
on the first day of school, they came to another school to register


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huasheng online omnimedia reporter zhang hao, yang jiegui, liang keting
at 9:00 am on august 31, more than 380 students from the mensi town middle school in zixing, chenzhou, boarded buses and headed to the zixing no. 2 middle school, where they will start their new semester.
at the end of july this year, the heavy rainfall brought by typhoon "gemi" caused serious damage to zhoumenji town. the facilities and equipment of zhoumenji town middle school were seriously damaged, and some buildings were preliminarily identified as class c dangerous buildings. the school will not be able to open this fall.
in order to ensure that the children can attend school normally, all teachers and students of zhoumensi town middle school were transferred to zixing no. 2 middle school.
“seeing the school’s dedication, we feel relieved.”
zixing no.2 middle school is also located in zhoumensi town, 8.2 kilometers away from zhoumensi town middle school. on the first day of school, all teachers and students of zhoumensi town middle school gathered at the school and took a bus to zixing no.2 middle school.
everyone reluctantly bid farewell to the old campus, boarded the bus, and headed for the new campus and new semester.
he jie, secretary of the party committee of zixing no. 2 middle school, told reporters that in order to properly resettle the affected students, zixing no. 2 middle school vacated 20 classrooms and 50 dormitories to accommodate students from zhoumensi town middle school.
arriving at the teaching building, the spacious and bright classrooms were filled with neatly arranged new desks and chairs; entering the dormitory building, the newly painted walls were spotlessly white, and each dormitory was fully equipped with seven-piece bedding sets and eight-piece sets of daily necessities...
"we are relieved to see the school is so attentive." he ailin is from yinshan village, zhoumensi town. his son he yongbiao is in the ninth grade. zhoumensi town middle school was severely affected by the disaster. he ailin has been worried that the school would not be able to open on time. on that day, he and his wife accompanied their son to the new campus. seeing the thoughtful arrangements of the school, the couple smiled and said, "the environment is much better than expected."
“let’s hope for a better tomorrow”
"you are responsible for studying hard, and we are responsible for rebuilding the school." at 10 a.m. on august 31, in the classroom of zixing no. 2 middle school, li chunjiang and the children reviewed the scenes when zhoumensi town middle school was hit by the disaster.
li chunjiang is the principal of zhoumensi town middle school in zixing city. sitting under the podium are students from class 3, grade 8 of the school.
li chunjiang still has lingering fears when recalling the scene. the school is separated from the zhoumenji river by only a wall. the flood overflowed the river and broke through the wall, flooding the playground with only the backboard of the basketball hoop exposed. "fortunately, none of the 43 students in our class were missing."
"on august 2, fire brigades from huaihua, ningxiang and other places entered the school; on august 4, the linwu team joined. more than 30 people from the fire brigade cleaned the cafeteria; on august 5, 60 people from the chenzhou mine rescue brigade, the chenzhou detachment of the armed police and others cleared the silt..." li chunjiang's notebook is densely recorded with records of every team and every donated material.
while communicating with the children, li chunjiang read the contents of the notebook to the students bit by bit. "i recorded these to let everyone know that disasters are ruthless, but there is love in the world."
“let our smiles be filled with the pride of youth, let us look forward to a better tomorrow…” a song of “tomorrow will be better” sung by teachers and students from class 3, grade 8 came.
(participants in the interview and writing: liu yufei, zhang siqi, zhao qianqian)
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