
the inaugural meeting of the medical services working committee of beijing henan economic and cultural promotion association was successfully held


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on august 31, the inaugural meeting of the medical service working committee of beijing henan economic and cultural promotion association (hereinafter referred to as "henan promotion association") was grandly held at beijing wanfangyuan international hotel. the meeting brought together many well-known experts in the medical industry, as well as nearly 100 guests including leaders, experts, scholars, corporate representatives and media friends who care about and support the cooperation and exchanges between henan and beijing.

the meeting was divided into several parts, including the unveiling ceremony, speeches by leaders, expert sharing, and group photos. the meeting kicked off with the solemn national anthem. executive secretary-general song ping read out the document on the establishment of the medical service working committee. zhao zilin, former director of the planning and finance department of the ministry of health, he wei, deputy secretary-general of the henan provincial people's government and director of the provincial office in beijing, wang mingxiao, vice president of the chinese society of research hospitals, and chen xinhua, president of the henan promotion association, jointly unveiled the beijing henan economic and cultural promotion association medical service working committee.

chen xinhua, president of beijing henan economic and cultural promotion association, delivered a speech

chen xinhua, president of henan medical promotion association, pointed out in his speech that the establishment of the medical service committee is an important milestone in the development of henan medical promotion association. this move aims to strengthen the exchanges and cooperation between beijing and henan in the medical field, jointly promote the advancement of medical technology, improve the quality of medical services, and better serve the general public.

professor wang mingxiao, honorary president of beijing henan economic and cultural promotion association and chief medical expert, delivered a speech

wang mingxiao, the newly appointed honorary president of henan promotion association, former president of china coal general hospital, and director of the national mine medical assistance center, has high hopes for the establishment of the medical service committee. he said: the establishment of the medical service working committee of beijing-henan promotion association plays a positive role in the development of medical undertakings in beijing and henan, and is of great significance for promoting the sharing of medical resources, technical complementarity, and mutual learning of experience between the two places. it is hoped that the medical service working committee can give full play to its own advantages, actively perform its duties, and contribute to promoting the medical cooperation between beijing and henan to a deeper level and a wider field. at the same time, it is also expected that through the efforts of the committee, an efficient and pragmatic communication platform can be built to provide more learning opportunities and cooperation possibilities for medical workers in the two places.

zhao zilin (first from right), former director of the planning and finance department of the ministry of health, presented professor wang mingxiao (second from left) with the appointment letter of chief medical expert, and he wei (first from left), deputy secretary-general of the henan provincial government and director of the provincial office in beijing, presented wang mingxiao with the certificate of honorary president.

during the meeting, zhao zilin, former director of the planning and finance department of the ministry of health, presented professor wang mingxiao with a letter of appointment as chief medical expert. he wei, deputy secretary-general of the henan provincial government and director of the provincial office in beijing, presented professor wang mingxiao with a certificate of honorary president and pointed out in his speech: "the establishment of the medical work service committee will provide a broader platform for beijing and henan, thereby promoting the sharing and optimal allocation of medical resources."

song ping, executive secretary general of henan promotion association, gave a detailed introduction to the establishment and preparation of the medical services professional committee

song ping, executive secretary general of henan promotion association, introduced in detail the establishment and preparation of the medical service working committee. he said that this important move marks a substantial step forward in the cooperation between beijing and henan in the field of medical services. since its launch, the preparatory work of the medical service working committee has received positive responses and support from all parties. the preparatory team took active actions, coordinated resources from multiple parties, and conducted extensive communication and consultation with experts in the medical industry. these efforts ensured the smooth progress of the preparatory work and laid a solid foundation for the formal establishment of the working committee.

wang yonggang, vice president of henan promotion association and chairman of the medical services working committee, introduced the purpose of the medical services working committee

at the meeting, wang yonggang, vice president of henan promotion association and chairman of the medical service working committee, introduced in detail the purpose, goals and future work plan of the committee. he pointed out that the committee will be committed to building a medical service platform, promoting the sharing of medical resources between beijing and henan, strengthening academic exchanges, promoting medical technology exchanges and cooperation, helping the development of medical undertakings in beijing and henan, and contributing to improving the medical level of the two places.

in addition, yang jian, former secretary of the children's hospital affiliated to the capital institute of pediatrics, and yu chunjiang, president of the capital medical university sanbo brain hospital, spoke on behalf of medical experts. zheng rujian, deputy secretary-general of the luohe municipal party committee and director of the beijing-tianjin-hebei investment promotion liaison office, li rui, director of the anyang office in beijing, zhou shengli, executive president of the beijing henan enterprise chamber of commerce, and wang hongtao, vice president and secretary-general of the beijing chinese and western medicine cancer prevention and treatment alliance, and other leaders congratulated the establishment of the medical service working committee. at the meeting, the first batch of 57 experts accepted the appointment letter of "medical expert".

it is worth mentioning that after the meeting, the participants also had in-depth discussions and exchanges on topics such as how to better play the role of the medical work service committee, strengthen the training of medical talents, and promote the innovation of medical technology.

the successful convening of this conference not only marks that the beijing henan economic and cultural promotion association has further expanded the field of medical services on the basis of promoting economic and cultural exchanges, but also provides strong guarantees for the health and well-being of henan people in beijing and the general public. president chen xinhua said: "in the future, we will continue to work hard to promote more medical service projects and better medical resources to connect with henan, help improve the local medical level, and benefit more people."