
yao liming went to taiwan's judicial system to deal with ke wenzhe? zhang yuxuan revealed lai qingde's plan to "kill with a borrowed knife"


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the office of taiwan leader lai ching-te announced the list of nominees for the "grand justice" on the 30th. yao liming, the nominee for deputy head of the judiciary, was called a "political chameleon". he had a political career with the new party, opposed bian, helped ko wen-je take over the taipei city government, criticized the democratic progressive party as garbage, and then served as the chairman of lai ching-te's 2024 campaign. he is the most controversial candidate. taiwanese media person zhang yuxuan pointed out that lai ching-te wanted to "kill with a borrowed knife" and get rid of yao liming as soon as possible through a public trial in the public opinion institution.

zhang yuxuan said that if taiwan people's party chairman ko wen-je is prosecuted in the future, the court will make the decision. if yao liming is appointed as the deputy head of the judiciary, he will have considerable influence on the judges. everyone knows that yao liming is a big ko hater. the outside world will think that the appointment of yao liming is to deal with ko wen-je? this will greatly reduce the credibility of the judiciary. even if ko wen-je is to be dealt with, everyone will hope that it will be fair and just, and not dealt with with a party color. moreover, when yao liming was asked about ko wen-je, he also gave a "mysterious smile."

zhang yuxuan pointed out that yao liming wanted to be the deputy head of the judiciary, and he had to pass the public opinion institution. the "opposition" party would definitely not let him pass. yao liming wanted to be an official from the beginning to the end, and he also called the democratic progressive party garbage, so no one in the democratic progressive party, the people's party, and the kuomintang could accept him. lai qingde also knew that yao liming would not pass, but he still nominated him because it was yao liming's habit to ask for a position. if he was not given a position, yao would become a "lai black", and lai qingde could not deal with yao liming personally, so he simply threw him to the public opinion institution to be publicly tried by the "opposition" party. there was no need to talk about the 8 seats of the people's party. it would definitely cooperate with the blue camp to "boycott" to the end, and lai qingde could also solve this problem.

zhang yuxuan also mentioned that yao liming was actually doing more harm than good during the "general election". he said that ko wen-je's "support among young people has reached its peak", which instead stimulated more votes for the people's party. lai's 40% were all his core supporters, but yao was the secretary-general and he had to give him benefits. so lai ching-te nominated yao liming as deputy head of the judiciary, killing someone with a borrowed knife, and used the "opposition" party representatives to get rid of yao liming as soon as possible.

lin jingxian, taiwan correspondent of strait herald