
chenzhou no. 4 middle school holds a faculty and staff meeting for the 2024 autumn semester


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huasheng online news, september 1 (correspondent li xiujuan huang ping) on august 29, 2024, chenzhou no. 4 middle school held a work meeting for the next fall semester in 2024 in the conference room on the sixth floor of tengfei building. luo ji, secretary of the school's general party branch, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. vice principals zhou chujian, xie chengliang, and deng feiyan, disciplinary inspector kuang qidie, and labor union chairman jiang wanli attended the meeting. all faculty and staff attended the meeting. the meeting was chaired by the school's vice principal zhou chujian.
before the meeting, the school’s disciplinary inspector kuang qidie held an anti-corruption talk with all faculty and staff.
at the meeting, luo ji, secretary of the party general branch of the school, took the theme of "grasping management, building image, promoting quality, vigorously implementing the 'three years' action, and promoting high-quality development of the school" and designated the 2024-2025 school year as the school's "quality improvement year, management efficiency improvement year, and safety improvement year". he also gave a detailed interpretation and arrangement of the implementation of the "three years" action from the perspectives of "what, why, what to do, and what to rely on". he emphasized that quality improvement is the lifeline of school development, and all faculty and staff should be committed to improving teaching quality with higher standards, implement the professional spirit of "diligent in work, enthusiastic in work, and loyal to duty", strengthen teamwork, self-management, and improve work efficiency; at the same time, it also requires relevant departments of the school and all faculty and staff to enhance awareness of safety standards, implement safety precautions, and jointly build a harmonious, healthy, and safe campus environment.
the meeting also made detailed arrangements for various preparatory work before the start of school, including education and teaching, registration, student management, sanitation and cleaning, logistical support, etc. it insisted on the principle of assigning responsibilities to individuals and ensuring that all work was carried out forcefully, orderly and effectively.
this autumn opening meeting has pointed out the direction for all faculty and staff and boosted their confidence. all the people in no. 4 middle school will work together to achieve results with higher standards, stricter requirements and a more practical style, so as to make a good start for the new semester and contribute to the high-quality development of the school!
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