
guolian securities officially announced the dissolution of three departments including the asset management department. the performance in the first half of the year was driven entirely by the second quarter.


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interface news reporter | feng saiqi

8on the evening of may 30, guolian securities ( disclosed its 2024 semi-annual report, with revenue in the first half of the year10.86100 million yuan, down year-on-year39.91%; net profit attributable to shareholders of the company0.88100 million yuan, down year-on-year85.39%as of2024year6end of the month, guolian securities total assets933.33billion yuan, an increase from the end of 20237.12%

in terms of single quarter, the performance in the first half of the year was mainly driven by the second quarter. guolian securities' operating income in the second quarter was 912 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 19.16%; net profit attributable to the parent company was 306 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 22.01%.the revenue in the first quarter was only 173 million yuan, and the net loss attributable to the parent company was 219 million yuan. the main reason for the loss was the decline in profits from equity investment business.

in terms of sectors, the performance of guolian securities' businesses was clearly differentiated in the first half of the year. for example,asset management and investment business grew by more than 98% year-on-year, while securities investment business revenue fell by more than 98% year-on-year.

specifically, brokerage and wealth management business income3.78100 million yuan, a slight increase1.36%guolian securities said that the company has comprehensively built the "big direction" wealth management brand, and the number of new customers during the reporting period11.94ten thousand households, total number of customers185.5810,000 households, a year-on-year increase10.06%sales volume of financial products in the first half of the year (excluding cash management product “cash plus”)96.47billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease14.24%, financial products held at the end of the period193.70billion yuan, basically the same as the previous year.

asset management and investment business3.21the revenue of rmb 100 million ranked second, and the growth rate far exceeded other businesses, with a year-on-year growth of98.31%the revenue of this business is mainly composed of the revenue of guolian asset management, guolian fund and private equity investment.

2024in the first half of 2018, guolian securities asset management co., ltd. officially opened for business and took over the securities asset management business of guolian securities. as of the end of june, guolian asset management co., ltd. had entrusted funds of1248.17billion yuan, a year-on-year increase12.01%among them, the scale of newly issued abs ranked 11th in the industry.

in terms of fund subsidiaries, guolian securities holds guolian fund75.5%equity, through guolian fund to carry out public fund management business. as of the end of june, the total asset management scale of guolian fund1833.90billion yuan, an increase from the end of last year23.27%, of which the management scale of non-monetary public funds was 127.892 billion yuan.

there are three businesses whose revenue is lower than the same period last year, namely, investment banking business revenue1.73100 million yuan, down year-on-year42.76%;income from credit transaction business1.27100 million yuan, down year-on-year17.07%;revenue from securities investment business0.12100 million yuan, down year-on-year98.41%

in terms of investment banking, the company completed two equity projects in the first half of the year. in terms of ipo business, as the co-lead underwriter of damo data (, a company listed on the science and technology innovation board, huaying securities, a subsidiary of guolian securities, underwrote rmb 17 million; and completed one refinancing project with an underwriting amount of rmb 2.3 billion.2.78compared with the same period in 2023, the ipo underwriting amount has declined significantly. in the first half of 2023, huaying securities underwrote 2 ipos with an underwriting amount of14.71100 million yuan.

currently, guolian securities is promoting the integration with minsheng securities.

improving the core competitiveness of key businesses through mergers and acquisitions has been guolian securities' development strategy in recent years.

2023in 2002, guolian securities completed the acquisition of zhongrong fund, with a capital contribution of 75.5%. in august of the same year, zhongrong fund was renamed guolian fund.complete the public fund license.

"these efforts will bring the company a more stable source of income and stronger market competitiveness." a relevant person in charge of guolian securities said that although the company as a whole is currently in a strategic growth stage and various businesses are in the process of continuous investment and construction, the construction of long-term capabilities will make the company truly strong and help the company continue to move towards the goal of "first-class investment bank."

8on may 30, while disclosing its semi-annual report, the board of directors of guolian securities also disclosed a company department structure adjustment, which will abolish three first-level business departments. the announcement stated that according to the company's business development needs, it agreed to abolish the company's first-level departments "asset management department", "public offering business department" and "international business department", and the company's management level will be responsible for the specific implementation of the department abolition.
