
triggering technological innovation in mining fields


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"this blast hole needs to adopt a segmented charging mode."
"the distance between the blast holes in this blast area should be larger."
"what do you think?"
in the technical group of the blasting workshop of shougang mining company's shuichang iron mine (hereinafter referred to as "shuichang iron mine"), employees gathered in front of the computer, looking at the blasting design drawings and discussing the blasting plan together. this is a routine work before each blasting. as usual, kang fujun was the first to express his views and solicit the opinions of his colleagues, striving to complete high-quality blasting tasks with minimal consumption of explosives.
mining production starts with blasting. as the shuichang iron mine enters the post-open pit era, blasting in the mine faces the characteristics of narrow platform space and complex environment, which puts forward stricter requirements and brings higher challenges to blasting work. as a blasting technician in the blasting workshop, kang fujun, facing new situations and new tasks, insists on taking blasting technology innovation as the guide, targeting key difficulties, continuously charging and repeatedly charging, completing various blasting production tasks with high standards and high efficiency, and practicing the responsibility and commitment of a communist party member with practical actions.
kang fujun (middle)
learn technology based on your job, improve your skills and take the lead
in 2009, kang fujun graduated from the mining engineering department of inner mongolia university of science and technology and started working in the blasting workshop of the shuichang iron mine. he has been doing this for 15 years. during this period, kang fujun worked as a blaster, planner, technician and other positions. every time he took a new position, he regarded himself as a "primary school student" and started from scratch to learn relevant professional knowledge and accumulate relevant work experience. fifteen years of blasting career and thousands of blasting operations have made kang fujun gradually grow into an expert in the field of blasting technology.
quality is the key to mining blasting, which directly affects the efficiency of the subsequent mining and loading process. "where can i start to further improve the quality of blasting?" with such a question, kang fujun went to the blasting site in the mining area, carefully studied relevant books, and consulted and learned from scientific research institutions, hoping to find the "golden key" to solve the problem.
once, when communicating with professor ding from the school of resources and civil engineering of beijing university of science and technology, professor ding said: "your factory and mine's segmented charging technology is mature and widely used. you can also combine the characteristics of digital electronic detonators and work harder on the micro-difference time in the hole for research." professor ding's words were like a light in the dark, allowing kang fujun to find the direction of progress at once, and he devoted himself to the application research of micro-difference initiation technology for deep hole blasting. during the day, he entered the blasting area to guide the blasting construction and record various blasting test data in detail; at night, he sorted out the test data, summarized and improved the areas where the post-blasting effect was insufficient, and established a mathematical model. with a tenacious spirit, kang fujun groped forward in repeated attempts, and finally the innovative three-dimensional multi-directional micro-difference initiation technology method was effectively improved through practical application, reducing the consumption of explosives.
li shuo, the squad leader of the blasting squad, said: "i have known fu jun for more than ten years. he has a drive that never gives up until the goal is achieved, which i admire very much."
don't back down in the face of difficulties, rush forward and take the lead
as the open-pit mining of shuichang iron mine enters the decline period, the amount of ore that can be mined is decreasing day by day, and the ore supply capacity is gradually declining. it is urgent to alleviate the pressure of resource tension. in 2023, shuichang iron mine will make tapping the potential of the southwest end one of its key tasks. the geological and topographical conditions of this area are complex. the upper slopes are affected by long-term weathering and rain erosion, and there are many floating stones. in addition, the lower part is close to important facilities such as the main road and tailings pipeline. it is necessary to minimize the vibration and forward rush of blasting to avoid affecting the main road and damaging the tailings pipeline.
"even though the blasting is very difficult, it must be completed." kang fujun silently made a military order to himself in his heart.
in order to reduce the vibration of blasting, reduce the amount of material thrown away by the excavator, and speed up the progress of the site, after the perforation operation platform was formed, kang fujun led the members of the blasting technology innovation studio to go deep into the site many times, draw detailed topographical drawings, and accurately grasp the on-site environmental conditions. on this basis, kang fujun and his colleagues designed multiple blasting plans and repeatedly compared and demonstrated them, but none of them achieved the expected results.
