
xinjiang: resolutely oppose the us series of sanctions on xinjiang and support the development of sanctioned enterprises and related industries


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the reporter learned from the standing committee of the xinjiang uygur autonomous region people's congress that:resolution of the standing committee of the people's congress of the xinjiang uyghur autonomous region on resolutely opposing the series of u.s. sanctions on xinjiang and supporting the development of sanctioned enterprises and related industriesit was adopted at the 13th meeting of the standing committee of the 14th people's congress of the xinjiang uygur autonomous region on august 23, 2024, and is hereby promulgated and shall come into force on the date of promulgation.

the "uyghur forced labor prevention act" officially came into effect on june 21, 2022 in the united states, prohibiting the entry of goods involving so-called "forced labor" in xinjiang into the u.s. market, seriously damaging the production and operation rights and development interests of xinjiang enterprises, seriously damaging the right to survival and development of people of all ethnic groups in xinjiang, and seriously hurting the feelings of people of all ethnic groups in xinjiang. the people of all ethnic groups in xinjiang expressed strong indignation and resolute opposition to this. in order to expose the sinister intentions of the u.s. "uyghur forced labor prevention act" and other series of sanctions laws involving xinjiang, let the international community and people of all ethnic groups in xinjiang thoroughly recognize the truth that the united states is suppressing xinjiang enterprises and undermining the social stability and development of xinjiang, safeguard the legitimate business rights of sanctioned enterprises in xinjiang and the labor and employment rights of employees of all ethnic groups in enterprises, and support the development of sanctioned enterprises and their related industries, the following resolutions are made:

1. the united states has imposed unwarranted sanctions on xinjiang companies on the grounds of so-called "forced labor." in essence, it is engaging in political manipulation and economic bullying under the guise of human rights, attempting to "use xinjiang to control china" and "use terror to contain china."the xinjiang enterprises sanctioned by the united states for so-called "forced labor" are involved in xinjiang's advantageous industries such as cotton and textiles and clothing, photovoltaic silicon-based, and tomato processing. these industries play a very important role in promoting high-quality development, solving rural labor employment, and increasing farmers' income. xinjiang regards promoting labor employment as the biggest livelihood project, the people's heart project, and the foundation project. it has done everything possible to create employment opportunities and stabilize employment. in strict accordance with the labor law of the people's republic of china and other laws and regulations, it guarantees the equal employment and career choices of workers of all ethnic groups, the right to obtain labor remuneration, the right to rest and vacation, the right to obtain labor safety and health protection, the right to receive vocational skills training, the right to enjoy social insurance benefits, and the right to request labor dispute settlement. xinjiang's economy and society are developing rapidly, violent terrorist activities and extremist infiltration have been effectively curbed, the social security situation has improved significantly, and the sense of gain, happiness, and security of people of all ethnic groups has been significantly enhanced. xinjiang's economic development and social stability are recognized by the world, and the people of all ethnic groups live and work in peace and contentment. it is obvious to all, and the international community generally gives high praise. however, the us congress turned a blind eye and selectively blinded it, wantonly distorting and attacking and slandering china's poverty alleviation policies and rural labor employment with the so-called "forced labor". the u.s. congress maliciously slandered the human rights situation in china's xinjiang, imposed unilateral sanctions on my country based on its domestic laws, and exercised "long-arm jurisdiction", which seriously violated international law, completely went against market rules and business ethics, undermined the stability of the global industrial chain and supply chain, disrupted the international trade order, and attempted to undermine the prosperity and stability of xinjiang and contain china's development, exposing the hegemonic nature of the united states in dealing with international relations.