
a beijing man was beaten for trying to persuade people not to carry electric vehicle batteries upstairs! reporters visited the scene


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on august 29, a citizen reported that in zhongtai yaxuan community, chaoyang district, a 70-year-old man had a conflict with a man over the issue of preventing an electric bicycle battery from being brought upstairs. during the dispute, the man hit the old man in the left ribs and he fell to the ground.
a reporter from beijing radio and television station went to zhongtai yaxuan community in chaoyang district at 8 p.m. on the 30th and saw conspicuous slogans "electric bicycles and batteries are prohibited from entering buildings and homes" posted in front of the residential buildings and inside and outside the elevators. there were also signs asking residents to supervise each other.
even so, the reporter still found that some residents brought electric bicycle batteries upstairs. residents who brought batteries into the house said that if they put the batteries downstairs to charge, they would be unplugged, so they had no choice but to take the batteries home to charge them, and then ride the electric bike to work the next day after they were fully charged.
the reporter also interviewed several residents in the community. many residents said that they often see people carrying batteries in the elevator. for safety reasons, they will kindly remind them, but if they don’t listen, there is nothing they can do and they can only choose to avoid taking the same elevator.
some residents in the community also admitted that they did not charge their batteries downstairs because people often steal batteries in the community and sell them for money. a battery is sometimes more expensive than an electric car. if you charge your batteries downstairs according to regulations, who will be responsible if the batteries are lost?
it is understood that in recent years, there have been many cases of fires caused by charging electric bicycle batteries in residential buildings. as a result, relevant departments have used multiple channels to remind residents not to bring batteries into their homes, but some residents still take chances.
(reporter yan kui and chen qinwei)
source: beijing news