
a pregnant woman in hefei had her toes broken by an oil bottle from a high altitude. her husband said: the fetus was probably frightened and will give birth in a month.


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recently, mr. sun (pseudonym) from hefei, anhui province posted on a social platform that he and his 34-week pregnant wife were walking downstairs when they encountered objects thrown from a high altitude. his wife was hit on her right foot by fragments of a sesame oil glass bottle thrown from upstairs. her two toes were seriously injured and had to be amputated after being sent to the hospital.

text | news hot spot group

on august 31, the topic "pregnant woman's toes broken by glass bottle thrown from high altitude" became a hot search on weibo, and the issue of objects thrown from high altitudes once again attracted the attention of netizens.

recently, mr. sun (pseudonym) from hefei, anhui province posted on a social platform that he and his 34-week pregnant wife were walking downstairs when they encountered objects thrown from a high altitude. his wife was hit on her right foot by fragments of a sesame oil glass bottle thrown from upstairs. her two toes were seriously injured and had to be amputated after being sent to the hospital.

on the morning of september 1, zheng zheng news verified the matter with the local police station. the police station staff said that the progress of the case was under investigation.

on the afternoon of september 1, the husband of the injured pregnant woman told zheng news what happened.

there is only one month left before his wife's due date. mr. sun said that his wife's condition has improved slightly. due to the hot weather and the wounds are prone to inflammation, she is mainly resting at home. when her condition stabilizes, she may apply to the police station for a disability assessment. at present, the family is still waiting for the results of the police station's investigation.

a pregnant woman's toes were broken by an oil bottle from a high altitude, and the fetus was also frightened

mr. sun is from anqing, anhui province. he is 26 years old and graduated from a university in shanghai. after graduation, he worked in shanghai and met his wife.

due to work arrangements, mr. sun is currently working in a company in hefei, anhui, engaged in cross-border e-commerce. "my current job income is quite considerable, but after my wife became pregnant, i also need to work harder to make money, which is quite stressful."

mr. sun recalled that at about 8:30 p.m. on august 24, mr. sun and his wife went out after dinner as usual, walking the dog. when they walked out of the apartment door, mr. sun led the dog in front of his wife, about one to two meters away, and suddenly heard his wife scream. mr. sun looked back and saw his wife lying on the ground. he went forward and found a glass bottle on the ground with the words "sesame oil bottle" marked on the bottle.

▲source: interviewee

"my wife said her toe was hurt and she couldn't stand steadily." mr. sun quickly helped his wife sit down on the side of the road. his wife kept crying in pain.

▲source: interviewee

afterwards, mr. sun took a photo of the glass bottle residue and found that the liquid in the bottle was almost gone. he immediately called 110 to report the incident. the police also asked if he should call 120, and mr. sun agreed. "at this time, i took off my wife's shoes and found that the third toe on her right foot was broken off. the toe was gone, leaving only a small part of the skin on the side. the upper half of the fourth toe was almost smashed, the bones were clearly visible, and the flesh was like a plum that had been hit by a kitchen knife."

▲source: interviewee

after the police and ambulance arrived at the scene, they sent mr. sun's wife to hefei jingkai puren surgery hospital for treatment. after examining the injuries, the doctor told mr. sun that since the two injured toes were severely damaged, the bone setting surgery would take 6 to 7 hours, and a large dose of anesthesia and drugs to promote blood circulation must be used, which is not suitable for pregnant women. "later, we had to choose stump repair, which took about 20 minutes and used local anesthesia, which has less impact on pregnant women."

on september 1, mr. sun provided his wife's medical records to zhengxin news. the medical records showed that the distal phalanx of the third toe on the right foot was completely severed, with exposed toe bones visible in the wound surface. the skin beyond the proximal distal phalanx joint of the third toe was pale, with no capillary reaction. the distal phalanx of the fourth toe was only connected to the soft tissue on the fibular side, with the nail plate peeled off, the nail bed shattered, and the toe tip slightly darker in color. the surgery removed the injured part, leaving only about half of each toe.

