
harbin no.5 hospital participated in the 2024 harbin school health work conference


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china news network heilongjiang news, august 30 (gao junzhen and zhou zhihan) on august 29, the 2024 harbin school health work conference was held at harbin no. 3 middle school. in order to assist the city's school health work, sun xiaolei, deputy director of the scoliosis correction center of harbin no. 5 hospital and head therapist of the rehabilitation medicine department, attended the meeting and gave lectures.
scoliosis has become the third most serious disease that threatens the health of children and adolescents in my country after obesity and myopia. scoliosis not only causes spinal deformity and makes children feel inferior, but also affects their mobility and even causes compression and damage to other organs and nerves such as the heart and lungs, affecting their lives. therefore, standardized screening for scoliosis is particularly important for preventing the occurrence of this disease.
at the meeting, sun xiaolei gave a comprehensive lecture on the theme of "standardized screening and diagnosis and treatment of scoliosis", from the location of scoliosis screening to the required instruments and equipment, from the method of observing the examinee to the inspection criteria, etc. the main content of the lecture was clear and concise, and was unanimously recognized by the medical workers present. xue zexi, a trainer of the "spine" youth hundred cities program of the china health primary care foundation, gave a systematic explanation of the use of scoliosis screening instruments at the meeting, helping the participants avoid misunderstandings and further master the key points of scoliosis screening technology.
harbin no. 5 hospital is the scoliosis screening and correction center in harbin, and the first and only "spine" youth hundred cities plan training center in heilongjiang province. it has been committed to promoting the prevention and treatment of adolescent scoliosis, actively participating in campus scoliosis screening and free clinic activities, and continuously carrying out adolescent scoliosis education, screening, and correction throughout the year. it has now helped tens of thousands of young people to straighten their backs. (end)