
a major case suddenly occurred on the island, involving the us military, which reminded lai qingde that he should make a choice about the mainland


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a major case involving the us military broke out on the island, and a 900-pound bomb was unearthed. this served as a wake-up call to lai ching-te that he should make the right choice towards the mainland in the future.

a few days ago, when tsmc was carrying out construction at an oil refinery in kaohsiung, workers dug up an unexploded bomb weighing 900 kilograms. in response, the workers on site immediately stopped work and notified the taiwan military and police to go to the scene to deal with it.

(900 kilograms of unexploded bombs were found at tsmc construction site)

after the on-site inspection, it was basically confirmed that this was an an/m65 air-launched bomb, but it had no fuse. the taiwan military's relevant handling team then moved the bomb. afterwards, the taiwan military further explained that this was not a complete bomb, but the remains of a bomb, and its surface had been severely corroded and rusted, and there was no safety hazard.

this incident has attracted great attention from public opinion on the island, and the focus is mainly on two points: first, whether tsmc's factory construction will be affected, and second, where the bomb came from.

regarding the first question, although tsmc has not given a clear response, there is currently no sign of suspension of its factory construction, so it can be confirmed that tsmc has not been affected by this incident. however, this also serves as a reminder to the construction workers that they need to be more cautious in future construction projects to avoid unknown bomb explosions.