
international sharp comments | what are the ulterior motives behind the us and the west’s support for the philippines?


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on the 1st local time, the european external action service issued a statement attacking chinese coast guard ships for taking dangerous actions against philippine ships in the south china sea. prior to this, the us state department also issued a statement slandering chinese coast guard ships for "deliberately ramming" philippine ships. the us and europe worked in unison to support the philippines and blame china. this routine is not unfamiliar to people. however, all political hype and performances are vulnerable in the face of facts.

what the world saw was that within just ten days, the philippines conducted four extremely dangerous intrusions and aerial delivery operations in the waters of china's ren'ai reef and xianbin reef. the most recent one occurred on august 31. through the on-site video, people can clearly see that the philippine coast guard ship no. 9701, which illegally stayed at china's xianbin reef, weighed anchor and deliberately rammed the chinese coast guard ship that was normally enforcing its rights in a dangerous manner, resulting in a collision. china's on-site operations were legitimate, legal, professional and standardized. in addition, the video also showed a picture of the us p-8a reconnaissance aircraft interfering with the chinese coast guard's law enforcement operations. these clearly prove that the responsibility for the collision between the two ships lies entirely with the philippines; it is the philippines that is provoking and escalating the situation in the south china sea; and it is the united states that is fanning the flames and fearing that the south china sea will not be in chaos.

the us and europe are not parties to the south china sea issue and have no right to make comments on it. they are confusing right and wrong, endorsing and supporting the philippines' provocative behavior of violating china's territorial sovereignty, adding fuel to the fire and taking sides, with their own ulterior motives behind it.

from the us side, the philippines is located at the key point of the so-called "first island chain" and has maritime disputes with china. it is the first choice for the united states to promote the "indo-pacific strategy" in the south china sea. in fact, according to relevant research, as early as 2021, the united states hyped up the activities of chinese fishing boats on the islands and reefs in the south china sea, instigating the philippines to take "countermeasures". since 2023, the shadow of the united states has been behind the philippines' adventurous provocations in the south china sea. from sending reporters to follow the ship to hype, to providing local intelligence and diplomatic support, to threatening that the "us-philippines mutual defense treaty" applies to the south china sea, the united states has made enough gestures, with the purpose of pushing the philippines to the front line, muddying the waters of the south china sea, and increasing china's maritime rights protection costs, thereby containing and consuming china. as for whether the promise to "protect" the philippines can be fulfilled, as a former us official pointed out when attending an event of the german think tank schiller institute in june: the philippines is not a friend of the united states, but just a tool of the united states. since it is a tool, what is there to talk about whether to fulfill the promise?

as for the eu, under the long-term infiltration of the united states and the impact of the ukrainian crisis, the independence of european politics and diplomacy has been affected. to a large extent, it intervenes in asia-pacific affairs to cooperate with the us global strategy and to expand its own influence. however, the eu's actions not only deviate from the common desire of regional countries to maintain peace and stability in the south china sea, but also do more harm than good to its own interests and international reputation.

no matter how the us and europe stand up and endorse, they cannot change the fact that xianbin reef belongs to china, nor can they cover up the nature of the philippines' violation of china's sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, nor can they help the philippines realize its unreasonable desire to occupy more islands and reefs in the south china sea.

according to historical and documentary data, the chinese government has been exercising continuous and effective administrative jurisdiction over xianbin reef. the philippines has coveted this uninhabited island and reef for a long time. since 2011, the philippines has taken various activities to try to occupy xianbin reef. since april 2024, philippine ships have illegally stayed in the xianbin reef lagoon of china, trying to establish a permanent presence on xianbin reef and replicate the farce of "running aground" on ren'ai reef. it is reported that after more than 100 days of anchoring, the ship urgently needs to be transported and replenished, otherwise it may malfunction or even sink. with no other tricks left, the philippines deliberately rammed chinese ships to create hot spots, escalate the situation, gain more attention, and carry out more occupation activities.

the illegal stay of philippine ships in the xianbin reef lagoon of china has brought serious impacts to the ecological environment of xianbin reef. the "xianbin reef coral reef ecosystem survey report" released by china at the end of august shows that philippine ships have been anchored at xianbin reef for a long time. under the influence of waves and currents, the anchor chains and anchors will continue to cause damage to the reef.

the south china sea is a sea of ​​peace. maintaining peace, stability and ecological friendliness in the south china sea is the common wish of regional countries. the declaration on the conduct of parties in the south china sea stipulates that all parties should not take actions that complicate or expand disputes and affect peace and stability. the recent actions of the philippines at xianbin reef are obviously contrary to the spirit of the declaration and the common expectations of regional countries. immediately withdrawing the illegally detained ships and immediately stopping the infringement and provocation are the only correct choices for the philippines, otherwise it will pay a greater price.

in a new round of strategic communication between china and the united states held recently, china explicitly required the united states not to use bilateral treaties as an excuse to undermine china's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and not to support and condone the philippines' infringement. the united states reiterated that it does not seek to oppose china by strengthening the alliance system, and has no intention of conflict with china. the united states has gone back on its word before its words were spoken. where is the credibility of a major power? as for the european union, it must also be cautious in its words and deeds and not interfere in the south china sea issue to undermine its own interests and international reputation. china is determined to safeguard its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, and is determined to continue to work with regional countries to maintain peace and stability in the south china sea.

(international sharp comments commentator)

(source: cctv news)

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