
on the first day of school, primary and secondary schools across hainan held a variety of activities


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■ hainan daily omnimedia reporter zhang wanqian dang chaofeng liu jie zhang wenjun zeng yuhui

the most watched event this summer is the paris olympics. on september 2, the first day of school for primary and secondary schools in our province was held, and the first lesson of many schools was about the olympics.

"which moment of the paris olympics do you remember most? what can we learn from the olympic athletes?" the teacher of grade 1 (9) of binhai no. 9 primary school in haikou city asked questions one after another. as soon as the teacher finished speaking, the students raised their hands and answered: "the spirit of teamwork!" "the spirit of daring to challenge oneself!"

at hai rui school in haikou, more than 5,000 teachers and students gathered in the playground and formed a giant olympic ring shape. looking down from the air, huge slogans such as "carry forward the olympic spirit" were particularly eye-catching.

as the "olympic wind" blows into campuses and classrooms, the first lessons of the new semester with profound ideas, diverse forms and rich content have kicked off in primary and secondary schools across the province.

colorful classroom inspires wisdom

in order to inspire young people's love and curiosity for science, haikou changtong school held an opening ceremony full of "sense of science and technology". under the operation of students, drones leaped into the sky, passing through obstacles such as arches. "holding a flight obstacle challenge is aimed at improving students' hands-on and brain-power abilities, stimulating their creativity and imagination in exploring the future of aviation, and enhancing young people's enthusiasm for learning artificial intelligence." said wu dinglei, the instructor of the science and technology innovation group of haikou changtong school.

what plant emits fragrance when touched? what is the secret of rosemary? on september 2, more than 20 primary school students from xiangyang primary school in tunchang county visited the xianglifang herb museum located in the fantasy xiangshan in tunchang to see hundreds of kinds of herbs and learn relevant knowledge.

on september 2, students from xiangyang primary school in tunchang county visited the xianglifang herb museum located in the fantasy xiangshan in tunchang to appreciate herbs and learn about them. photo by correspondent lin xiaodan

under the vivid explanation of the research teacher, the children learned about the origins, habits and healing effects of various interesting aromatic plants. they also experienced the processing of aromatic plants into perfumes and soaps. this first lesson of the new school year not only broadened the children’s horizons, but also stimulated their interest in learning and exploring natural knowledge.

at the opening ceremony of changjiang middle school, the school awarded prizes to students with outstanding performance in the previous academic year, encouraging them to set clear goals and start the new semester with a positive attitude. yan benqiang, the chief prosecutor of the county procuratorate and deputy principal of changjiang middle school, also gave the students the first law class of the new semester, encouraging them to become "little models" who know, understand, abide by and use the law.

ignite students' patriotism

this year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of new china. the first lesson of many schools revolves around patriotism education, further guiding young people to consciously transform their deep patriotic feelings into the ambition to build a strong country.

that morning, the china institute of south china sea studies in jiangdong new district, haikou, welcomed a group of special visitors - eighth grade students from haikou haijing school. the school "moved" the classroom into the exhibition hall, leading students to read archives, check historical documents, watch oral videos of veterans, and listen to special lectures to cultivate their patriotism.

"students are not only visitors, but also inheritors. i hope that through this visit, their awareness of the ocean will be enhanced, and that in the process of understanding the history of their hometown, they will deeply feel the revolutionary spirit of their ancestors who were not afraid of sacrifice and overcame difficulties." said huang weixing, vice principal of haikou seaview school.

safety and growth

campus safety is no small matter, and improving prevention is the most important. the renovated and expanded hailuo campus of sanya no. 7 primary school welcomed the first batch of new students, and held a theme class meeting for the first lesson of safety education in each class to protect the safety of the "school season".

"students, if you ride an electric bike to school, what should you wear?" "a helmet!" in each classroom, teachers explained to students about traffic safety, drowning prevention and other daily safety knowledge in a vivid and emotional way, taking into account the age characteristics of primary school students. they also deepened students' knowledge and understanding of safety knowledge through questions and answers. "i learned that no matter whether you can swim or not, you should not go swimming in the wild, but go to a formal place to swim." said tian yize, a student in grade 3 (4).

on september 2, freshmen at sanya no. 7 primary school listened attentively to the safety knowledge lecture in the first class of the first grade. photo by hainan daily omnimedia reporter wang chenglong

on the same day, lingshui public security traffic police also went to five schools including hainan lingshui siyuan experimental school and lingshui li autonomous county benhao junior high school. they taught students traffic safety knowledge by playing traffic safety warning films, giving face-to-face lectures and distributing traffic safety publicity materials, explaining the law through cases and making education entertaining.

at dongfang no. 2 middle school, staff from the dongfang city fire rescue brigade promoted fire safety knowledge to teachers and students, and provided an innovative and interesting fire safety lesson for teachers and students through on-site fire-fighting drills and introductions to fire trucks.

one after another, the "launch class", "motivation class", "science class" and "safety class" have opened a new school year and a new chapter in the students' journey of learning.

(hainan daily, haikou, september 2)