"it is too difficult to control the vibration of blasting, what should i do?" kang fujun thought in class and when he returned home. by chance, when kang fujun was flipping through his wife's first-class construction engineer evidence collection materials, he accidentally discovered that forming a certain size of empty holes in the building structure can have a shock-absorbing effect. "can this method be applied to blasting?" kang fujun did it as soon as he thought of it. he studied the feasibility with his colleagues and consulted scientific research institutions and received a positive answer. therefore, he and his colleagues decided to innovate and implement controlled blasting technologies such as empty hole guidance in the southwestern end. in order to make this new blasting method achieve the expected results, kang fujun kept an eye on the site every day, and personally checked every link, such as the penetration depth, hole spacing, and charge amount, to ensure that all parameters met the design requirements.
the day of the cannon fire arrived, and kang fujun stood outside the cordon, staring intently at the blasting area. after the cannon fire, kang fujun confirmed that it was safe and entered the blasting site for a post-blasting inspection. the blasting quality was good, and the main road and nearby tailings pipelines were not affected. the blasting vibration control achieved the expected blasting design effect.
since 2023, more than 40 cannon shots have been fired at the southwestern end of the ridge, recovering more than 2 million tons of ore resources, ensuring a stable supply of ore to the mine.
be a pioneer in technological innovation, overcome difficulties and solve problems
entering 2024, shougang mining company will promote technological innovation as the first competitive advantage. kang fujun takes "only innovators can advance, only innovators can become strong, and only innovators can win" as his innovation motto, constantly innovating blasting technology, overcoming difficulties, and solving problems.
after the mining equipment is replaced, the requirements for the block size of the blasting area are higher. in order to improve the blasting quality, the previous methods of increasing the amount of explosives per hole and reducing the length of the filling can reduce the blasting block, but it will cause the increase of the unit consumption of explosives and the harmful effects of post-blasting surge.
the problems on site are the topics to be tackled and the direction of technological innovation. kang fujun led the members of the blasting technology innovation studio to carry forward the spirit of daring to tackle "hard bones" and carry out research on blasting quality optimization based on improving quality and reducing consumption. "first, we will conduct experiments on expanding the hole network parameters in different areas. the water plant iron mine will be divided into 8 areas according to different locations, different lithologies, and different blasting types. each area will be tested with different hole network parameters. each blasting area will be tracked and evaluated one by one, and a database will be established to promote and apply the optimized deep hole blasting parameters to reduce blasting consumption. second, we will use the guided blasting technology in an innovative way to control backwash. in the rear-row holes, the top air interval method will be adopted to guide the blasting funnel of the rear-row blast holes to change the direction of action, thereby reducing backwash while reducing unit consumption and reducing the rate of large blocks. third, in the hole in the vertical direction, innovative segmented micro-difference blasting technology was implemented to expand the space for rock movement and collision compensation, improve the utilization rate of blasting energy, and make rock crushing more complete. "kang fujun introduced that "the blasting efficiency in the past four years has accumulated to 165.49t/m, setting a good level for seven consecutive months; the unit consumption of explosives has decreased by 9.37kg/10,000t compared with the same period last year, and the root block rate has decreased by 35.2%; the blasting particle size has been reduced from the original 1.0-1.4 meters to less than 0.8 meters, creating good conditions for efficient mining production and ensuring the efficiency of mining and loading equipment."
"in the blasting industry, there is only better, not best. currently, the company is embarking on a new journey of high-quality development. as a communist party member, i will continue to keep pace with the company's development, constantly surpass myself, and use blasting technology innovation to help the company's innovative development and write a new chapter." kang fujun said.
(labor noon news reporter shi haiqin and correspondent wang huiying)
source: china workers network