
these new regulations will come into effect in september.


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since september, a number of new regulations have been implemented involving charity, taxation, veterans, unfair competition, etc. it is worth noting that there are identification standards for unfair competition online. the new regulations regulate key issues such as fake orders, fake reputation, and cashback for good reviews, and require platform operators to strengthen the standardized management of competition behaviors within the platform.

in addition, the new charity law adds a special chapter on emergencies and further improves the rules for public fundraising, making it clear that individuals who publish information for help to the public due to illness are not allowed to obtain assistance by fabricating or concealing facts.

there are standards for identifying unfair competition on the internet

the interim provisions on anti-unfair competition on the internet will come into effect on september 1, 2024. the interim provisions clarify the new manifestations of traditional unfair competition behaviors such as counterfeiting, confusion, and false propaganda in the internet environment, and list new types of unfair competition behaviors on the internet such as reverse order brushing and illegal data acquisition. it also sets a bottom-line clause to provide a regulatory basis for new problems and new behaviors that may arise.

the "interim provisions" regulate key issues such as fake orders, credit speculation, cash back for positive reviews, and influencing user choices that infringe on consumer rights in my country's current online consumption, and provide policy support for solving new problems arising from new scenarios and new business formats in online consumption.

the interim provisions also strengthen the platform's responsibility and require platform operators to strengthen the standardized management of competition behavior within the platform. this measure prevents platforms from using their own advantageous position to implement "self-favoritism" and force "choose one of two" and other behaviors.

standardize the placement of retired military personnel

the regulations on the resettlement of retired military personnel will come into effect on september 1, 2024. the regulations aim to standardize the resettlement of retired military personnel, properly resettle retired military personnel, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of retired military personnel. the regulations clarify the resettlement methods for retired officers, retired sergeants, and conscripts, and stipulate the applicable conditions and corresponding resettlement benefits of various resettlement methods.

the regulations also require the military and local governments to carry out skills training before and after retirement and strengthen support for retired military personnel to find employment and start businesses. it is clear that military personnel will enjoy relevant benefits and protections in accordance with the law after they retire from active service. when a soldier retires from active service, the military will transfer the soldier's insurance relationship and corresponding funds in accordance with regulations, and the social insurance agency in the resettlement area shall promptly handle the corresponding transfer and continuation procedures.

implementation regulations of the law on guarding state secrets take effect

the regulations for the implementation of the law on guarding state secrets will come into effect on september 1, 2024. the regulations further refine and improve the management system for classifying secrets, and specify that agencies and units with the authority to classify secrets should formulate a list of state secrets and revise it in a timely manner.

the regulations strengthen innovation and protection of confidentiality science and technology, encourage and support research and application of confidentiality science and technology, and commend and reward organizations and individuals that have achieved major results or remarkable achievements in the research and development of confidentiality science and technology.

the regulations further standardize the management of network information and data confidentiality: first, strengthen the management of confidentiality in network use; second, clarify the obligation of network operators to cooperate in the investigation of confidentiality violations and the screening of early warning incidents implemented in accordance with the law; third, improve the data confidentiality management system.

new charity law improves rules for public fundraising

the newly revised charity law will come into effect on september 5, 2024. a new chapter on emergency charity has been added to strengthen government supervision, clarify the work responsibilities of people's governments at or above the county level and their relevant departments, and provide systematic regulations for charitable activities such as fundraising and relief in response to major emergencies.

the new rules have improved the regulation of public fundraising, requiring charitable organizations with public fundraising qualifications to assume responsibility in cooperation, and stipulating that "partners shall not conduct public fundraising on their own in any form." at the same time, the new rules have further established and improved the supervision system of the personal help-seeking network service platform, clarifying that if an individual's family is in financial difficulties due to illness or other reasons, and releases help-seeking information to the public, the person seeking help and the person releasing the information shall be responsible for the authenticity of the information, and shall not defraud assistance by fabricating or concealing facts.

standardize and standardize the disciplinary measures against managers of state-owned enterprises

the regulations on disciplinary actions against state-owned enterprise managers came into effect on september 1. the regulations apply to the activities of state-owned enterprise manager appointment and removal agencies and units to impose disciplinary actions on state-owned enterprise managers who violate the law, and cover state-owned enterprises of all levels and types. taking into account the particularity of financial and cultural state-owned enterprises, the regulations clearly stipulate that if the state has other provisions on the accountability of financial and cultural state-owned enterprise managers who violate the law, they shall also apply.

the regulations focus on the frequent disciplinary and illegal violations in the operation and management of state-owned enterprises, and specify the relevant provisions of chapter 3 of the administrative disciplinary measures for public officials on violations of political requirements, organizational procedures, integrity requirements, salary management systems, engaging in or participating in profit-making activities in violation of regulations, infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of service recipients or the public interest, and violating work requirements into 51 illegal situations, and clarify the corresponding penalties.

lottery prize redemption and applicable tax law adjustments

on august 16, the ministry of finance, the state administration of taxation, the ministry of civil affairs and the state general administration of sport jointly issued an announcement to further improve the scope of the relevant tax laws on welfare lottery and sports lottery prize redemption. the announcement will be implemented from september 1, 2024.

according to the announcement, according to the relevant provisions of the individual income tax law and its implementing regulations, lottery winnings are considered incidental income, and the taxable income is calculated at a 20% tax rate. at the same time, the previous relevant regulations on the temporary exemption of individual income tax for lottery winnings not exceeding 10,000 yuan will continue to be implemented.

according to the announcement, in accordance with the provisions of the personal income tax law, lottery agencies are responsible for withholding and paying personal income tax, and will handle tax exemption declarations for individuals whose one-time computer lottery winnings exceed rmb 3,000 to rmb 10,000 (inclusive), and will handle tax declarations for individuals whose one-time computer lottery and scratch lottery winnings exceed rmb 10,000.

continue to optimize taxpayers' cross-region migration services

the state administration of taxation issued the "notice on further facilitating the cross-regional migration of taxpayers to serve the construction of a unified national market", launching a series of measures from optimizing prior reminders, speeding up in-process processing, and improving post-services to further facilitate the cross-regional migration of taxpayers, continuously optimize the tax business environment, and better serve the construction of a unified national market. this notice will be implemented from september 1, 2024.

the "notice" emphasizes that tax authorities at all levels must perform their tax functions in accordance with the law, continuously optimize cross-regional migration services for taxpayers, resolutely resist local protectionism, strictly prohibit assisting in blocking the normal migration of taxpayers, strictly prohibit initiating risky tasks in violation of regulations to block the migration of taxpayers, and strictly prohibit the addition of additional conditions and thresholds to hinder the migration of taxpayers.