
what to do with the uniforms after military training? nearly 500 sets of camouflage uniforms from hangzhou high school have found a good place to go


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zhu lizhen, reporter of chao news client
military training is the first lesson for high school freshmen. recently, many high schools in hangzhou have been carrying out military training in full swing. after the military training, where do the camouflage uniforms go? the reporter of chao news interviewed several students at random. they put them in the bottom of the box, recycled them... it sounds a pity to put them in disuse after wearing them for a few days.
the teachers of the first grade group of hangzhou senior high school gongyuan campus also noticed this problem, and they came up with a good idea - donate camouflage uniforms to people in need, so that this touch of camouflage green "will never fade."
from the inception of the idea to the implementation of the plan, the teachers were busy and the parents and students cooperated enthusiastically. on august 31, the camouflage uniforms voluntarily donated by nearly 500 students from hangzhou high school gongyuan were all washed and dried and delivered to the construction workers of the hangzhou jianghehui project undertaken by china construction eighth engineering bureau.
students from hangzhou high school donated military training uniforms. photo provided by the school
the parent committee group issued a donation initiative
parents and students responded positively
on the evening of august 22, the military training for the freshmen of the class of 2024 of hangzhou high school kicked off. the interweaving of the red and camouflage colors of hangzhou high school created a beautiful youthful landscape. military training is the starting point that every student of hangzhou high school must go through. the students of hangzhou high school dressed in camouflage uniforms are like playing a symphony of history and youth.
as the military training came to an end, when the students took off the camouflage uniforms that had accompanied them through countless days of sweat and laughter, what surged in their hearts was not only nostalgia for the military training time, but also thoughts on how to make the best use of the camouflage uniforms.
students from hangzhou gaogong university campus are in military training. photo provided by the school
it is understood that there are more than 700 freshmen in hangzhou gongyuan this year. during the discussion among the teachers of the first-year group, they also talked about the whereabouts of the camouflage uniforms. these camouflage uniforms should not be shelved or even abandoned. perhaps they can continue to shine elsewhere.
under the leadership of the first-year grade group of hangzhou high school gongyuan campus and the director of the student affairs office, ms. lv wei, the secretary of the youth league committee, ms. chen long, and the director of the education and science department, ms. bao suyin, everyone hit it off and turned the idea into reality.
on august 28, hangzhou high school held a military training parade performance, which also marked the successful conclusion of the military training. in the grade parent committee group, the first grade group and the youth league committee of hangzhou high school gongyuan campus issued a joint initiative to donate military training uniforms.
"hello everyone, after the parade this morning, the military training will come to a successful conclusion, and the children will bid farewell to camouflage green. in order to sustainably utilize the military training uniforms and give full play to their caring effects, after communication and consultation, we would like to ask the children to voluntarily wash the military training uniforms and donate them to the workers on the construction site. today, the school youth league committee and grade group will issue a donation initiative to the children, formulate a detailed work plan, and organize a donation ceremony in conjunction with china construction eighth engineering bureau in the near future..."
unexpectedly, as soon as the initiative was issued, it received positive responses from parents of various classes.
"class 9 all agreed to donate!"
"all parents of class 8 agree!"
some parents also suggested that the newly purchased mosquito nets and mattresses take up space at home, but there are many mosquitoes at the construction site, so they can be put to use. can they also be donated?
the enthusiasm and warmth of sharing and gratitude have spread to more and more people in hangzhou high school.
hangzhou high school proposed to donate military training camouflage uniforms, and parents responded positively. image provided by the school
wash, dry and pack
nearly 500 sets of camouflage uniforms were delivered to the construction site
the reporter of chao news learned that the military training uniforms for students are of a one-size-fits-all size of 160cm~190cm, which is too big for students, but more suitable for workers on construction sites because it is convenient to wear. the youth league committee of the school contacted china construction eighth engineering bureau and donated this batch of camouflage uniforms to the construction workers of the jianghehui project.
"our donation is voluntary. the initial idea was to have each class prepare some clean plastic bags to pack the camouflage uniforms. but the kids said they didn't need them. it was their own will. they would wash and dry the uniforms and pack them themselves." bao suyin, director of the education and science department of hangzhou gaogong university, said that thrift and hard work are traditional virtues of the chinese nation and are also the precious qualities that students have learned in military training. donation is not only about sharing uniforms, but also about passing on spirit. "the various packaging actually represents the most sincere wishes of each student."
students wash, dry and pack their military training uniforms. photo provided by the school
on the afternoon of august 30, nearly 500 sets of camouflage uniforms from students from the gongyuan campus of hangzhou high school were delivered to the fan-shaped classrooms of the gongyuan campus one after another.
hangzhou high school students are sorting donated military training uniforms. photo provided by the school
on august 31, teachers and student representatives from hangzhou high school gongyuan brought these camouflage uniforms, which were full of warmth out of kindness, to the jianghehui project site in hangzhou, zhejiang for on-site donation.
military training uniforms are delivered to workers. image provided by the school
"every military training uniform carries our sweat and memories. donating them to the workers on the construction site is not only a full utilization of resources, but also a heritage and practice of traditional virtues." zhang luoyu, a student in class 14 of hangzhou high school gongyuan campus, said that the camouflage uniforms are infused with the friendship of the classmates. "the hard-working workers on the construction site will feel the care of the society and our gratitude because of the warmth from hangzhou high school."
the donation site pictures were provided by the school
the donation of military training uniforms is not just a simple transfer of items, but also a continuation and development of the hangzhou high school spirit that has lasted for 120 years, and a practice of what has been learned in military training.
these military training uniforms, which have witnessed the growth of students, have been given new meaning.
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