▲source: interviewee

"i'm worried that my wife will feel inferior because of this injury. she likes going to the beach very much, and i'm afraid that she might not look good in sandals. i'm also worried that it might leave her with bone sequelae," mr. sun told zheng news.

after the wound was treated, the wife was immediately transferred to the department of obstetrics and gynecology of the second affiliated hospital of anhui medical university for b-ultrasound examination and fetal heart monitoring because of concerns that the fetus in her belly would be frightened. the medical records showed that the main complaint was that she was 34+4 weeks pregnant and was injured by a falling object more than 4 hours ago.

▲source: interviewee

during the b-ultrasound, the doctor said that the fetus was relatively stable, but recommended that fetal heart rate monitoring be performed.

the fetal heart rate monitoring examination took about 40 minutes to complete. the reason was that the stethoscope could not find the fetal heartbeat at one point. the doctor told mr. sun that the fetus was facing away from the mother, not facing outward as usual, "perhaps because it was frightened."

mr. sun and his wife returned home at 2 a.m. on the 25th. due to the obvious pain in the wound, his wife fell asleep at nearly 6 a.m. one or two days after the injury, the pain in the wound and the pain in the waist and pubic bone in the late pregnancy made it very inconvenient for his wife to go to the toilet. "usually (going to the toilet) may only take one or two minutes, but now it takes 10 to 20 minutes, and she moves very slowly." mr. sun said.

there was a phenomenon of throwing objects from high places in the community before.

according to mr. sun, on july 28, before the accident happened, he saw a message on the community property management’s wechat moments reminding owners not to throw objects from high places. "it should be because they discovered that similar situations had been complained by other owners."

there is a fenced-off area between mr. sun's building and the building opposite, where many children from the community usually play. "we are also very worried. there are many people coming and going and there are many children. if something like this happens again, the consequences will be disastrous."

recalling the location where the glass bottle fell, mr. sun said that the road between the buildings is about 5 meters away from the building wall, and there is a two to three meter green belt between the wall and the road. the glass bottle that day just bypassed the green belt and hit the open space in the middle of the road, which is the only way for pedestrians.

the next day after the incident, the police station went to mr. sun's wife's home to take a statement and retrieved the surveillance footage from the high-altitude camera. however, due to the dark sky that night, the video only captured the part illuminated by the street lights, and only a white parabola could be seen.

at present, the community property is cooperating with the police in collecting evidence and investigating. the police officer in charge told mr. sun that the dna information of most of the owners of the building has been sampled and a comparison investigation is underway.

his wife is 35 weeks pregnant and needs to go for prenatal checkups every week. she may give birth at any time after 37 weeks, and her due date is october 1. mr. sun can only work during the day and take his wife to the hospital to change the dressing at night. he takes half a day off on weekdays to take his wife for prenatal checkups. "fortunately, she has a good attitude. she went to change the dressing every one or two days at the beginning, and now she can go every three or four days."

after the incident, mr. sun's mother and his wife's cousin came to his home to help take care of his daily life, and mr. sun felt relieved. whenever he felt helpless and sighed when thinking about the incident, his wife always smiled and comforted him "don't feel stressed."

article 291 of the criminal law of the people's republic of my country stipulates that if objects are thrown from buildings or other high places, and the circumstances are serious, they shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than one year, criminal detention or control, and shall be fined or fined alone. the civil code also stipulates that it is prohibited to throw objects from buildings. "if it is difficult to determine the specific infringer after investigation, the user of the building that may have caused the harm shall provide compensation unless he can prove that he is not the infringer."

mr. sun said that since he is the only child and currently the only source of income for his family, he may hire a lawyer to represent him and sue the perpetrator; and he will need to devote himself to future affairs after the birth of his child, his family's life and his own work.