
the fine arts department director was suspected of plagiarism: the chinese artists association said he wrote an apology letter and has been disqualified from the exhibition


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a staff member of the rights protection department of the china artists association recently responded to the paper ( regarding the suspected plagiarism of the works of sun fengying of the china artists association by the director of the fine arts department of yuxi normal university, he moujia, saying that after the previous report of the paper, he moujia wrote an apology letter to the china artists association, and took the initiative to revoke the exhibition qualification of his work "blooming flowers of national unity" at the 14th national art exhibition of chinese paintings, and has taken the initiative to contact the original author. after completing the process, the organizing committee of the china artists association has removed he moujia from the shortlist and cancelled his eligibility for this selection.

the superposition effect of the work. image provided by sun fengying

the paper previously reported that sun fengying, a member of the chinese artists association, publicly questioned on the internet that the work "blooming flowers of national unity" by he moujia, director of the fine arts department of yuxi normal university, was suspected of plagiarizing her art work "bougainvillea".

sun fengying reported the matter to the rights protection department of the china artists association, the organizer of the 14th national art exhibition. "three days later, on july 5, i received a call from the china artists association informing me that (he moujia's) work had been removed from the exhibition," sun fengying said.

on july 17, a staff member of the rights protection department of the china artists association stated that whether the work is indeed plagiarized still needs to be verified and identified by an expert group to give a conclusion. "we have invited a relevant expert group to verify. but the process is still going on, and we cannot judge whether it is plagiarism for the time being."

the list comes from the official website of the china artists association

on july 18, the paper contacted the science and technology department of yuxi normal university. the relevant person in charge of the department said that the school is aware of the situation, but the school will take action only after the china artists association confirms that the plagiarism is true.

on august 20, a staff member of the rights protection department of the china artists association responded to the paper that he moujia admitted that she did borrow from others, but she said she did not deliberately plagiarize. "she thought it was okay, but after we talked to her, she realized it was wrong. so she wrote an apology letter and proposed to cancel the exhibition qualification of her work "the flower of national unity". later, we also obtained the contact information of the original author, ms. sun fengying, and contacted her."

in addition, the staff of the department also stated that at present, the exhibition qualification of "blooming flowers of national unity" in the 14th national art exhibition chinese painting exhibition has been cancelled, and "the entire process of the organizing committee has also been completed."

he moujia's "blooming flowers of national unity". image source: "good news! yuxi art works won great results in the 14th national art exhibition"

ms. sun fengying, the original author of "bougainvillea", said that she has already found a lawyer and is preparing to sue he moujia. ms. sun fengying told the paper: "he moujia did ask for my contact information and contacted me. but she did not admit to plagiarizing my painting and apologize to me on the phone. she even said that she borrowed improperly."

sun fengying's "bougainvillea". the picture comes from the collection of shandong's outstanding works at the 13th national art exhibition. the work was selected for the 3rd national fine brushwork exhibition and was qualified to join the exhibition, and the work was collected.

he moujia's "in the distance 1". image source: yunnan chinese painting female painters exhibition

side by side comparison chart

"we are all engaged in this profession, how could we not know the boundary between plagiarism and reference? my request is not excessive. what i want is for he moujia to apologize to me sincerely in public. instead of trying to avoid me with vague words and hoping to make a big deal out of a small matter by apologizing to the artists association." sun fengying said.

the paper tried to contact he moujia for an interview based on the phone number provided by sun fengying, but no response was received as of press time.