
western media article: have zelensky’s three goals been achieved?


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reference news reported on august 31on august 28, the spanish newspaper abc published an article titled "zelensky's plan has little chance of ending the war," written by pedro pitachi. the article is excerpted as follows:
three weeks after the ukrainian army's incursion into russian territory through the kursk region, it is already possible to summarize the extent to which the three basic goals of kiev's operation have been achieved. the first goal: to force moscow to reduce pressure in donbass, its realization can be roughly ruled out. ukraine's adventurous and bold actions have not damaged the momentum of the russian army's continued advance in donetsk. the pace of the russian army's advance is accelerating, confirming that the complete control of donbass remains the highest priority of the russian campaign plan.
the second goal: to create a shift in attitude from a long-term defensive to a more offensive one, also looks untenable. after fending off the initial surprise attack, the russians succeeded in containing ukrainian forces to an area of ​​more than 1,000 square kilometers, while also disrupting ukrainian attempts to intrude into other russian territory. it is unlikely that kiev will consider building on the gains it has made so far. instead, it may work to consolidate its control in kursk, and moscow may use restrained force to strike the area. sooner or later, the area will be russian.
finally, ukraine seems to have a third fundamental goal: to strengthen its negotiating capacity for a hypothetical peace conference aimed at ending the war, which can stand. in this context, it is possible to mention zelensky's statement at a press conference in kiev on the 27th, in which he announced his intention to present a plan to end the war with russia to biden and the two us presidential candidates trump and harris within a month. but as an initiative initiated by one party, in principle its chances of success are small.
predictably, zelensky will try to involve the united states in a process he has designed, which will indefinitely prolong a war that looks increasingly unfavorable to ukraine. meanwhile, moscow has resumed its strategy of destroying ukraine's capabilities, launching new strikes against ukraine's energy infrastructure. ukraine's defenses have been weakened by its offensive in kursk and other places. (compiled by su jiawei)