
the woman rejected her boyfriend's proposal, and her boyfriend had no choice but to find a new lover. the girlfriend disagreed, and the truth came out


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"the man who kept saying he wanted to marry me and loved me, only found out after i got here that he was about to get married, and the bride was not me."

i never expected that such a dramatic scene would appear in life. yue yue, 30 years old this year, and her boyfriend xi lihou have been in love for 8 years. logically speaking, after eight years of love, they should get married.however, her boyfriend turned around and married someone else.

yue yue was both angry and aggrieved. she really couldn't imagine her lover of eight years putting on a suit and marrying someone else. even the mediator nearby was furious when she heard this and had to find this scumbag to argue with him.

after the mediator found the boyfriend, he made a lot of excuses, making it difficult for the mediator to tell who was right or wrong.

but when yue yue showed up, this scumbag could no longer hide anything. what was going on?

dating for eight years but not getting married?

yue yue is a teacher at a training school in shenzhen, while xi lihou is an artistic talent at a university who is very romantic and passionate.

in 2007, he saw yue yue's beautiful photo on a matchmaking app and became distracted. he immediately called yue yue using the contact information provided on the platform.

under xi lihou's gentle offensive, yue yue quickly surrendered. in this way, two young boys and girls from different places fell in love through the internet.

when the two met, their love for each other only increased. later, when yue yue recalled the days she spent with xi lihou, a happy expression slowly appeared on her face.

she said sweetly that during their relationship, xi lihou was very considerate and caring towards her, even holding her hand when they walked down the street, which made yue yue feel very satisfied.

even when yue yue doesn’t want to eat, her boyfriend will still feed her. this feeling is not only romantic, but also wonderful.

not long after the two were together, xi lihou proposed to yue yue on one knee with flowers in his hand, and promised her that he would take yue yue abroad to hold the wedding in the future and let foreign friends bless them.

they would walk together in the roman forum, and flocks of pigeons would dance around them. xi lihou used words to create a dream wedding for yue yue, which made yue yue yearn for it very much.

life is always a coexistence of ideals and reality. in order to realize their dream wedding, the two had to live apart and started a long-distance relationship. yue yue stayed in shenzhen alone to work and earn money for a living, while xi lihou went to beijing to prepare to study abroad.

in mid-september, yue yue found out that she was pregnant. she bought a plane ticket to beijing overnight, ready to give her boyfriend a big surprise. but when she arrived in beijing, she found that her boyfriend had left the house and she couldn't even get through to him on the phone.

yue yue didn’t think much about it at first. she just thought that her boyfriend might have encountered something. after all, they had been in love for eight years. what kind of storms had they not encountered?

but gradually, yue yue asked everyone in beijing who might know xi lihou, but they didn't know xi lihou's whereabouts.

at this time, yue yue was a little panicked. she walked on the unfamiliar streets of beijing, bumping around like a headless fly. after several twists and turns, she heard about her boyfriend at a training school in hunan, and hurried to hunan.

unexpectedly, the school teacher told yue yue that xi lihou had asked for leave to go home, and it was a marriage leave. this was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for yue yue. why did her boyfriend want to marry someone else? yue yue couldn't understand it, and didn't dare to understand it.

in desperation, she had to entrust the program team to find the whereabouts of xi lihou. the program team contacted xi lihou with the help of the school and asked him why he let down yue yue?

unexpectedly, xi lihou actually gave a reasonable reason. he said that he was very happy with yue yue, and he had the idea of ​​marrying yue yue. however, he proposed to her eight times, and yue yue rejected him eight times, refusing to marry him. he was about to be in his thirties, and he couldn't rely on yue yue to hang himself.

when the mediators heard this, it seemed that xi lihou could not be blamed alone. yue yue also had a certain responsibility. since they had been together for so many years, why didn't they just get married and keep dragging it on?

just when everyone believed xi lihou's words, yue yue came. after her crying, all the truth came to light. xi lihou, the scumbag, was simply lying.

is playing two women at the same time a sign of infidelity or conspiracy?

when yue yue saw the wedding invitation on xi lihou's colleague's desk, she couldn't help but open it and take a look.

on the invitation, xi lihou's name was written together with a woman's. yue yue finally realized that his disappearance without reason, his false resignation and his study abroad were all just excuses.

not only that, xi lihou's brother told him that xi lihou had been married before, but since he met the young and beautiful yue yue, xi lihou immediately dumped his ex-wife.

although it was clearly the fault of the scumbag xi lihou, his ex-wife pushed all the blame onto yue yue, saying that if yue yue had not appeared, xi lihou would never have divorced her.

