
"africa-china cooperation has strong resilience and vitality" - interview with former ethiopian president mulatu teshome


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"sincere friendship, mutual respect, equality, mutual benefit and common development are the essential characteristics of china-africa relations. china-africa cooperation is not only beneficial to africa and china, but also to the world." former ethiopian president mulatu teshome said in an exclusive interview with our reporter recently that china does not interfere with african countries' exploration of development paths that suit their national conditions, and does not attach any political conditions to its aid to africa, which has brought tangible benefits and well-being to the people of african countries.
in 1976, mulatu went to beijing language institute (now beijing language and culture university) in china as an ethiopian government-sponsored student to study chinese. he then studied at the department of philosophy of peking university and obtained a bachelor's degree. from 1985 to 1991, he continued his studies at the department of international politics of peking university and obtained a master's and doctoral degree.
mulatu's experience of studying and living in china for many years and visiting china several times has left him with a deep impression of the development and changes in various fields in china. "every time i go to china, i can feel the huge changes. under the leadership of the communist party of china, china has continuously promoted reform and opening up, and the vitality of economic and social development has been fully released." he said that china's rapid development is attributed to the chinese government's active and effective policies, especially its adherence to the people-oriented policy. these policies not only focus on economic development, but also aim to improve the living standards of the chinese people.
"through independent exploration, china has embarked on a path of modernization that suits its own reality. many developing countries, including african countries, hope to learn from china's successful experience." mulatu said that although the development policies of african countries vary, seeking peaceful, stable and secure development and bringing prosperity to the people is the common pursuit of african countries. he said: "the ethiopian government attaches importance to the development of agriculture, science and technology, and industry, and is learning from china's development experience in related fields, hoping to help more people get rid of poverty."
on june 28 this year, mulatu attended the 70th anniversary commemoration of the five principles of peaceful coexistence in beijing. in his view, the world today is undergoing profound and complex changes, and peace and development remain the themes of the times. the essence of the five principles of peaceful coexistence is sovereign equality, which is the most important principle for handling relations between countries. it has consolidated the foundation for unity, cooperation, mutual understanding and trust among countries, and is conducive to further promoting south-south cooperation and north-south cooperation.
"the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind proposed by president xi jinping is consistent with the five principles of peaceful coexistence, and both are committed to promoting global governance in a more just and reasonable direction and creating a bright future of common prosperity for mankind." mulatu said that the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind reflects the common desire of mankind for world peace and progress. dialogue can promote mutual understanding and mutual respect. countries around the world should continue to build bridges of friendship and cooperation to jointly build a better world.
"china adheres to true multilateralism and open cooperation. china always stands with african countries and sincerely helps africa develop." mulatu said, "china-africa cooperation has strong resilience and vitality. over the past 10 years, the joint construction of the 'belt and road' has brought profound changes to the world and has become a major milestone in the history of human social development." mulatu believes that african countries such as ethiopia have embarked on the fast track of development through participating in the joint construction of the "belt and road", and their economic and social outlooks have been greatly improved. "projects such as the addis ababa-djibouti railway and the mombasa-nairobi railway have played an important role in driving the development of east africa and the entire african continent."
the 2024 forum on china-africa cooperation summit is about to be held, and mulatu is looking forward to it. he said: "china's cooperation with africa is not a winner-takes-all or zero-sum game, but focuses on win-win cooperation and common development between the two sides, which is a reflection of the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind. i hope that china-africa relations will continue to develop healthily and china-africa cooperation will achieve more results."
(addis ababa)
people's daily (page 03, august 31, 2024)
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