
+7! pingshan’s manufacturing industry has further increased its “green content”


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shenzhen news network, august 31, 2024(reporter chen yingji) recently, the shenzhen municipal bureau of industry and information technology announced the list of shenzhen's green factories in 2024. seven companies in pingshan district were on the list, namely: shenzhen shengbo optoelectronics technology co., ltd., shenzhen hailei new energy co., ltd., sinopharm zhijun (shenzhen) pingshan pharmaceutical co., ltd., shenzhen bendakang cable co., ltd., shenzhen honghe innovation information technology co., ltd., shenzhen yibaitong technology co., ltd., and shenzhen shanmu new energy technology co., ltd.

according to the "implementation rules for the gradient cultivation and management of green factories in shenzhen", a green factory refers to a factory that achieves intensive land use, harmless raw materials, clean production, waste resource utilization, and low-carbon energy. with the increasing awareness of environmental protection, green factories play an important basic and guiding role in the green and low-carbon transformation of the manufacturing industry, and have become a key link in the pursuit of sustainable development by modern enterprises. the selection of green factories not only focuses on the production process of enterprises, but also pays more attention to the comprehensive performance of enterprises in resource conservation, environmental protection, clean production and circular economy. selected enterprises must meet a number of strict standards.

it is reported that a total of 10 companies from pingshan participated in the selection, and 7 companies were finally listed, mainly from competitive and advantageous industrial clusters such as semiconductors and integrated circuits, and biomedicine. the high recognition reflects pingshan's development advantages in the manufacturing field, and also reflects pingshan's positive results in promoting green manufacturing and promoting industrial green and low-carbon transformation.

as of now, pingshan district has 11 national green factories, 1 green supply chain, 1 green data center, and 7 municipal green factories. among them, national green factories include byd auto industry co., ltd., semiconductor manufacturing international corporation (shenzhen), shenzhen honor intelligent machine co., ltd., etc. shenzhen gongjin electronics co., ltd. has been approved for international green factory and green supply chain certification, and lijing communication network 5g technology application and testing r&d center (junqi technology) has been certified as a national green data center.

at present, shenzhen implements two-dimensional gradient cultivation for green factories, forming a green factory cultivation mechanism with national, municipal and district levels in a vertical direction, and forming a cultivation mechanism for green industrial parks and green supply chain management companies to drive the creation of green factories by enterprises in the parks and upstream and downstream enterprises in the supply chain in a horizontal direction. in the future, green factories will be given full support in terms of planning and layout, technological transformation, application for special funds, government procurement, and financial services; and the role of third-party institutions, industry associations, and scientific research institutions will be fully utilized to provide green factories with green manufacturing system solutions and continuous technical services, further promoting the deepening and popularization of green manufacturing.

as the forefront of shenzhen's exploration of low-carbon demonstration development, in recent years, pingshan district has actively explored the "near-zero carbon" regional carbon emission accounting and low-carbon management and operation system, continuously improved the top-level design of green development, and created a green, low-carbon, high-end industrial cluster dominated by "smart cars, innovative drugs, and chinese chips". strictly control the construction of high-pollution and high-energy-consuming projects, continuously promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, and help the country achieve the "3060 dual carbon" goal.

for example, pingshan actively promotes the green upgrading of industrial structure and strengthens green emerging industries. in addition to vigorously developing the three major leading industries of new energy (automobiles) and intelligent networking, biomedicine, and new generation information technology, it also focuses on advanced energy storage industry and actively develops the next generation of electrochemical energy storage industry innovation consortium.

for example, pingshan new energy vehicle industrial park is the country's first 100-meter prefabricated "skyscraper factory" and shenzhen's first advanced energy storage industrial park planned and built according to the "industrial building" standards. it adopts a number of new prefabricated building systems and technologies, reducing carbon emissions by more than 45%.

the first yunba in shenzhen, pingshan yunba line 1, was built, forming a low-carbon, environmentally friendly, intelligent and efficient link, helping pingshan to build a green and low-carbon transportation system; the "enterprise environmental protection home" service was comprehensively upgraded to provide enterprises with high-quality free environmental protection examinations... it can be said that under the guidance of the "dual carbon" goals, pingshan has explored multiple fields such as industry, construction, transportation, energy, etc., to create a new pattern of green, low-carbon and high-quality development, and accelerate the construction of a green, low-carbon circular development economic system.

on may 17 this year, pingshan took the opportunity of "energy conservation publicity week" to organize relevant departments and streets to promote ecological civilization construction as the main line, carry out energy conservation publicity in enterprises, provide energy conservation policies, energy conservation technologies, and energy conservation services to enterprises in the area, and further promote the formation of a green production and lifestyle. through the special training meeting on energy conservation and consumption reduction, the issues that enterprises are most concerned about were explained in simple terms, attracting many key energy-consuming units in the area, including byd, btr, gds, and sinopharm zhijun, to participate.

seize the opportunity of new industrialization development and accelerate the development of intelligence, greening and integration. looking to the future, pingshan district will actively plan and promote the national carbon peak pilot, transform the pilot construction from dual control of energy consumption to dual control of carbon emissions, build a green, low-carbon circular economic system, and promote the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development.