i really don't know what's so good about xi lihou. everyone is vying for him. moreover, xi lihou's marriage partner chu chu has been in love with xi lihou for one or two years, and she is six months pregnant.

considering the time, xi lihou had been hooking up with chu chu while he was in a relationship with yue yue. he was definitely two-timing her.

yue yue collapsed even more when he heard this. at this time, the scumbag xi lihou finally showed up. his brother forced him to choose one of the two women. at this time, xi lihou looked at the two women who were pregnant with his children, with a conflicted and hesitant look on his face.

even the mediator standing by couldn't stand it anymore and said, "as a man, you have to step forward and figure out how to solve this problem yourself. you are already a grown-up, and you still need your big brother to make the decision."

xi lihou finally made up his mind and was ready to make a choice, and yue yue looked at him expectantly. even though it had come to this, she hoped that xi lihou's heart would belong to her for a moment.

unexpectedly, xi lihou blurted out:"chu chu, this is my choice, this is my attitude."

yue yue was completely disappointed. after eight years of love and more than two thousand days and nights, she got such a result. she still felt a little unwilling, and she loudly asked xi lihou why he tortured her like this, but xi lihou remained silent in the face of yue yue's questioning.

yue yue collapsed. her heart was suddenly filled with anger, grievance, and sadness. in her grief and anger, a crazy idea popped into her mind.

why make a scene at the wedding?

tomorrow is xi lihou's wedding, and yue yue wants to see with her own eyes how this scumbag who abandoned her marries someone else.

the mediator on the side couldn't help but persuade yue yue:"what's the point of you going? can you feel happy watching him get married? besides, you might ruin another girl's happiness."

but at this moment, yue yue's mind was occupied by hatred. she would not listen to any advice. she only knew that if xi lihou would not let her have an easy life, then she would not let him have an easy life either. today, she just wanted to ask xi lihou for an explanation.

for eight years, day and night, and with the little life in my belly, i had endured so much ridicule and contempt, and xi lihou just denied everything with just one word, "forget it". why should i save face for him?

yue yue took a car to the wedding scene, but as soon as she arrived at the hotel entrance, she saw the groom xi lihou holding the bride's hand and seeing off the guests with a smile on his face. this happy scene immediately angered yue yue.

she walked forward and prepared to make a scene, but was driven away by xi's relatives. yue yue shouted, "xi lihou, you liar."

upon seeing this, xi's relatives hurriedly rushed yue yue to a deserted place, while xi lihou hurriedly hid in the wedding car and drove away, leaving yue yue alone to suffer the blame from relatives.

in the eyes of xi's relatives, yue yue had already destroyed xi lihou's marriage once and now wanted to do it again. they would never allow yue yue to make a scene here.

poor yue yue not only had to face her ruthless ex-boyfriend, but also had to deal with this group of extremely bad relatives. she loudly complained to the xi family relatives:

"he must give me an explanation."

"what explanation?"

"i've been playing with you for eight years!"

"who's playing with whom?"

during the argument, the two sides actually started fighting. faced with the large number of xi family relatives, yue yue and the program crew had to leave temporarily.

after watching xi lihou's wedding with someone else, yue yue felt helpless and sad. she should have been the protagonist of this wedding, and she really couldn't accept that her boyfriend, whom she had been in love with for eight years, was marrying someone else.

in the post-interview, she looked at the camera as if she was looking at her former boyfriend, and asked in a broken-down manner:"why do you want to play two women at the same time? i can't bear this kind of blow! you are unworthy of my sincerity towards you. why didn't you let go a few years ago? all my hard work, effort and sincerity have all burst like soap bubbles."

yue yue's crying did not win xi lihou's sympathy. a few days after the wedding, yue yue saw xi lihou again, but things had changed and xi lihou was already a married man.

looking at the haggard yue yue, xi lihou had no intention of showing any concern or greeting. all he wanted was to quickly solve the current problem and then return to his own happiness.

xi lihou actually suspected that the baby in yue yue's belly was not his. this made yue yue very angry, and she said that she could ask the nurse to prove that the baby was xi lihou's.

after the dispute, xi lihou apologized to yue yue and promised to make certain compensation to yue yue. the matter seemed to be over here, but the emotional, physical and mental damage suffered by yue yue was irreparable.

after this experience, yue yue was extremely disappointed in love. she sadly left this strange city and boarded the train back to shenzhen.


love is something that both parties are willing to do. if you don’t love anymore, please let go in time. don’t be greedy while having your cake and eating it too. otherwise, you will end up playing with fire and getting burned.

anyone who meets a cowardly, promiscuous and problem-avoiding person like xi lihou will be unlucky. boys and girls, please keep your eyes open and don't be fooled by the sweet words of such people.