
authoritative release | binzhou veterans affairs bureau: practicing the "12356" work approach to promote veterans' work to "take the lead and take the lead"


한어Русский языкEnglishFrançaisIndonesianSanskrit日本語DeutschPortuguêsΕλληνικάespañolItalianoSuomalainenLatina lightning news, september 2nd: on september 2nd, the binzhou municipal government information office held a special press conference on the theme of "great opening, great reform, great development, comprehensively improving eight qualities - showing progress" for the binzhou veterans affairs bureau. shi hongfang, secretary of the party leadership group and director of the binzhou veterans affairs bureau, zhang jianjun, deputy secretary of the party leadership group and level 3 researcher of the binzhou veterans affairs bureau, and chai xinyong, member of the party leadership group and deputy director of the binzhou veterans affairs bureau, were invited to jointly introduce the work results of the binzhou veterans affairs bureau in improving service quality this year and the progress of related work, and answer questions from reporters.
shi hongfang introduced that since the beginning of this year, under the strong leadership of the binzhou municipal party committee and municipal government, the city's veterans affairs system has closely focused on the city's "1+1188" development pattern, insisted on "taking veterans as the center", paid tribute to the "olive green", sang the "bohai red", created "quality services for veterans", and implemented the "12356" working ideas, that is, focusing on the "one main line" of high-quality development of veterans affairs work, doing a good job in serving economic and social development and serving national defense and military construction, improving the "three systems" of organizational management, work operation, and policies and systems, implementing the "five major actions" of ideological soul-building, service-oriented, foundation-building, military-civilian gathering, and benchmarking and improvement, and promoting the realization of the "six goals" of building a solid political foundation, optimizing service guarantees, improving grassroots foundations, consolidating the results of the two supports, empowering systems and mechanisms, and improving the quality of the team, so that the city's veterans work can achieve high-quality development. since the beginning of this year, it has hosted an on-site experience exchange meeting on new media publicity work for retired military personnel in the province, undertaken four pilot projects in the province, and made typical speeches at national and provincial conferences on six tasks including double support and joint construction, employment and entrepreneurship, and service guarantee. 16 experiences and practices such as double support culture, preferential treatment and commendation, and rights protection have been published and promoted in national and provincial internal publications and central media. the legalization of petition work and the efficient completion of "retired military personnel services" have been commended by provincial and ministerial leaders and the main leaders of the municipal party committee and municipal government.
political guidance is more resolute. education guides the majority of retired soldiers to retire and make contributions to the new era. a series of activities such as "commemorating the 80th anniversary of the founding of bohai district" were organized. relying on the bohai revolutionary old district memorial park, more than 100,000 people were given red education in the old bohai area each year, leading 129,000 retired soldiers to inherit the red gene and continue the red bloodline. 32 ideological and political work teams and a team of more than 3,300 retired soldiers' ideological and political instructors were established, playing an active role in legal aid, visits and condolences, and assistance to the needy. a veterans' lecture group was formed to conduct a tour lecture on innovation and entrepreneurship, rural revitalization, emergency rescue and other contents. a group of party building instructors, grid managers, and conflict mediators were cultivated to guide retired soldiers to play a role in grassroots social governance. more than 100 series of activities such as assisting college entrance examination volunteer services and providing financial assistance to children of retired soldiers in difficulty were carried out, polishing the "shandong veterans rongyao binzhou" veterans' volunteer service brand.
service support is more optimized. relevant policies such as transfer and resettlement, employment and entrepreneurship, preferential treatment and commendation of retired military personnel are accurately implemented, and service support is more effective. according to the policy, the resettlement and selection of positions for retired military officers and retired soldiers arranged by the government in 2024 are completed with high quality; retired military personnel are supported to teach in primary and secondary schools and kindergartens through separate planned recruitment or planned resettlement, and they are encouraged to obtain teacher qualification certificates. 57 people participated in special training on education and teaching ability; more than 70 retired soldiers have found employment through civil servant recruitment and public institution recruitment. the "action to achieve the dream of retired military personnel employment and entrepreneurship" was implemented, 34 job fairs were held, 876 people reached employment intentions, and more than 260 people were trained on order; a total of 240 million yuan in entrepreneurial loans and more than 18 million yuan in interest subsidies were issued; the military entrepreneurs association was established, a military entrepreneurship enterprise achievement exhibition was held, a strategic cooperation agreement was signed between jiangsu, zhejiang and shandong, and a retired military innovation and entrepreneurship competition was held to enable retired military personnel to find employment and start businesses, and help military entrepreneurship enterprises grow bigger and stronger. the preferential treatment was fully implemented, with 210 million yuan of pension and subsidy funds and preferential treatment for conscripts' families distributed, and 8,860 businesses signed up for the "veterans alliance". relying on the municipal preferential treatment hospital, a "heart peace hospital" was built, providing sunshine psychological services to 4,080 people.
