
this class is quite "awesome"! hunan university of science and technology's "manatee class" opens


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huasheng online, september 2 (reporter jiang shiyu, correspondent wang kexin, tang yahui) the "manatee class" has started! on the afternoon of august 31, the second "manatee class" of the future technology college of hunan university of science and technology started, and 27 students from 6 colleges were selected.
what is the "manatee class"? in may 2020, the ministry of education proposed to explore the rules of substantive compound cross-disciplinary cooperation in professional disciplines and a new model for cultivating leading talents in future scientific and technological innovation through the construction of the future technology college. in 2021, hunan university of science and technology established the future technology college. in 2023, the future technology college officially selected students from science and engineering majors across the university to form a future technology experimental class, namely the "manatee class".
it is reported that this year's "manatee class" is taught by wan buyan, a "model of the times" and leader of the mechanical engineering discipline. at the opening ceremony, the chief technical experts and chief engineers of well-known smart manufacturing companies in hunan and the well-known professors and doctoral supervisors of various disciplines of the school signed the mutual selection intention form with the student team one by one.
xiao lan, a student of the second class of the "manatee class", believes that joining the manatee class not only means a new beginning, but also symbolizes unprecedented challenges and opportunities. "we will always regard the manatee class as our home, professor wan buyan as our role model, aim to become future technology leaders, and be guided by national needs, and write our papers into the grand journey of china's scientific and technological progress," said xiao lan.
"the school insists on the path of high-quality development of school-enterprise cooperation, and has in-depth cooperation with enterprises in production, education and research, forming a distinctive collaborative innovation mechanism. the 'integration of industry and education' and 'integration of science and education' continue to deepen, and the ability to tackle scientific and technological problems continues to increase. the strong joint training model of on-campus and off-campus tutors provides a strong guarantee for the students' growth and development." vice president zhou zhihua said.
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