
a pregnant woman who was 34 weeks pregnant had two toes broken by a glass bottle thrown from a high altitude. the police said: dna collection has been completed and is being analyzed.


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recently, an anhui netizen posted on a social platform that on the evening of august 24, he and his 34-week pregnant wife went downstairs for a walk and encountered objects thrown from a high altitude. his wife was hit on the right foot by the fragments of a sesame oil glass bottle thrown from a height, causing two toes on her right foot to be seriously injured and part of them were amputated. this incident has attracted the attention of netizens. the netizen mr. sun (pseudonym) who posted the message told the reporter of upstream news (the email address for reporting is [email protected]) that his wife was in great pain after being injured and they have called the police. the staff of the local police station told the reporter of upstream news that this incident is true and the dna collection work has been completed and is being analyzed.

the post posted by mr. sun showed that his family lives in a residential area in feixi county, hefei city. the incident happened at around 8:30 p.m. on august 24. at that time, he was accompanying his wife who was in the late stage of pregnancy to go downstairs for a walk. just a few steps out of the door of the building, he heard his wife screaming and slowly falling to the ground, crying bitterly. there was a broken sesame oil glass bottle on the ground beside her.

mr. sun's wife fell to the ground injured. photo provided by the interviewee

mr. sun took off his wife's slippers and found that the third toe of her right foot was broken and the fourth toe seemed to be flattened. blood was pouring out and the bones were clearly visible. after calling 110 and 120, an ambulance took mr. sun's wife to the nearby jingkai general surgery hospital. the doctor said that because the two injured toes were severely damaged, they could not be reattached. in the end, mr. sun and his wife chose to trim the stumps. after local anesthesia, the injured part was removed through surgery, and only about half of each toe remained.

the medical records of mr. sun’s wife. photo provided by the interviewee

mr. sun said that the next day after the incident, the police station came to his wife's house to take a statement and retrieved the surveillance footage from the high-altitude camera, but because it was at night, the video was not very clear and only a white arc could be seen. when mr. sun went to the police station to take a statement, he was told that the technicians were analyzing the surveillance footage and that the police had also extracted fingerprints, dna and other information from the sesame oil bottle.

upstream news reporters found that related posts were very popular on social media platforms. the first post had 42,000 likes and more than 8,600 comments, and the five posts had a total of 20,000 comments. many netizens suggested that mr. sun sue the entire building. "too bad, throwing objects from high places is murder," "fortunately, it didn't hit my head, it's a blessing in disguise"...

mr. sun's wife's right foot was injured by a sesame oil bottle thrown from a high altitude. photo provided by the interviewee

on august 30, when interviewed by upstream news, mr. sun said that the police had collected dna information from some suspicious residents and would notify them if there was any progress. "but no one has contacted us. my wife's due date is october 1, and i feel increasingly hopeless. if i delay any further, my wife will give birth soon, and i will have no energy to deal with this matter."

the outpatient medical records sent by mr. sun showed that his wife went to the hand and foot surgery clinic of the hospital for treatment on august 24. the examination results showed that "the distal phalanx of the third toe of the right foot was completely severed, and the toe bone was exposed in the wound; the distal phalanx of the fourth toe was only connected to the soft tissue on the fibular side, the nail plate was peeled off, the nail bed was broken, and the toe tip was slightly darker in color." the treatment opinion was "outpatient local infiltration anesthesia for right foot debridement + stump repair (the family has been informed of the possible adverse reactions of local anesthetics)." due to concerns about harming the fetus in the abdomen, mr. sun took his wife to the second affiliated hospital of anhui medical university for a prenatal check-up in the early morning of the 25th. the outpatient medical records showed that the main complaint was "34 weeks + 4 days of pregnancy, and was hit by objects thrown from a high altitude for more than 4 hours." the examination results showed that the fetus' vital signs were stable.

regarding the incident in which mr. sun's wife was injured by objects thrown from a high altitude, the staff of taohua police station where the incident occurred said that it was true. "now the dna of the suspect floors has been collected, and the collection work has basically been completed. we are doing dna and data analysis, which will take some time. we will definitely tell the family as soon as there is a result."

the bottle that caused the accident was thrown from this building. photo provided by the interviewee

how to protect rights when encountering objects thrown from high places? fu jian, a well-known criminal defense lawyer and director of henan zejin law firm, said that mr. sun can keep relevant evidence, such as video surveillance, medical certificates, etc., and call the police in time. if the specific perpetrator can be found in this case, he may need to bear criminal and civil liability. according to the criminal law, if objects are thrown from buildings or other high places, if the circumstances are serious, they shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than one year, detention or control. the sesame oil bottle fragments in this case are dangerous to a certain extent and have caused serious consequences, and may need to bear criminal liability. mr. sun’s wife can also ask him to bear civil compensation liability, including medical expenses, loss of work time, etc. if the specific perpetrator cannot be found, according to the relevant provisions of the civil code, the victim can sue the people in the entire building. at the same time, if the property and other building managers fail to take necessary safety measures, they also need to bear corresponding responsibilities according to law.

upstream news reporter jin xin and intern wen shenghan