rights and interests protection is more effective. adhere to the focus on shifting the center of gravity downward, grasp the grassroots, lay the foundation, and do our utmost to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of veterans. build and make good use of the service system. the four-level service system of city, county, township and village has been fully established, and 5 "fengqiao-style" benchmark veterans service stations have been built. the service model of "service brand leadership + service center demonstration + grassroots service excellence" has been implemented to promote the construction of fengqiao-style veterans service stations in the new era throughout the city, and carry out related work of "sinking and stationing to promote improvement". make every effort to safeguard legitimate rights and interests. implement "handle complaints immediately", and regularly carry out the "meet at the soldier's home to discuss soldiers' affairs" comprehensive service open day activities every month, providing psychological counseling, legal aid, technical support and other services to more than 10,000 service recipients. carry out the "warm veterans" public welfare action, and the number of beneficiaries of the activity ranks first in the province. regularly visit and condolences, help veterans in need and their children with schooling, and distribute 2.36 million yuan in funds. explore innovative service models. deepen the implementation of "veteran service" to efficiently handle 22 veteran services directly and quickly; undertake the provincial pilot project of new media publicity for veterans and establish a new media team of 150 people; formulate norms for legal services for veterans and explore the standardization of legal services; actively promote the compilation and digitization of the bohai district martyrs' list, and promote the deep integration of digital technology and commendation and commemoration services.
the brand of "supporting the army and supporting the people" is more famous. we strive to win the title of "national model city for supporting the army and supporting the people" for five consecutive years, and have passed the assessment and acceptance with high quality. 13 tasks have been praised and recognized by the assessment team. we have created the brand of "sincere supporting the army and supporting the people·quality binzhou" for the joint construction of support and support, and formed a pattern of "one county, one brand, one place, one feature" for the joint construction of support and support. we have kept a close eye on the "frontline outpost". we have fully implemented the system of mutual practical affairs between the military and the local government, and formulated a list of 19 practical matters. we have consolidated the achievements of the construction of key military supply stations across the country and successfully completed various support tasks. we have focused on "the future generations in the back yard". it has become a normal practice for college students to "join the army with a fixed-term contract", and the local basic living allowance standard for military dependents during the period of unemployment has remained at the forefront of the province for many years. the children of the troops stationed in binzhou and the "binzhou native" soldiers are enrolled in schools nearby and on a preferential basis. the local finance provides each officer and soldier stationed in binzhou with a cross-military and local medical subsidy of 1,000 yuan per year. we have polished the brand of "supporting the army and supporting the people". build a "government, business, military, enterprise and school" support-support system, promote "ship-school co-construction" and "city-ship co-construction", and realize the two-way rush of cities and warships. establish a binzhou-style support-support school system led by binzhou support-support college and supported by support-support schools in counties, cities and districts. organize more than 70 series of activities such as "support-support caravan·assisting rural revitalization" and "agricultural and sideline products entering military camps" to encourage the majority of military and civilians to devote themselves to the practice of patriotism and support for the military.
work and start businesses more brilliantly. strive for the first place, do the only thing, and create first-class. the city's veterans affairs system is anchored on "striving for championships in individual items and creating first-class overall" to comprehensively strengthen its own construction. adhere to the leadership of party building, carry out party discipline learning and education in a solid manner, set up a number of party member demonstration posts, and carry out a series of activities such as warning education and red speech competitions to forge a team of loyal, clean and responsible cadres. benchmark learning and improvement, go to fujian, jiangsu and zhejiang regions and advanced cities in the province to learn about veterans' work experience, and establish good cooperative relations with local veterans affairs departments and jiangsu and zhejiang military enterprises. strengthen process control, improve weekly reviews, monthly analysis, battle charts, task tracking and other working mechanisms, and create political, service-oriented, innovative, tough, and efficient "five-type" agencies through the implementation of the competition and excellence list, encourage cadres to work and start businesses, realize institutional mechanism empowerment, and promote veterans' work to "take the lead and take the lead", and make greater contributions to accelerating the construction of quality binzhou.
lightning news reporter chen shuai reports from binzhou