
netherlands: ukraine is allowed to use f-16 fighter jets in russia


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china news service, august 30. according to reports from the ukrainian pravda and the us newsweek, on august 29 local time, the commander of the dutch armed forces, eichelsheim, stated that the netherlands allows ukraine to use the f-16 fighter jets provided by the netherlands on russian territory.
eichelsheim said the netherlands "has not imposed any restrictions on the use and range of the f-16s." he added that "ukraine can use the resources we provide as it wishes, as long as it abides by the laws of war."
the report said the netherlands has pledged to provide ukraine with 24 f-16 fighter jets, but eichelsheim did not disclose how many the ukrainian army has received.
regarding the west's provision of f-16 fighter jets to ukraine, russian president's press secretary peskov previously stated that western countries delivering f-16 fighter jets to ukraine "will not change the war situation." russia has also previously sent a note to nato countries on the issue of arms supply to ukraine. russian foreign minister lavrov stated that any materials containing weapons to ukraine will become russia's "legitimate targets."
source: china news network
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