
the 40th teachers' day is approaching. the ministry of education has announced the list of important schools and teachers to be commended.


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the 40th teachers' day is approaching, and the ministry of education has announced the proposed commendations for advanced collectives and individuals in the national education system in 2024. the ministry of education mentioned in the announcement that in order to vigorously promote the spirit of educators, create a strong atmosphere of respecting teachers and education in the whole society, and encourage teachers and educators to be confident, self-reliant, and forge ahead, after being recommended by the recommending units at each level and reviewed and selected by the national education system selection and commendation leading group, it is planned to commend 591 advanced collectives in the national education system, 717 national model teachers, 895 national outstanding teachers, 80 advanced workers in the national education system, and 99 national outstanding educators.
the reporter found that 16 schools in shanghai were selected into the list of advanced collectives in the national education system to be commended.
13 teachers were selected for the list of national model teachers to be commended.
16 teachers were selected for the national list of outstanding teachers to be recognized.
two teachers were selected into the list of candidates for commendation as advanced workers in the national education system.
two teachers were selected for the list of national outstanding educators to be commended.
author: wu jinjiao
text: wu jinjiao photo: screenshot of the ministry of education's official website editor: chu shuting responsible editor: fan liping
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