some older rural men in finding marriages are becoming increasingly serious, which has had a significant impact on local rural family building and grassroots social stability.

in response to this situation, a professor at a university in xiamen gave a suggestion: open up international marriages and introduce young women of marriageable age from overseas through the "bringing in and going out" approach.

● advice from a professor

we certainly believe that this expert's opinion is a "good shortcut" proposed by an individual at a time when china's overall economic strength and cultural influence are growing.

after all, as the lyrics say, "sometimes i feel like a superstar, everyone loves me because i'm rich and famous", but he ignores the fact that love and marriage are actually built on the basis of equality and freedom, and can only bloom when cultures blend and hearts connect.

you should know that whether it is the so-called "high cost-effectiveness" of marrying a foreign girl for 160,000 yuan on the internet, or the "false prosperity" of eastern european blonde beauties eager to marry chinese boys, behind them are actually illegalities and even frauds.

even though the economic level and the quality of the people have been improving, and china's influence in the world is also growing, but things like love and marriage are not "business"?

● references

[1] jiemian news: the poor student who married a ukrainian woman started a cross-border dating club

[2] the paper | dali police reminds: in recent years, many cases of illegal entry of “foreign brides” have been discovered, most of which are frauds

[3] today’s women’s news: using short videos to find a foreign bride for 160,000 yuan? most of the clients are rural men. lawyers remind you to be careful of being deceived.

[4] a chinese college entrance examination failure studied in ukraine and became a ceo, marrying an 18-year-old wife